Software Quality Attributes
bet | 15/16 | Sana | 21.03.2021 | Hajmi | 82,5 Kb. | | #13334 |
The primary attribute of this application will be usability given the large amounts of data and information that will be presented on such a small screen, as well as the user’s ability to input data into the device in a reasonable manner that should not be that much more difficult than if they were at an actual computer. As usability is hard to quantify, substantial user testing will be needed and feedback gathered in order to determine if the application can generally be considered usable.
Because this application will be on a phone, portability is also important. We don’t want it to take up so much space or be too slow causing the user’s to not be able to fit it on the device.
Interoperability is something that is specifically not important, at least at the beginning. The Android device is being used because both of its popularity and the ability for the code to be open-source. This is in contrast to other phones, like the iPhone, which would not allow for open source application development and would go against the goals of the overall project. However, in the future, the ability to use this on other phones that support the goals of the project would be nice, but that is also outside of the scope of this project.
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