1. Käsu täitmine protsessoris (käsuloendur, käsuregister, käsu dekooder, operatsioon automaat ja juhtautomaat)

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1. Konveier protsessoris ja mälus.

Konveier kiirendab protsessori tööd, kuna võimaldav mitut käsku täita paralleelselt. Ta ei suurenda üksiku käsu täitmise kiirust. Ilma konveierita protsessori töös täidetakse käske jadamisi. Konveier täidab paralleelselt, kui ühe käsu käsuloendur on saatnud käsu aadressi mälu poole, et saada käsukood, siis ta laeb endasse järgmise käsu ja saadab ka selle teele. Samal ajal toimub juba esimese käsu salvestamine käsuregistrisse ja sellele järgneb käsu dekodeerimine.

An instruction pipeline is a technique used in the design of computers to increase their instruction throughput (the number of instructions that can be executed in a unit of time). The basic instruction cycle is broken up into a series called a pipeline. Rather than processing each instruction sequentially (one at a time, finishing one instruction before starting the next), each instruction is split up into a sequence of steps so different steps can be executed concurrently (by different circuitry) and in parallel (at the same time).
Pipelining increases instruction throughput by performing multiple operations at the same time (in parallel), but does not reduce instruction latency (the time to complete a single instruction from start to finish) as it still must go through all steps. Indeed, it may increase latency due to additional overhead from breaking the computation into separate steps and worse, the pipeline may stall (or even need to be flushed), further increasing latency. Pipelining thus increases throughput at the cost of latency, and is frequently used in CPUs, but avoided in realtime systems, where latency is a hard constraint.
Each instruction is split into a sequence of dependent steps. The first step is always to fetch the instruction from memory; the final step is usually writing the results of the instruction to processor registers or to memory. Pipelining seeks to let the processor work on as many instructions as there are dependent steps, just as an assembly line builds many vehicles at once, rather than waiting until one vehicle has passed through the line before admitting the next one. Just as the goal of the assembly line is to keep each assembler productive at all times, pipelining seeks to keep every portion of the processor busy with some instruction. Pipelining lets the computer's cycle time be the time of the slowest step, and ideally lets one instruction complete in every cycle.
The term pipeline is an analogy to the fact that there is fluid in each link of a pipeline, as each part of the processor is occupied with work.

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Bosh sahifa

    Bosh sahifa

1. Käsu täitmine protsessoris (käsuloendur, käsuregister, käsu dekooder, operatsioon automaat ja juhtautomaat)

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