In Kali open up your Iceweasel browser. Exploit DB is already bookmarked.
Phase Five
While working with all the above tools, we leap over the line from safe to illegal and
work directly with tools that could easily break a business. The point of a penetration test is to
attack an environment in a controlled way so the defenders can have accurate and honest
information on their weaknesses. Offensive security is a defensive tool. As flashy as exploits
may be, everything in your offensive arsenal comes down to a simulated attack. Wargaming is
only as good as the lessons learned at the end. RecordMyDesktop is the least technical tool
on this list, but in my opinion, the most important. Showing exactly how an exploit worked, and
having a clear and objective record of the attack taking place will be essential for the analysis
and cleanup stages after the penetration test has completed.
Remember to ask questions when in doubt. The tools listed here can be used for great evil,
and that’s exactly why they were included. Knowing the enemy is half the battle.
Keep yourself safe, and happy hacking.