Internet of Things and Internet of Everything are two words that commonly refers to the
new trend to have small, cheap and always-connected devices used to send data to a
backend cloud based applications. This opens up a new set of possibilities and products
that companies are developing and selling in both industrial and consumer markets.
In 2018 Metropolia University of Applied Science started a new study course, called In-
ternet of Things. The study course includes first an overall Introduction of IoT, followed
by a development of an IoT business case and finally over a practical IoT simulation.
This thesis work was aiming to build practical cases where students could experience,
through an IoT simulator, the various IoT sensor-based components, network land-
scapes where all the devices are connected and backend intelligence where logic and
analysis of sensor-based data can be gathered and analyzed.
The tool chosen for the simulations is Cisco Packet Tracer, this tool has been used for
many years to train students on Cisco networking. Main strength of the tool is the offering
of a variety of network components that simulate a real network, devices would then
need to be interconnected and configured in order to create a network. In the last version
of the tool Cisco introduced IoT functionalities, and now it is possible to add to the net-
work smart devices, components, sensors, actuators and also devices that simulate mi-
crocontrollers such as Arudino or Raspberry Pi. All the IoT devices can be run on stand-
ard programs or can be customized by programming them with Java, Phyton or Blockly.
This makes Cisco Packet Tracer an ideal tool for building IoT practical simulations and
class exercises.
The scope of this study was to focus on preparing four different pre-defined Cisco Packet
Tracer scenarios that would help students to quickly understand the IoT functionalities
of the tool. An introduction of the tool, explanation of the IoT functionalities of it and
support the students during the group work exercises was also part of the thesis work.
The need of the pre-configured exercise comes to the fact that only two classes were
destined for the IoT practical simulations within the study course. These exercises rep-
resent a solid foundation for the students to expand the simulations closely to the own
business case developed in the previous part of the course of study.
The four simulations environments provide a fully working network utilizing various Cisco
components such as: router, wireless router, switch, internet connectivity cloud and
backend IoT servers. Additionally, in all four simulations, there are examples of IoT smart
devices already connected to the local network. Also backend logic is provided and pro-
gramming of these sensors have been created in order to give examples to the students
of how setup further and more complicated cases.
For more advanced users and, in order to build more realistic cases, Cisco Packet Tracer
offers also the possibility to a more low-lever IoT simulation using microcontroller, sen-
sors and actuators. These scenarios are not utilizing smart devices always connected to
an IoT network, but they replicate cases where Arduino or Raspberry Pi microcontrollers
are used, including cabling and creation of custom made programs.
In each of the four simulations there is one example of sensor-to-actuator cases using
basic Blockly programming of the microcontroller devices.
The methodology used in the thesis has been the similar utilized in a business typical
project: demand, development, delivery, feedback and closure.
The starting point of the thesis work was to interview and gather requirements from the
course lecturer on the needs and contents for the IoT course. Even if need to have prac-
tical exercises was clear, the tool, methodology and simulation structure was open at this
stages, especially as the Internet of Things course was never been part of the degree
program before. The other limitations that were kept in mind in the planning phase was
to be able to structure the exercises in order to meet different skillset within the students
group to balance networking and programming knowledge. The other constraint that
emerged during the interviews was that practical slots were limited to two session in
computer class. Needs to have pre-packaged simulations was clear.
Once demand part of the project had been clarified the next part was the development
of the exercises with the Cisco Packet Tracer tool.
The Cisco Packet Tracer learning material was not fully accessible or even available,
especially for the IoT section. In order to gather initial knowledge of the tool, and develop
them by building the simulations, part of the thesis was to follow three online Cisco
NetAcad course: Intro to IoT, Packet Tracer 1o1 (2016) and Packet Tracer 1o1 (2017).
These three courses helped to get a solid overview of the tool and the IoT capabilities of
The next core activity of the thesis development was to prepare and document the sim-
ulations, building them started with the creation of specifications and setup of basic net-
works and then adding IoT smart devices, creation of backend intelligence and then the
addition of a small microcontroller examples.
The four IoT cases are simulating Smart-Homes, in two variants, Smart-Campus and
Smart-Industrial. Network layers were built using a combination between router, wireless
router, switches, backbone connection, 3G antennas and internet connection clouds.
Smart-Home cases simulate a domotic experience where IoT smart devices are con-
nected to a local network in order to give automation within the house. Examples of home
automations include climate control, alarm and security events, electricity storing and
intelligent lights.
Smart-Campus simulates a university campus with different network zones, where elec-
tricity is produced and utilized by smart devices and, security sensors. Smart building
access control is also in place.
Smart-Industrial is a simulation of a power plant that produces and stores electricity via
solar panels and wind turbines. All the electricity is produced by smart devices, then
stored and utilized to power a production chain filled with smart sensor and actuators.
IoT security features are also introduced in the simulations.
The other fundamental part of the thesis work was to deliver the exercise and introduce
the simulations to the students of the Metropolia Internet of Things course. Two session
were organized in order to first give to the student a brief introduction of the tool and its
capabilities, in addition to that a small networking exercise was also given to students in
order to experience the setup of a basic interconnected network using basic components
such: router, switch and simulated PC. In the first practical class also an introduction of
Cisco Packet Tracer IoT components was given.
The second practical session was for the students to purely practice with the IoT com-
ponent offered by the Cisco Packet Tracer. The groups used the four pre-defined exer-
cise as foundation to build a simulation close to the own IoT business case developed in
the early stages of the IoT study course. During the practical session support, knowledge
sharing and tips were given to the groups in order to create the own network and IoT
simulation. For students where the own business case was not practically achievable
using Cisco Packet Tracer it was asked to modify one of the four pre-build simulations.
Last part of the project was to gather feedback from the students at the end of the two
practical session. Feedbacks and suggestions were both regarding the four simulation
cases but also on the eligibility of the Cisco Packet Tracer tool itself. These inputs have
been used to integrate the conclusion section of the thesis work along with experiences
gathered while building the examples.
Conclusions are also commenting the possible future study course structure and also
how the future simulation should be linked deeper to the students business case, possi-
bly including a real practice with microcontrollers.
The thesis report is written in four main sections, chapter two give an introduction of IoT
and the Cisco Packet Tracer tool, chapter three describes the procedure and steps of
the project, chapter four give the technical explanation of the four simulation cases and
chapters five and six gather the student’s feedback and conclusion of the study.