• Enable Kernel Debugging
  • Specify Global Debug Settings
  • Specify Debug Settings for a specified Boot Entry
  • Specify the Default Operating System
  • Specify the Boot Managers Timeout Value
  • Change a Boot Entrys Description
  • Control How Boot Entries Appear to the User
  • Create a New Windows Vista Boot Entry
  • Create a Boot Entry to Boot a WIM from a Hard Disk
  • Make a Non-system Store into the System Store
  • Boot Configuration Data in Windows Vista

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    The BCDStore Class

    The BCDStore class represents a BCD store. It allows developers to do such tasks as create stores, add or delete objects, and import the contents of a non-system store into system store. The object has one property, StoreFilePath, which contains the fully-qualified path of the object's BCD store. For convenience, the system store is represented by an empty string (""). The following table lists the object's methods.

    BCDStore Methods




    Copies the specified object from another store.


    Copies the objects of the specified type from another store.


    Creates the specified object.


    Creates a new store.


    Deletes the specified object.


    Deletes the system store.


    Enumerates the objects of the specified type.


    Gets the system disk.


    Gets the system partition.


    Exports a store to a specified file.


    Marks the specified store as the system store.


    Opens the specified object.


    Opens a store.

    The BCDObject Class

    The BCDObject class represents a BCD object. It allows developers to do such tasks as add or delete elements or modify the values of existing elements. Objects are identified by a GUID and also contain a Type property that specifies the object's purpose. The following table lists the object's properties:

    BCDObject Properties




    The fully-qualified path of the BCD store. The system store is represented by an empty string ("").


    The object's GUID, in string format.


    The object's type.

    The following table lists the object's methods.

    BCDObject Methods




    Deletes the specified element.


    Enumerates the types of elements in the object.


    Enumerates the elements in the object.


    Gets the specified element.


    Sets the specified Boolean element.


    Sets the specified device element.


    Sets the specified file device element.


    Sets the specified integer element.


    Sets the specified object element.


    Sets the specified object list element.


    Sets the specified partition device element.


    Sets the specified string element.

    BCDElement Classes

    A number of classes represent elements, one for each supported data type. The base class is BCDElement, which has no methods. It supports the same three properties that are supported by BCDObject. However, with BCDElement the ID property is named ObjectID. The following table lists the classes that are derived from BCDElement.

    BCDElement Types and Subclasses




    Contains a Boolean value.


    Contains an integer element.


    Contains an object ID.


    Contains a list of object IDs.


    Contains a string.

    BCD Cookbook

    This section contains a number of brief examples of how to use BCDEdit for common tasks. It also shows some examples of how to use the BCD WMI API to do the same tasks programmatically.

    Kernel Debugging

    This section shows how to use BCDEdit to enable kernel debugging and specify debug settings.

    Enable Kernel Debugging

    Use the following BCDEdit command to enable or disable kernel debugging for a specified boot entry.

    bcdedit /debug [ID] {on | off}

    ID is the GUID that is associated with a boot entry. If it is omitted, BCDEdit modifies the current boot entry by default. To specify a particular boot entry, set ID to the string form of the associated GUID. The following example enables kernel debugging for the specified entry.

    bcdedit /debug {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} on

    Specify Global Debug Settings

    To specify debug settings globally, use the following command.

    bcdedit /dbgsettings type settings

    The following examples show how to specify global debug settings for serial, 1394, and USB connections.

    bcdedit /dbgsettings serial debugport:1 baudrate:115200

    bcdedit /dbgsettings 1394 channel:32

    bcdedit /dbgsettings USB targetname:U1

    Specify Debug Settings for a specified Boot Entry

    To specify debug settings for a specific boot entry, use BCDEdit to set the appropriate elements. The particular settings depend on the connection type.

    bcdedit /set ID debugsetting1

    bcdedit /set ID debugsetting2

    The following example shows how to specify debug settings for a serial connection for a specified entry.

    bcdedit /set {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} debugtype serial

    bcdedit /set {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} debugport 2

    bcdedit /set {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} baudrate 115200

    Specify the Default Operating System

    To specify the default operating system, use:

    bcdedit /default ID

    ID is the GUID for the Windows boot loader boot entry that is associated with the desired operating system. For example:

    bcdedit /default {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71}

    To change the default boot entry to the legacy loader, set ID to {ntldr}, which is BCDEdit 's well-known name for the GUID that is associated with Ntldr.

    bcdedit /default {ntldr}

    The following Microsoft® Visual Basic® Script sample shows how to use the BCD WMI API to specify the default operating system. It takes a single argument, the GUID that is associated with the boot entry for the new default operating system.

    set Locator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")

    set Services = Locator.ConnectServer(".", "root\wmi")

    Services.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3

    DefaultOsIdentifier = WScript.Arguments(0)
    'These hardcoded values will be replaced with official constants

    ' whenavailable.

    const BootMgrId = "{9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795}"

    const DefaultType = &h23000003


    'Open up a connection to WMI BcdStore class, allowing for

    'impersonation. We need to request that Backup and Restore

    'privileges be granted as well.

    set BcdStoreClass = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate,(Backup,Restore)}!" & MachineName & "root/wmi:BcdStore")
    if not BcdStoreClass.OpenStore("", BcdStore) then

    WScript.Echo "Couldn't open the system store!"


    end if


    ' Open the "boot manager" object.


    if not BcdStore.OpenObject(BootMgrId, BootMgr) then

    WScript.Echo "Couldn't open the boot manager object!"


    end if


    ' Set the boot manager's default OS object to the specified OS.

    ' Note that objects must be passed as strings.


    if not BootMgr.SetObjectElement(DefaultType, DefaultOSIdentifier) then

    WScript.Echo "Couldn't set the default OS value!"


    end if
    WScript.Echo "Successfully set the boot manager's default OS value."

    Specify the Boot Manager's Timeout Value

    To specify the boot manager's timeout value, use:

    bcdedit /timeout Timeout

    Timeout specifies the value in seconds. For example, to specify a 15-second timeout value:

    bcdedit /timeout 15

    Manage Boot Entries

    This section shows how to manage the boot entries in BCD.

    Change a Boot Entry's Description

    The description is the text that appears in the list of boot entries that is displayed to the user at boot time. Use the following command to change a boot entry's description. ID is the GUID that is associated with the desired boot entry.

    Bcdedit /set ID description "The new description"

    For example:

    bcdedit /set {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} description "My Favorite OS"

    Control How Boot Entries Appear to the User

    To specify the order in which boot entries appear to the user, run the following command. ID1, ID2, and so on are the GUIDs that are associated with the boot entries. Any boot entries that are not included in the list do not appear. If only one entry is specified, the Windows boot manager simply selects that entry without displaying a list.

    bcdedit /displayorder ID1 [ID2] [ID3] [...]

    The following command specifies three boot entries: two identified by their GUIDS and Ntldr by its well-known name.

    bcdedit /displayorder {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f}

    {cbd971bf-b7b8-4885-951a-fa03044f5d71} {ntldr}
    The following command adds a boot entry to the beginning or end of the current list, or removes an entry from the list.

    bcdedit /displayorder ID [/addlast] [/addfirst] [/remove]

    The following example adds an Ntldr entry to the end of the display order.

    bcdedit /displayorder {ntldr} /addlast

    It is also possible to specify a display order that applies only to the next reboot. After that, BCD reverts to the original display order. Use the following command, where the IDs are the GUIDs that are associated with the boot entries.

    bcdedit /bootsequence ID1 [ID2] [ID3] ...

    Create a New Windows Vista Boot Entry

    The following procedure creates an additional Windows Vista boot entry. This allows a user, for example, to have separate normal and debug configurations for the same version of the operating system.

    1. Make a copy of an existing Windows Vista boot entry, as shown in the following example. ID is the GUID that is associated with the boot entry to be copied. BCDEdit creates a GUID for the new boot entry.

    Bcdedit /copy ID /d "New entry description"
    2. The preceding command returns the GUID that is associated with the new boot entry. Use that GUID to modify the partition information, as shown in the following example. NewID is the GUID of the new boot entry, and this example sets the partition to "d:".

    Bcdedit /set NewID device partition=d:

    Bcdedit /set NewID osdevice partition=d:
    3. Add the new boot entry to the display order. The following example adds it to the end of the list.

    Bcdedit /displayorder NewID –addlast

    4. Make any additional configuration changes that are required, such as enabling the kernel debugger.

    Delete a Boot Entry

    The following command deletes a boot entry from BCD. ID is the GUID that is associated with the boot entry.

    bcdedit /delete ID

    The following Visual Basic Script example shows how to use the BCD WMI API to delete a boot entry. It takes a single argument, the GUID that is associated with the boot entry to be deleted.

    set Locator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")

    set Services = Locator.ConnectServer(".", "root\wmi")

    Services.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3

    if WScript.Arguments.Count < 1 then

    WScript.Echo "Usage: " & WScript.FullName & " " & WScript.ScriptName & " "


    end if
    TargetOS = WScript.Arguments(0)


    ' These hardcoded values will be replaced with official constants when

    ' available.


    const BootMgrId = "{9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795}"

    const DefaultType = &h23000003

    const DisplayOrderType = &h24000001

    set BcdStoreClass = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate,(Backup,Restore)}!" & "root/wmi:BcdStore")

    if not BcdStoreClass.OpenStore("",BcdStore) then

    WScript.Echo "Couldn't open the system store!"


    end if


    ' Open the "boot manager" object.


    if not BcdStore.OpenObject(BootMgrId, BootMgr) then

    WScript.Echo "Couldn't open the boot manager object!"


    end if


    ' Get the boot manager's display order list.


    if not BootMgr.GetElement(DisplayOrderType, BootOrderList) then

    WScript.Echo "Couldn't get the display order list!"


    ' remove the target os from the boot order list.


    dim NewBootOrderList()

    i = 0

    for each OSIdentifier in BootOrderList.Ids

    if not TargetOS = OSIdentifier then

    redim preserve NewBootOrderList(i)

    NewBootOrderList(i) = OSIdentifier

    i =i + 1

    end if

    if not BootMgr.SetObjectListElement(DisplayOrderType, NewBootOrderList) then

    WScript.Echo "Couldn't set the new display order list!"


    end if

    end if


    ' Finally, delete the OS object


    if not BcdStore.DeleteObject(TargetOS) then

    WScript.Echo "Couldn't delete target OS: " & TargetOS


    end if
    WScript.Echo "Successfully deleted target OS: " & TargetOS

    Enable PAE

    The following command enables PAE for a specified boot entry. ID is the GUID that is associated with the desired boot entry. If no ID is specified, BCDEdit modifies the setting for the currently active operating system.

    Bcdedit /set ID PAE ForceEnable

    For example:

    bcdedit /set {802d5e32-0784-11da-bd33-000476eba25f} PAE ForceEnable

    Create a Boot Entry to Boot a WIM from a Hard Disk

    This section shows how to create a boot entry to boot a WIM from a hard disk. It assumes that the boot drive is "c:/". The WIM is contained in boot.wim, which is a normal WIM with Winload.exe in the System32 folder.

    1 Use the following set of commands to create a ramdiskoptions object in the BCD store. The string "{ramdiskoptions}" is the well-known name for the object's GUID.

    bcdedit /create {ramdiskoptions} /d "Ramdisk options"

    bcdedit /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice partition=c:

    bcdedit /set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath \boot\boot.sdi
    2. Create a new boot entry.

    bcdedit -create /d "Display Text" /application OSLOADER

    3. Step 2 returns the GUID that is associated with the newly created boot entry. It is referred to as NewGUID in the remaining examples. Run the following set of commands to configure the boot entry.

    bcdedit /set {NewGUID} device ramdisk=[c:]\sources\boot.wim,{ramdiskoptions}

    bcdedit /set {NewGUID} path \windows\system32\winload.exe

    bcdedit /set {NewGUID} osdevice ramdisk=[c:]\sources\boot.wim,{ramdiskoptions}

    bcdedit /set {NewGUID} systemroot \windows

    Make a Non-system Store into the System Store

    Systems can have any number of BCD stores. However, there can be only one system store, and it controls the boot process. The /import command replaces the contents of the system store with the contents of a specified non-system store. To preserve the contents of the current system store, run the /export command to create a backup copy of the system store. To restore the original system store, import the backup copy.

    The following commands save a backup copy of the system store and import a non-system store into the system store. NewStoreName is the fully-qualified name of the file that contains the non-system store, and BackupStoreName is the fully-qualified name of the file that contains the backup store.

    bcdedit /export BackupStoreName

    bcdedit /import NewStoreName

    The following Visual Basic Script example shows how to import a specified non-system store into the system store. It takes one parameter—the fully-qualified path for the BCD store that is to become the new system store.

    set Locator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")

    set Services = Locator.ConnectServer(".", "root\wmi")

    Services.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3

    FilePath = WScript.Arguments(0)


    ' Retrieve the BcdStore class object and call the static

    ' ImportStore method on it.


    set BcdStoreClass = Services.Get("BcdStore")

    if not BcdStoreClass.ImportStore(FilePath) then

    WScript.Echo "Couldn't import the system store!"


    end if
    WScript.Echo "Successfully imported the system store from " & FilePath & "."


    The following links provide further information about BCD and the Windows boot process.


    BCD WMI Reference


    Boot Configuration Data (BCD)


    Introduction to Boot Options


    White Paper:

    EFI and Windows Vista


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