C locates s by network address (including port) such that an initial request can be sent. Program S

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Overview of Client/Server and RPC

  • Some contexts

  • Some issues raised

  • Growth of de facto RPC

  • Binding and marshalling

  • Some services

  • Example new technology service: time

  • RPC and threads vs. events

Basic Client/Server protocol

  • 1.Program C locates S by network address (including port) such that an initial request can be sent.

  • 2. Program S deciphers message from C and responds

  • 3. C deciphers message from S and responds if needed

  • Repeat 2,3 until done

Client/Server contexts I

  • Remote file systems -- operating system interface. Special hardware runs gamut from high-performance (e.g., striping) to low-performance (e.g., older machine, small memory -- no user interface, no graphics)

  • File servers --- application level service -- e.g. using serialization of objects

Client/Server contexts II

  • Database servers -- often direct, no opsys support

  • Network time servers -- obtain a time within limits. Simple case: time will fall between request and response for non-swapping process.

Client/Server contexts III

  • Network Security servers -- key storage, key generation. Authentication. (PGP?)

  • Network mail and news servers -- sending, receiving, storing, forwarding.

  • Web servers -- provide documents of various media types, including dynamically created documents (i.e., program input and output).

  • Symbolic name servers -- tables (SYS001…)

Some example issues

  • Consistent data

  • Timely delivery

  • Single standard, many needs

Data replication

  • Cardinal sin of system design

  • But not always --- some data is not numbers and can tolerate inaccuracies (NN data, systems that learn)

  • Particularly apropos for distributed systems

  • Caching, such as done with web clients, is a form of data replication. Many difficulties to address with this regarding keeping data consistent.

Caching issues

  • Is coherency guaranteed?

  • Obscure problems: Web documents are cached (windows\temporary internet files\chache1…) which means privacy may be violated.

Proxy update problems

  • Proxy servers for the web may themselves be out of date.

  • Proxy Client-server A gets a copy of data D from the master server S.

  • A serves D to Client B.

  • D is updated to D’ on S.

  • A Client B refresh from A will not help because Client A is now out of date (D != D’)

Ad hoc Client/Server solutions

  • Program C locates S by network address (including port) such that an initial request can be sent.

  • Program S deciphers message from C and responds, but the response does not get through.

  • Meanwhile program C waits for response...

  • Many ways for something to go wrong, and programmers had to take many similar steps to account for these

Need for RPC

  • A number of the problems with requesting remote services are the same as when a procedure is called, or can be made to look like this.

  • If remote computing can be made to look like a procedure call, a familiar programming paradigm can be used to deal with the problems arising.

LPC / RPC transparency

  • Agreed goal was to make remote computing look as much like local computing as possible.

  • Using an Interface Definition Language (IDL) describe the interface between the local and remote programs. Compile with a special compiler. Generate stubs in which the real code is to be written.

  • Code was being written anyway, so adopted as a de facto standard before fully understood.

Not that easy

  • Semantics of RPC allow it to either look like LPC (local procedure call) or run efficiently, but not both.

  • Standard, embodied in millions of lines of code is flawed.

Failure of remote system

  • RPC works well if there are no failures, but it can be difficult to understand behaviors, and build robust code, in cases where failures occur. The question is then -- is the system under consideration one where failures might occur? (!)

Fix it?

  • Semantics of RPC are much better understood now.

  • A major re-engineering of RPC might be called for, but…

  • With alternative constructs such as CORBA, RMI, and possibly DCOM, probably not worth it.

Distributed stress… I

Distributed Stress…. II

Distributed Stress… III

Semantics for distributed systems

  • On the one hand… use modern theoretical understanding to build robust, reliable system

  • On the other hand… remember the lessons of the Web.

  • Robust but usable standards.

One level down into RPC

Binding / Marshalling

  • Establish communication

  • Transfer program information back and forth


  • Establish connection(s) between client and server -- this might include starting a server through a factory, and what happens when the connection to the factory fails?

  • Negotiate compatibility between remote systems

  • Arg format

  • Version of client/server code

  • verify services supported

Bind -- connect

  • Start server on remote client -- which one?

  • Choose from eligible candidates running or in factories -- this places responsibility for load-balancing on the client, not necessarily a good idea.

  • If no response, then what?

  • Connection is dropped, then what?

Bind --versioning

  • Code now lives in places unknown, -- no longer resides in one location or time

  • True geographically

  • True temporally as well.

  • Requires version accounting to guarantee compatibility.

  • Client may be off line during upgrades, may be more than one version out of date…

RPC arg conventions depend on need

  • Easy RPC programming, hard application programming… restrictive form

  • Easy application programming (maybe), hard RPC considerations… flexible form

Restrictive RPC format

  • Restrictive RPC. Limits on the types of data, and on size of args passed. Fast, easy, on RPC side. Might be fine --- until some dynamic data object takes on a larger size (years later?) and major logic changes must be instituted to break up the data into smaller chunks.

Flexible RPC format

  • Flexible RPC -- complex RPC code, and not necessarily easy application writing. Loop with a single reference to a large data object ---

  • Copy to remote site each time

  • Cache at remote site

  • Tradeoff is between inefficiency (possibly fatal) and complicated code.

Marshalling and data types I

  • ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation) -- self-describing data types (e.g., like old IBM variable-length strings)

  • XDR (external data representation) SUN NFS RPC format.

Marshalling and data types II

  • 64-bit, 32-bit, 16-bit, integers/pointers

  • Floating point

  • Big Endian, Little Endian (next slide)

  • Data alignment (word boundaries, byte boundaries?) Efficiency vs. storage space. Different needs for different systems. Different systems likely for different services.

Byte ordering

  • Big-Endian -most significant byte on the left end of the word. Motorola.

  • Most RISCs running UNIX

  • TCP/IP network protocol

  • Little-Endian. Intel.

  • x86, VAX, Alpha, Windows NT machines

  • CArchive bNoByteSwap mode flag

  • value defaults to general x86 ordering

Byte ordering II

RPC and word size

  • 64 -bit representation requires 4 times the memory size to store much of a program. 4 times the loading time, storage space, swapping, etc.

  • RPC standard 64 bit, 32 bit, 16 bit?

  • Marshalling arguments requires time and code.

  • Memory not so much of an issue anymore, except in networked apps, and embedded apps --- where much of distributed systems lies.

Marshalling --- pointers

  • NOT shared memory space. What does a pointer mean?

  • copy all referenced data objects automatically

  • copy no pointer-referenced data objects, but fetch them if referenced remotely (lazy)

  • What about LISP, etc., where everything is a pointer? -- Garbage collection?

  • Leave up to the user (complex user code)

Marshalling -- Null pointer

  • If you decide to copy everything, either proactively or in a lazy manner, your marshalling algorithm still may need to know application specifics. For example, what happens in a linked structure (e.g., tree) which has null pointers?

RPC threads

  • Each new client request to a server spawns a new thread to handle it.

  • Have to be careful to avoid synchronization problems, just as with operating systems resources

RPC and deadlock

  • Without threads, A binds to B which binds to C which in turn needs A, which is busy waiting for B.

  • With threads this can be avoided, unless A is bound to a non-sharable resource.

RPC and events

  • Windowing systems (like Win95 and Windows NT) use an event dispatch model, wherein, e.g., the code attached to a window will receive a call from the operating system (a call back) telling it to handle the fact that a mouse button was pushed. RPC can be invoked this way as well.

Threads vs. events

  • If a thread has been sleeping (blocking), and then wakes up to resume processing a client request, it has its state with it, and hence knows what to do next.

  • If an event is called to resume processing the next step in some client request, it must first restore the state of that request.

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C locates s by network address (including port) such that an initial request can be sent. Program S

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