After editing:
ObjCon1.open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=sa;Initial Catalog=NREGA;Data Source= NICDRD"
After editing all the above three files, copy the ‘ConnectNrega.asp’ only in the subfolders ‘BPreport’ and ‘GPreport’.
Now, through browser, type http:///nrega/home.asp
For eg. : http://NICDRD/nrega/home.asp
It will show the following screen:
Click ‘Install/Update NREGA Offline software Version 3.1’. On clicking, the following screen will be displayed.
Now select your State, District for which installation has to be done.
If the installation has to be done at Block, then select ‘Block Level’ option. On selecting this option, the user has to select the ‘Block’ for which installation has to be done. This will allow the user to enter the data for the installed block only.
If the installation has to be done at District and all the block data of the selected district has to be entered in a single server, then select ‘District level’.
After entering the password (informed thru mail), click the ‘Proceed’ Button. It will create the required Transaction tables for the current Financial Year (by referring your system date) for the selected District/Block and now you click the link ‘home’. On clicking, the following screen will be displayed.