Indiana Supreme Court Division of State Court Administration Request to Post Court Information on the Internet under Trial Rule 77(K) – Initial Request

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Section 1- For New Postings:
Pursuant to Trial Rule 77(K), I, ______________________________________, Clerk of ___________________ County, with the consent of a majority of the judges of courts of record in the county request to post electronic court information on the Internet as set out below.
A. Proposed start date for posting electronic information: _______ / ________ / _______
B. Name of Vendor (if any):
C. List specific costs associated with the posting of information electronically, e.g.,

Internet access, technology costs. (please list with dollar amounts, add additional lines

or pages if necessary):

Costs Amount

_________________________________________ $________________

_________________________________________ $________________

_________________________________________ $________________

D. List the responsible party for each of these costs, e.g., County Commissioners, vendor

reimbursement: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

E. Will Internet access to records be available at all times?  yes  no
F. If Internet access is available only during particular hours, list hours here __________
G. Please provide the following details for any and all revenues expected to be generated

from the posting of court records to the Internet:

1. Fund/account revenues will be deposited to: ___________________________

2. Did your Court comply with Admin.R. 9(E), if applicable?  yes  no

3. Expected revenues for first year: $ ___________________
H. Who will be able to access the electronic information? (Check those that apply)
1.  General public (i.e. no subscribers, all users have same access)
2.  Subscribers/registered users only (i.e. no general public access, all users must

be registered)

3.  Both subscribers/registered users and general public (i.e. more information

available to registered users, but some information available to general public

4.  Other (please describe access):


I. Will your system require users to subscribe or register?  Yes  No

If no, skip to Question J. If yes, please attach the subscriber agreement to this

document, and answer the following questions:
1. Is there a cost for subscription?  Yes  No If yes, how much? $__________

2. What information may a subscriber obtain electronically? _________________



3. Is there an additional cost for subscribers to access specific records?

 Yes  No If yes, how much is the cost to subscribers? $___________ and

how is it assessed (per record, per search, etc.)? ___________________________


J. Can the general public access specific case records?  Yes  No

1. What information may the general public obtain electronically? ______________



2. Is there an additional cost for the general public to access specific records?

 Yes  No If yes, how much is the cost to the general public? $________

and how is it assessed (per record, per search, etc.)? _________________________


K. How will the clerk/court monitor subscriber/vendor relations? Who is responsible for

audits and oversight and how often are audits reported to the courts? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

L. What means will be used to terminate access if a subscriber or vendor misuses or

violates the agreement, who will implement the termination, are there other

consequences besides termination of access (list any), and are there any safeguards in

place to prevent misuse of the system?

M. What information do you plan to include on your site? (Choose all that apply)

General Public Access

Subscriber Only Access

Courthouse Information (driving directions, parking, etc.)

Court Information (address, phone numbers, general hours, etc.)

Judge Information (biographical, jurisdiction, etc.)




Court Calendar

Printable Forms

Self-Help Information

Other (please describe below)

If you selected “other”, please describe:
N. How often will the site be updated and by what means (vendor or court/county staff)?

O. In addition to confidential information under Administrative Rule 9, is there

particular information that will be redacted or that will not otherwise be available to

the general public?  Yes  No


P. In addition to confidential information under Administrative Rule 9, is there

particular information that will be redacted or that will not otherwise be available to

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Indiana Supreme Court Division of State Court Administration Request to Post Court Information on the Internet under Trial Rule 77(K) – Initial Request

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