IELTS Writing Task 2da
Ishlatilinishi kerak bo’lgan gap turlari
1. Simple Sentence
o Simple Sentence bu oddiy gap:
• Apple devices are more durable than Samsung products.
• Uzbekistan’s flag has 12 stars in it.
• There are many disadvantages of using Android calculators.
2. Compound Sentence
o Bir yoki undan ortiq gaplarni bir gapga aylantirsak bizda Compound Sentence kelib chiqadi. ‘Compound
Sentence’larni biz ularda ko’pincha uchrab turadigan FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR, va SO (FANBOYS)
so’zlari orqali tanishimiz mumkin.
• Internet has simplified access to knowledge, but the easy accessibility has decreased the value
of being knowledgeable.
• Inflation is a serious economic problem, and it is the leading cause of the current market
Education must prosper, or the next generation will suffer.
3. Complex Sentence
o Ergashgan qo’shma gaplar. Ingliz tilida ergashgan qo’shma gap tarkibiga kiruvchi gaplar ‘clauses’ deb
ataladi. Complex gapda har doim ikki hil ‘clause’ bo’ladi:
1. Independent Clause – Bosh Gap
2. Dependent Clause – Ergash Gap
Bosh gapga ergash gap tobe bog’lovchilar (subordinating conjunction) orqali bog’lanadi. Ularga:
• School must prioritize the safety of the students in case there is fire on the campus.
• Because the government had not prepared well for winter, the public suffered.
• You can purchase the new iPhone as long as you have enough money.
Passive Sentence
o Agar gapning egasi ish-harakat bajaruvchisi bo’lsa fe’l oddiy nisbatda bo’ladi (Active Voice). Agar
gapning egasi ish-harakat ta’siri ostida bo’lsa fe’l majhul nisbatda (Passive Voice) bo’ladi.
• The annual national swimming competition is sponsored by the state.
• My car was stolen yesterday.
• Most of the plastic goods are imported from China.
5. Question sentence
o Savol gap:
• How can the government ensure stability in the region?
• Why would the employees of the company refuse to work all of a sudden?
• What is the reason for this surprising trend?
6. Conditional Sentence
o ‘Conditional Sentence’larni yana ‘IF gaplar’ deb ham atashadi. Bu gaplar ikki qismdan iborat bo’ladi:
1. Condition: Shart
2. Result: Natija
If you stay home, you will miss the meeting.
• I would lend you my car if you could drive properly.
If I had come earlier, my mother wouldn’t have punished me.