[ms-gpie]: Group Policy: Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension Intellectual Property Rights Notice for Open Specifications Documentation
bet | 24/25 | Sana | 24.03.2021 | Hajmi | 107,28 Kb. | | #13509 |
An informative description of the specific relevant setting names and legal values for Seczrsop.inf follows, which uses the definitions of value type from section 4.1.1. An example of this file format is provided in section 4.4. Note that the values of these settings are not to be interpreted by the Group Policy: Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension protocol; they are merely applied as-is to Internet Explorer, which can interpret them in a way that is independent of the protocol or mechanism that is used to configure them.
The following table sections repeat per zone for the total count of zones. For example, for a count of 2 zones, the following sections would be Zone0_ HKCU, Zone0_ HKLM, Zone1_ HKCU, and Zone1_ HKLM.
Bosh sahifa
Bosh sahifa
[ms-gpie]: Group Policy: Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension Intellectual Property Rights Notice for Open Specifications Documentation