To configure the web server, open the device configuration of the CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC.
( CPU_1214C [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC] Device configuration)
Select the CPU and choose the 'Web server' menu item in the properties.
( CPU_1214C Properties Web server)
Activate the web server on this module and confirm the security note.
( Activate web server on this module OK)
Leave the check mark for 'Enable automatic update', and select the security settings of the 'Everybody' user. Enable this user to carry out all possible actions and accept your settings.
( )
Notes: You can also create multiple users here with different authorizations. These users then require a password.
As a result of these authorizations, the 'Everybody' user is now automatically assigned the access level 'Administrative'.
In the 'Watch tables' menu item, the 'Watch table_Cylinder' can now be entered in the web server.
(Watch table_Cylinder )
The access here is read/write access. ( Read/Write)
User-defined web pages will not be created here. We must enable PROFINET interface_1 for access to the web server
( Enabled web server access PROFINET interface_1)