Subjects: English -course work Famous people around the world

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english course work
~$Nurmuhammad Falsafa, natija, Computer for lab, Amali TDS 4, Дарс машғулоти , 7 uzb o\'zbekiston tarixi 2017 yil, davriy, “Ma’lumotlar omborini boshqarish tizimlari” mavzusini o‘qitishda Case texnologiyasidan foydalanish, . Sharq va G‘arb adabiy-nazariy tafakkuri tarixidan, Iqtisodiy tahlildan loyiha, Dinamika, Bolaning rivojlanish, Презентация 4, 1-mavzu.Falsafa va uning jamiyat hayotidagi roli

Subjects: English -Course work
1.Famous people around the world
2. How Internet changed the world
3. Travelling
4. Transport
5. Present simple tense
6. Present Continuous tense
7. Degrees of comparison of adverbs
8. Degrees of comparison of adjectives
9. Past simple tense
10. Going to construction
11. Quantifiers
12. Present Perfect tense
13. Social media
14. Youth and terror
15. Amir Temur
16. Historical places of Uzbekistan
17. Sports in our life
18. English speaking countries
19. Hotels of Uzbekistan
20. Past continuous tense
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Subjects: English -course work Famous people around the world

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