The role of internet in our life

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The role of internet in our life

The role of internet in our life
Modern life is easy and fun. We have all the amenities. We do not need to go to the movies, because we have big TVs at home. The children have cell phones with large displays. Modern technology is useful and convenient. In my opinion, Internet is the most comfortable thing. Computers are also an important invention, but Internet is better than any other type of information. Originally, Internet was a military experiment in the USA of 60-s. But soon it became clear that everyone in the world can use it.
Everybody knows that the Internet is a global computer network, which embraces hundreds of millions of users all over the world. The Internet has already entered our ordinary life. 
It's hard to imagine our lives without Internet nowadays. It has become an important part of every person's life. It is clear that the accurate number of users can be counted fairly approximately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet today, because there are hundreds of millions of users and their number is growing.
Nowadays, no one can deny the importance of the Internet. 
Sitting in front of a computer, clicking a mouse, you can shop, download many interesting films, books, read news about subject which 
is interesting for you, play computer games with other players, 
chat and send mails to your friends. Internet has drastically changed everything. Since the time of Internet appearance, many other media sources became unnecessary. You can find the information you're looking for in 5 seconds. It is very convenient for students, professionals, experts and all other people. From one side, it's great to have everything right here online, from the other side, it's a shame that people have stopped reading paper books and newspapers. Nowadays the most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of the people use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. They can do it either they are at home or in the internet clubs or at work. With the help of the internet people from different parts of the planet can communicate with each other and share information without leaving their home. It has become easier to meet like-minded people from all over the world and become friends with them.
There are many different Internet competitions for different subjects which give students the opportunity to participate even in international competitions. Thanks to the Internet, people can quickly sell, advertise and share knowledge, idea, and personal feelings. People enter the world of virtual reality to avoid everyday problems. In spite of all the good sides that Internet has, there are some drawbacks. First of all, they are viruses, which can be very dangerous for any computer. That's why it's good to have reliable anti-virus software installed. Other minus is the violent content. There is a lot of violence and cruelty online. People are suffering from
inappropriate information on the Internet, because it is very hard 
to control information from the Internet. Although the Internet offers us large amount of information, its reliability is dubious because many untrue news stories can be posted and cause confusions to many people. It is very difficult for us to find out what websites are reliable and what are not. Also you can get blackmail or spam. I think that the Internet becomes a way of a person life and it is very harmful for our health. Many teenagers spend a long of time sitting at the computers and spoiling their eyes. I don't mean that I am against the Internet, but it should have reasonable limits.

Internet is a great invention. It has changed the lives of nearly all people on our planet. Many things have become easier and can be done from the comfort of your own home. For example, people nowadays can order a takeaway food, they can buy clothes online, and they can even work online.
Internet is a global world network, which has united people from different countries and of different backgrounds. Thanks to this network, we can chat with friends, meet new people and connect to our distant relatives via video calls.
Shopping has become much easier. If you don’t have time to go to the store, you can order all the necessary products at the online store and they are delivered within a day. Same can be done with medical pills, railway tickets, shoes, dresses and any other items. In my opinion, it is very convenient.
However, it seems that with the appearance of Internet people have become lazier. They rarely walk or do physical exercises. They don’t need to bother much if everything can be done with one click of a button. My family is a fan of active life, so we try to order online only urgent items. If we want to shop for food or clothes, we go to the nearest supermarket or mall.
The question is why we need Internet. I mostly use it to chat with my friends, especially those who live in other towns. I also like communicating through social networks and reading books online. Other than that I find lots of educational information via Internet. Obviously, it is one of the most useful tools in the life of modern people.
In my opinion, Internet is of great help in everyday life. We just need to learn how to separate useful information from useless. Moreover, we shouldn’t neglect live communication and sports.
What is the Internet for me? I can say Internet is my second home, not real, of course, but virtual. It’s a reality of modern life: we can’t imagine our existence without the use of www (World Wide Web). It’s a pity but people are obsessed with the idea of being online. And I’m not an exception. I use vkontakte, facebook, twitter, instagram. I’m an active user of all these social networking sites. I chat with my friends, play online games, listen to music and watch funny videos. I have the Internet in my phone. For one hand, it’s cool that I can watch news when I go by bus/train/metro. From the other hand, I notice that I’m keen on the Internet. If I have nothing to do, I open my phone/laptop and surf the Internet. Sometimes I don’t even take the time. The Internet impacts my life.
The Internet has pros and cons. Of course, for me the Internet is a great pleasure. Thanks, developers of it! But I understand that the Internet can influence us both positively and negatively. First of all I tell about a positive side of the Internet. I can communicate with any person from any part of the world. I have friends in various countries so it’s easy to talk with them by skype or viber for instance. The Internet helps me to prepare my lessons. I seek for additional material practically every day. I can find almost everything in the web. So cool, now I needn’t to spend many hours in libraries as my parents spent. I like shopping online and with the help of the Internet is a real pleasure. I order cloths and other items on aliexpress.
Now I’ll tell you about cons of the Internet. First of all it’s a kind of obsession. People (especially teenagers) can’t control themselves. They need to be all the time in the Internet. We need to think ourselves but nowadays we are too lazy to do this, the Internet can do everything for ourselves. It’s true.
The Internet is a great thing! I’m happy to live in the 21st century with all modern technologies and devices.

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