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English in Topics . Uslubiy Qo\'llanma 2.
Rustamov Xusniddin Dasturlash 1, 122, Rustamov Xusniddin1111, 2022 YIL Amaliy mashgulot tahlili, 10, 5 SINF CHORAK, талабнома хсобот, MEXANIKA mustaqil ish 230403 103346 17 APRELGACHA, Rus tili darsligi (Keldiyev T), aasex, Asosiy va aylanma kapital doiraviy aylanishining moliyaviy, 4 klass, [07.01.2023 16 43] КАРШИ ТАШКЕНТ ПАСС ЦЕНТР., Титульный лист



O’zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy O’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi
O’rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ta’lim markazi
Buxoro viloyat hokimligi o’rta- maxsus, kasb- hunar ta’lim boshqarmasi


Inglizcha matnlar. Barcha o’quv yo’nalishi talabalari uchun ingliz tilidan og’zaki nutqni o’stirish bo’yicha

BUXORO - 2013

Ushbu ” Inglizcha matnlar” nomli qo’llanma maktab, akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollej o’quvchilaridan tashqari ingliz tilini mustaqil o’rganuvchilar va oliy o’quv yurtlarining talabalari uchun mo’ljallangan.

Muallif : Tolibova Dilnora –



Ilmiy – pedagogic kengashi qaroridan ko’chirma
sana G’ijduvon tumani
Ushbu “English in topics” nomli o’quv uslubiy qo’llanmasi ilmiy pedagogic kengash tomonidan ko’rib chiqildi. Mazkur qo’llanma o’quvchilarning og’zaki nutqini o’stirish va bilim malakalarini oshirishga imkon yaratishi, o’quvchilarni mustaqil ishlashlari uchun mo’ljallangan mashqlardan iborat.
Ilmiy pedagogic kengash tomonidan ko’rib chiqilgan o’quv uslubiy qo’llanma bir ovozdan ma’qullandi va nashrga tavsiya etildi.

Kengash raisi:



The Republic of Uzbekistan declared on the 1st of September in 1991 the Day of Independence. The new country appeared on the world map and its priorities were to establish a free democratic society and to develop a market economy. The Republic has been recognized by more than 165 countries and diplomatic relations have been established with more than 120. The embassies of more than 40 countries and many authorized international non- governmental agencies have set up their offices in Tashkent. The embassies of Uzbekistan operate in 25 countries of the world and its consulates in 10 countries. The country joined the Un (United Nations) on the 2nd of March in 1992.
Since the first days of Independence the government of the country has found the way to meet the interests of the Uzbek nation and provide social, political and economic stability.
At present trade – economic links have been established with more than 140 countries. More than 3800 joint ventures operate in the Republic and the total volume of exported goods has increased 1.5 times .
Support to on – going reforms in the economic and social spheres is provided by the international financial structures.
Uzbekistan is developing it’s cooperation with well – known international organizations such as the EU, OSCE, NATO and is strengthening mutually beneficial bilateral relations with many countries of Europe, America, Asia, Africa and others.

Our National Flag Our National Emblem

Our President I. A. Karimov
New words and expressions.
Declare – e’lon qilmoq
Authorized – huquqqa ega bo’lish
The Day of Independence - Mustaqillik kuni
The embassy - elchixona
Priority – afzallik, birinchilik
Consulate - konsulxona
Society - jamiyat
To provide – ta’minlamoq
Have been recognized – tan olindi.
The total volume – to’liq miqdor
To be established – o’rnatilgan.
Increase – o’smoq
Joint venture – qo’shma korxona
Operate – ishlamoq
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) – Shimoliy Atlantika ittifoqi, NATO.
Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text.

  1. When did the Republic of Uzbekistan declare the Day of Independence?

  2. How many countries have set up their offices in Tashkent ?

  3. When did the country join the UN?

  4. What is Uzbekistan developed cooperation with?

  5. Do you proud of your country?

Exercise 2: Choose the right answer.

  1. When did Uzbekistan declare the Day of Independence?

  1. Uzbekistan declared on the 1st of September in 1991.

  2. Uzbekistan declared on the 30th of September in 1991.

  1. How many countries was recognized Uzbekistan by?

  1. Uzbekistan was recognized by more than 120 countries.

  2. Uzbekistan was recognized by more than 165 countries.

  1. How many joint ventures operate in the Republic.

  1. more than 3800

  2. more than 2000

  1. How many embassies of Uzbekistan operate in other countries?

  1. In 25 countries of the world

  2. In the 10 countries of the world.

  1. What is the state language in Uzbekistan?

  1. The Uzbek and Russian language are

  2. The uzbek language is

Exercise 3: Choose the right words.
The Republic of Uzbekistan (declare, declared, was declared) on the 1st of September in 1991 the Day of Independence. The new country (unappeared, appear, appeared) on the (world, country) map and its priorities were to establish a free democratic society and to develop a (social, market) economy. The Republic has been recognized by (more than 120, more than 165) countries. The (consulates, embassies) of Uzbekistan operate in 25 countries of the world.

Exercise 4: Find the right antonyms of the words.

1. Independent –
2. Appear –
3. Free –
4. Develop –
5. Present
6. International –
7. Export -
8. Well – known –
The antonyms: undevelop, national, unknown, dependent, busy, past, import, disappear.
Uzbekistan is one of the most beautiful Republics of Central Asia.
Our country is known by its prominent scientists and poets as: Ulugbek, Jami, Beruni, Navoi and others. It preserves and develops the best traditions of the culture. Today Uzbekistan has theatres, museums and other cultural centres , different types of new schools (lyceums and gymnasiums) vocational colleges, institutes and research centres.
Spiritual and moral foundations begin the very beginning of human life. Every child is taught to be kind, honest and respect each other.
I.A. Karimov, the President of Uzbekistan writes that there are four fundamental principles on which Uzbekistan’s path of reform and development is based:
1. Advance to universal human values;
2. Consolidation and heritage;
3. Freedom for the individual’s self realization;
4. Patriotism.
All these qualities are taught in primary, secondary and higher schools.
Cultural development begins in the home it is continued in different types of schools.
There are school choirs, dramatic circles, singing and dancing groups in schools and universities.
Patriotism of Uzbek people is a very important feeling. You can find patriotism in the new symbol of Independent Uzbekistan. They reflect the honour, dignity, historical memory and aspirations of the people of Uzbekistan.
Spiritually links people of different nations and countries and through mutual respect unites their destiny. Spiritually is not a blessing from above. It is hard work and hands. So high spiritual and moral foundations are important for Independent development of Uzbekistan.
New words and expressions.
Prominent – buyuk, atoqli
Spiritual – ma’naviy
Moral foundations - odob – axloqiy asoslari
Vocational colleges – kasb – hunar kollejlari
Universal human values – umuminsoniy qadriyatlar
Consolidation – mustahkamlash
Heritage – meros
Freedom – ozodlik
Individual’s self realization – shaxsni o’z – o’zini namoyon qilishi
Patriotism – vatanparvarlik
Reflect – aks etmoq
Honour – or- nomus
Dignity – qadr -qimmat
Aspiration – intilish, orzu, umid
Independent – mustaqil
Mutual respect – bir – biriga hurmat
Link – aloqa bog’lamoq
Destiny - taqdir
Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text.

  1. Name the prominent scientists and poets of Uzbekistan.

  2. When do spiritual and moral foundation begin?

  3. Is spiritual taught to be kind, honest, modest and respect each other?

  4. What are four fundamental principles on which Uzbekistan’s path of reforms based?

  5. Does spiritually link the people of different nations and countries?

Exercise 2: Choose the right answer.

  1. Where is situated Uzbekistan?

  1. Uzbekistan is situated in Asia.

  2. Uzbekistan is situated in Central Asia.

  1. Our country is known by its prominent scientists and poets, isn’t it?

  1. Yes, it is

  2. No, it is not

  1. When do spiritual and moral foundations begin?

  1. The very beginning of human life

  2. During the human life

  1. Where does cultural development begin?

  1. In school

  2. In the home

  1. How many fundamental principles on which Uzbekistan’s path of reforms based?

  1. 4

  2. 2

  1. What do the honour, dignity, historical memory and aspirations of the people of Uzbekistan reflect?

  1. Freedom

  2. Patriotism

Exercise 3: Choose the right words.
Uzbekistan is one of (many, the most, more) beautiful Republics of (Asia, Central Asia, America). Our country (is, are, am) known by its prominent scientists and poets. Today Uzbekistan (have, has, had) theatres, museums and other cultural centres.
Spiritual and moral foundations (begin, finish, become) the very beginning of human life. Every child (teaches, is taught, teached) to be kind, honest and respect each other.
Exercise 4: Find the right antonyms of the words.

  1. Begin –

  2. Kind –

  3. Honest –

  4. Respect –

  5. Freedom –

  6. Important –

  7. Hard –

  8. Find –

The antonyms: dishonest, finish, easy, lose, unkind, unrespect, slavery, unimportant.


The end of the first millennium AD was a very contradictory and complicated in the life of the people of Central Asia. On the one hand the feudal system of production was gaining strength and there were growing cultural and political ties between the East and Europe, philosophical teachings with elements of materialilism were brewing and sciences were developed. Among the prominent scholars of that time were Muhammad ibn Musa al Khorasmi, the founder of Algebra, Muhammad al – Farghoni, the astronomer, Abu Nasr Farabi, the thinker and philosopher.
Ibn Sina (Avicenna) whose millennium of birth was observed in 1980 was a worthy successor to progressive scientific thought in Central Asia of that time.
Abu Ali Husein ibn Abdallakh ibn Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sina was born in the month of safar in the year 370 of the hegira (the end of August 980 A.D) in Afshana village some 12 km from Bukhara. His father was an educated and progressively minded person who gave him a good education. By the age of ten Ibn Sina had taken a full course in grammar, theory of literature and stylistics. Prominent scholars of Bukhara taught arithmetic, geometry, algebra and philosophy to the boy. At the age of fifteen Ibn Sina had surprised his teachers and turned to self- education. At sixteen he began to study medicine. Ibn Sina began to practice medicine at a very early age and soon he became known as a skilled physician throughout Bukhara. At the age of 20 in Bukhara Ibn Sina wrote his first major works on philosophy.
Ibn Sina made an enormous contribution to the development of world science in almost every sphere of human knowledge of his time. It is believed that he had written some 450 works of which 240 have reached us. His investigations covered such fields as medicine, philosophy, logistics, psychology, physics, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, literature and theory of music.
Being a scholar of great genius Ibn Sina was outstanding in medicine. His fundamental work was “Kitab al – Kanun fit- Tibb”(Canon of Medicine). The “Canon” is a work of great human genius, a monument of human culture of unprecedented significance and content. Right up to the second half of the 17th century the “Canon” was the medical handbook and main study at all the European Universities.
The Great Central Asian scholar and encyclopaedist has made a priceless contribution to the development of culture. The affection and respect he enjoys today is the best monument to the efforts.
New words and expressions.
A great scholar – buyuk olim
The founder of algebra – algebra asoschisi
A worthy successor – xizmat ko’rsatgan voris
Thinker and philosopher – donishmand va faylasuf
To practice medicine – tibbiyotni amaliyotda qo’llash
A skilled physician – tajribali shifokor
Unprecedented significant – qarshilik ko’rsatmaslik
Priceless contribution – bebaho hissa
Investigation – ilmiy tadqiqot
Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text.

  1. When was Ibn Sina born?

  2. Name the prominent scholars of his time.

  3. What education had Ibn Sina taken, by the age of ten and fifteen?

  4. When did he begin to practice medicine in Bukhara?

  5. In what fields of knowledge did he make his investigation?

  6. What is his main fundamental work?

  7. What medical handbook was the main study at all the European Universities?

Exercise 2: Choose the right answer.

  1. Where was Ibn Sina born?

  1. In Afshana village some 12km from Bukhara

  2. In Samarkand

  1. What were the prominent scholars’ name of that time?

  1. Muhammad ibn Musa al Khorasmi, Muhammad al Farghoni, Abu Nasr Farabi

  2. Abu Nasr Farabi, Muhammad at – Termizi

  1. When did Ibn Sina begin to study medicine?

  1. At the age of fifteen

  2. At the age of sixteen

  1. What did he do at the age of 20 in Bukhara?

  1. He wrote his first major works on philosophy

  2. He wrote his first major works on algebra

  1. How many his works have reached us?

  1. 240 works

  2. 450 works

Exercise 3: Choose the right words
Abu Ali Ibn Sina (were, was, are) born in the end of August 980 A.D in Afshana village some 12km (to, from, at) Bukhara. His father was (an, a, the) educated and
progressively minded person who (give, gave, given) him a (good, bad, best) education.
His investigations (coveres, were covered, covered) such fields as medicine, philosophy, logistics, psychology, astronomy and so on.
Being a scholar (of, at, in ) great genius Ibn Sina was outstanding (of, in, at ) medicine.
The Earth is our planet in which we live. People all over the world have not only peace – securing problems but they have ecological problems too.
From space the Earth looks like a small blue sphere. It is humanity is only home. Progressive people are disturbed by disappearing forests. It is the result of shallow lakes and soil erosion. Forests in Uzbekistan, as in the rest of the world, present soil erosion and protect the watershed.
The sore spot of Uzbekistan is the Aral Sea. The sea level has dropped by 20 meters and been water in it has become increasingly saline. The climate has been adversely affected and the land near the Aral Sea has been turned into a desert. It causes hardship for the 50 million people who live in this area.
The ecological disasters are the consequences of excessive water being diverted for irrigation purposes from the Amu- Darya and Syr- Darya rivers which feed the Aral Sea.
Our task is to protect carefully our nature. Grown – ups and children can relax at health centres, holiday camps situated in beautiful places. All this beautiful places can be destroyed by toxic discharge from industrial enterprises. Radioactive waste contaminates the environment with its lethal radiation. People increasingly suffer from strange allergies.
The Presidents of Central Asian states got together to decide this problem in Tashkent.
New words and expressions.
Disappearing forests – o’rmonlarning g’oyib bo’lishi
Ecological problems – ekologik muammolar
Shallow lakes – ko’llarning sayozlashib ketishi
Soil erosion – tuproq eroziyasi (buzilishi)
Sore spot – og’ir muammo
Saline – sho’r
Environment – atrof- muhit
Ecological disaster – ekologik ofat
Toxic discharge – zaxarli gazlarning chiqindilari
To contaminate – ifloslanmoq
Radioactive waste – radioaktiv chiqindilar
Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text.

  1. Why are people disturbed by ecological problems of the Earth?

  2. What are the results of ecological disasters?

  3. What is the sore spot of Uzbekistan?

  4. Why has the Aral Sea’s level dropped by 20 metres?

  5. Does the Aral Sea problem cause hardship for the 50 million people who live in this area?

  6. What is our task to protect our environment and nature?

Exercise 2: Choose the right answer.

  1. What is our planet’s name?

  1. The Venus

  2. The Earth

  1. What are the results of ecological disasters?

  1. Shallow lakes and soil erosion

  2. Disappearing forests

  1. The sore spot of Uzbekistan is the Aral Sea, isn’t it?

  1. Yes, it is

  2. No, it is not

  1. How many people live near the Aral Sea?

  1. 30 million people

  2. 50 million people

  1. What is our task to protect our nature?

  1. If we care about our nature, make it dirty, leave plastic bottles.

  2. If we care about our nature, don’t make it dirty, pick up the litter if we see it.

Exercise 3: Choose the right words.

The Earth is ( their, our, your) planet in which we live. From (ground, water, space) the Earth looks like a small blue sphere. It (are, is, am) humanity is only (school, home, hospital) . Progressive people are in Uzbekistan , as in the rest of (the, - , a) world, present soil erosion and disturbed by disappearing (water, forests, lakes) . (Forests, lakes, water) protect the watershed.


The macro region of Central Asia and Kazakhstan is characterized by irregularity of development of its territories, existence of the biggest fields of mineral and fuel resources and at the same time deficiency of water.
Therefore, one of the most important directions of enhancing the territorial management of macro regional economy is the resolution of water supply issues.
Kazakhstan and Central Asia account for nearly 50-60 million ha of land, which is feasible for irrigation. At the same time the water resources irrigate only 8-10 million ha . In such conditions, it is necessary to choose correctly ways of developing the irrigated agriculture, thus preventing the irreversible process of destruction of ecosystem.
This problem is directly related to the faith of the Aral Sea. An analysis of the Aral Sea shoaling dynamics and desertification of the near –by territories leads to depressing forecast of the total disappearance of the sea by 2010. The new desert Aral Kum will merge with existing Kara Kum and Kyzyl Kum and will start competing with Sahara which, by the way, just 150- 200 thousand years ago was covered with a rank vegetation.
Nowadays already nearly 50-60 million tons of salt and dust annually ago aloft and spread over many kilometres to the plantations of cotton and rice. The Aral Sea has become a major supplier of dust within the Central Asian territory. Degradation of the ecologic system leads to toughening of even more harsh continental climate of the Aral near by territories. As a result of this, in the region there are extremely unfavourable conditions for the human habitation and heavy epidemiological situation.
The Uzbek scientists propose only one solution, that is to decrease the quantity of water allocated for irrigation.
The Russian scientist N. Babak proposed the following solution of the Aral Sea shoaling problem.

  1. To carry out a detailed research of the crust fractures, in order to realize the capping of the subterranean streams flowing into the Caspian Sea.

  2. It is preferable to build a channel Irthish- Aral.

  3. To decrease the surface of lands irrigated by Amu- Darya and Syr- Darya rivers.

  4. In no way to agree with the idea of transferring water from the Caspian into the Aral Sea.

New words and expressions

Deficiency of water – suv tanqisligi
Process of destruction of ecosystem – ekosistemaning yemirilish prosessi
Sea shoaling dynamics – daryo sayozlanish dinamikasi (o’zgarishi)
Capping of the subterranean streams – yer osti daryolarini to’sish
Unfavourable conditions for the human habitation – inson yashashi uchun noqulay sharoitlar
Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text.

  1. How many lands suitable for irrigation can be found in the Central Asia and Kazakhstan, and how many of them can be irrigated by the water resources?

  2. What problem is directly related to the faith of the Aral Sea?

  3. What lead to toughening of harsh continental climate of the Aral near-by territories?

  4. What creates unfavourable conditions for the human habitation and causes the epidemic situation?

  5. Specify the ways of solving the problem of the Aral Sea shoaling?

Exercise 2: choose the right answer.

  1. How many lands suitable for irrigation can be found in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

  1. 50-60 million ha

  2. 40 -50 million ha

  1. How many lands irrigate at the same time?

  1. 10-12million ha

  2. 8-10 million ha

  1. How much salt and dust spread over many kilometres to the plantations of cotton and rice.

  1. 50-60 million tons

  2. 30-40 million tons

  1. For what has the Aral Sea become a major supplier within the Central Asian territory.

  1. A major supplier of dust

  2. A major supplier of soil

  1. What is the solution proposed by the Russian scientist N. Babak of the Aral Sea shoaling problem.

  1. To decrease the quantity of water allocated for irrigation.

  2. Transferring water from the Caspian into the Aral Sea.

Exercise 3: Choose the right words.

Kazakhstan and Central Asia account for nearly 50-60 million ha (of, in, on) land, which is feasible (from, for, to) irrigation (on, in, at) the same time the water resources irrigate only 8-10 million ha.
This problem is directly (relate, related, relates) to the faith of the Aral Sea (a, an, - ) analysis of the Aral Sea shoaling dynamics and desertification of (the, -, a) near by territories leads to depressing forecast of the total disappearance (in, of,at) the sea by 2010.


Oriental miniature is a very ancient art. Some of them date as for as the 7th centure. Miniature was initially intended for illustrating holy books, depicting both people and animals. A Spanish Ambassador Ruy Gonzales de Klaviho when visiting the Amir Temur’s palace wrote that the walls were covered with murals depicting scenes from the life of the rules and his court and his military campaigns.
Oriental miniature was at its heyday in the Middle Ages.
One of the outstanding representatives of this art was Kamaletdin Behzad- Leonardo da Vinchi’s contemporary. Of course, Oriental miniature and European painting of the 15th – 16th centuries are spatial solutions. According to Canons followed by Medieval miniature painters, volume and perspective were absent from their work. Nonetheless no one will deny that Leonardo da Vinchi and Kamaletdin Behzad were representatives of the Renaissance the European and the Middle Eastern ones. Today Behzad’s miniatures are displayed in the museums of Great Britain, Iran and the USA.
Oriental miniature was revived in Uzbekistan in the late 1970 th. Soon after, a department of Oriental miniature was opened at the Art School named after P. Benkov in Tashkent. One of its first graduators was Sharasul Shaahmedov - a remarkable painter.
Apart from mastering the old academic traditions of miniature painting and acquiring a technique of virtuoso drawing, he also uses various methods of spatial and plastic representation and skillfully conveys a person’s mood and the expression of his face.
Sharasul often uses the old Samarkand paper with its noble texture, which meets the strict requirements of miniature painting.
One of the most significant his works is “ The Game of Chovgan” (a game resembling field hockey or polo). The silk paper with its warm colour is a part of the miniature; it fulfils the functions of the sky and the edging. This manner of spatial organization was peculiar of outstanding masters of Medieval Central Asian miniature like Behzad.
The miniature depicts the progress of the game. The scene is laid in a triangle, it shows horses and horsemen. The painter conveys the rhythm and excitement of the game the colour of the earth is light – blue. The horses are black, brown and reddish- brown. In the upper part of the miniature, the painter drew spectators watching the game. When depicting scenes with many figures the painter resolves complex compositional and psychological tasks.
The margins of his miniatures are decorated with light and expressive drawings, representing real and fantastic animals and birds, sometimes in very unusual and daring perspectives.
Sharasul Shaahmedov participates in many international exhibitions, his miniature have enriched contemporary art of Uzbekistan.
Shakhalil Shayakubov.
Ph. D in Arts.
New words and expressions.
Oriental miniature – sharqiy miniatura
A remarkable painter – ajoyib rassom
Master of execution – bajarilish uslublari
According to Canons – Kanonlarga muvofiq
Spatial solutions – bo’shliqdagi yechimlar
Representatives of Renaissance – Uyg’onish davri vakillari
Medieval Central Asian miniature – O’rta asr Markaziy Osiyo miniaturasi
To depict the progress - harakatni tasvirlamoq
To convey the rhythm and colour – uyg’unlik va rangni ifodalamoq
To resolve compositional task – kompozitsion masalani hal qilmoq
To be decorated with – biror narsa bilan bezatmoq
To enrich contemporary art – zamonaviy san’at bilan to’ldirmoq
Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What is a very ancient art?

  2. Who was one of the most outstanding representatives of Oriental miniature of the 15th centure?

  3. Where are Behzad’s miniature displayed?

  4. What traditions and techniques does Sharasul Shaahmedov master?

  5. Describe one of the most significant works of the painter: “The Game of Chovgan”.

  6. What manner was peculiar of outstanding masters like Behzod?

  7. What does the painter convey in his miniature “The Game of Chovgan”?

  8. Where can you see the painters’ miniatures?

Exercise 2: Choose the right answer.

  1. What is a very ancient art?

  1. Oriental miniature

  2. Opera

  1. When was Oriental miniature founded?

  1. In the 7th centure

  2. In the 5th centure

  1. Who was the outstanding representative of this art?

  1. Ruy Gonzales de Klaviho

  2. Kamaletdin Behzad

  1. Leonardo da Vinchi and Kamaletdin Behzad were representatives of the Renaissance – the Europian and the Middle Eastern ones, weren’t they?

  1. Yes, they were

  2. No, they were not

  1. When was Oriental miniature revived in Uzbekistan?

  1. In 1960

  2. In 1970

  1. Where was a department of Oriental miniature opened at the Art school named after P. Benkov?

  1. In Tashkent

  2. In Bukhara

  1. Who was the first graduator of this Art school?

  1. Alisher Mirzayev was

  2. Sharasul Shaahmedov was

  1. What is the name of Sh. Shaahmedov significant work?

  1. “The Game of Chovgan”

  2. “Animals and birds”

  1. What kind of material does Sharasul use?

  1. The old Samarkand paper

  2. Common paper

  1. For what does the miniature “The Game of Chovgan” depict?

  1. The progress of the game

  2. The progress of the art

Exercise 3: Choose the right words.

Oriental miniature is a very (modern, ancient) art. (some, any) of them date as for as the (7th , 6th ) centure. Miniatures were initially (intend, intended) for illustrating holy books, (depict, depicting) both people and animals.
One of (a, an, the) (unknown, outstanding) representatives of this art (was, were, are) Kamaletdin Behzad.
Oriental miniature (is revived, was revived) in (Uzbekistan, Russian) in the late(1960th , 1970th ).
The craft of a chest -making is possibly out of the most ancient.
Since private property such as clothes, heirlooms, decorations, jewellery and money became important, the necessity to have a reliable and secure place to keep precious possessions arose.
The various functions of chests were determined by the different material from which they were made. Central Asia was always famous for its animal skin, trunks, cascades and leather chests. Very often they were decorated with stamped patterns, samples of which are kept in the national Art Museum of Uzbekistan.
Chests were also made of wood. Depending on their purpose, they were bound with iron, painted with multicoloured patterns, decorated with carved ornaments or coloured in plating.
Chests were not only used for storing things, they were often used as furniture. Large chests were put alcoves, “takhmons” were placed in pairs in the living room with an embroidered cover “choishab”.
The “face” of the decorated chest, marching with the colour of the cover made in attractive decoration in the living room.
With the beginning of the national revival and the return to cultural and spiritual values increased attention was drawn to national craftsmen including chest- makers.
As with all kinds of crafts, the skill of chest –makers differ from region to region. Craftsmen from Syrdarya and Jizzax regions are multicoloured, including pink and blue foil in addition to the regular silver tin- plate and golden brass. The design is usually a plant pattern with flowers.
Samarkand chests are more geometric and precise, made by craftsmen from the well-known centre of national Art, Urghut, with less of a variety of colours.
Tashkent has always been known as a major centre of chest- making.
New words and expressions.
Chest – sandiq, quti
Chest- making – sandiqsozlik
Private property – shaxsiy boylik
Heirloom – yodgorlik
Trunk – chamadon
Leather chest – charm sandiq
Stamped patterns – muhrlangan namunalar
Sample – nusxa, namuna
Carved ornament - o’yib ishlangan naqsh
Storing things – narsalarni saqlash
Silver tin- plate- kumush tunuka tovoq
Golden brass- tillarang mis
Precise – aniq, ravshan
Multicoloured – rang- barang
Cover- choyshab
Exercise 2: Choose the right answer.

  1. What is one of the most ancient craft in Uzbekistan?

  1. The craft of a chest- making

  2. The craft of a watch- making

  1. What kind of chests were always in the Central Asia?

  1. Animal skin, trunks, cascades and leather chests

  2. Wood and animal skin chests

  1. For what were chests used ?

  1. They were only used for storing things.

  2. They were used for storing things and as furniture.

  1. In where were large chests put?

  1. In the living room

  2. In the dining room

  1. What regions’ chests are multicoloured?

  1. Syrdarya and Jizzax

  2. Samarkand and Tashkent

  1. Tashkent has always been known as a major centre of chest- making, hasn’t it?

  1. No, it has not

  2. Yes, it has

Exercise 3: Choose the right words.
Central Asia (were, was, is) always (unknown, famous) for its animal skin, trunks, cascades and leather (chests, watches).
Chests were also made (from, in, of) wood.
Chests were not only (unused, used) for storing things, they (are, were, was) often (used, use, uses) as furniture. (small, large) chests (put, were put) alcoves, “takhmons” (were placed, placed) in pairs in the (dining room, living room) with an embroidered cover “ choishab”.
As (from, with) all kinds of crafts, the skill of chest- makers differ (from, at) region to region.


Ceramics or pottery is one Uzbekistan’s ancient decorative and applied art forms. During its long and complex history of development it has endured its ups and downs as well enrichment and changes to art traditions. The town of Gijduvan, located 40 km to the south of Bukhara is still widely known as a ceramic production centre.
Gijduvan supplied ceramics to almost the whole of Bukhara province for centuries and master craftsmen from Shakhrisabs, Samarkand, Khiva and Urgench came here to learn the craft of pottery. The names of many Gijduvan’s school of ceramists such as Akhunjan (8th centure), Bakinjon- Chinisoz, usta Abdukadr and other have become well- known through the centuries.
Today masters practice the unique secrets of traditions that have been handed down from gereration to generation.
Today Gijduvan ceramics are represented most vividly in the work of the Narzullayev brothers, Alisher and Abdulla who come from a family of craftsmen and represent the sixth generation of potters. The brothers bring white clay from Gozliq, near Bukhara. To prevent the surface from cracking, they mix clay with the fuzz of reeds cresting micro cavities that allow the material to expand when heated.
Gijduvan ceramics comprises some 60 traditional items. Also traditional is the range of ornamental forms which include more than 300 fixed patterns. Following the pottery traditions of Bukhara and Samarkand masters prefer to use a lead glaze to decorate the pottery.
Usually, the composition of patterns on dishes and liagans (large dishes) consists of centerpiece and per plural ornamental outlining. The whole central part of a dish is usually occupied by the key element in the decoration. Flowers and plants serve as the main decorative patterns. The most frequently found elements area the “bodomgul” (almond flower), the “ dasta gul” (flower bouquet), the “ parra gul” and the “madohie” (medallion).
Geometrical motifs are used less often. Various methods used to decorate including punch lung and pattern scratching “chizma”. Articles covered with a thick layer look bright and rich. While being baked most of the colours under the glaze merge together, thus creating its unique appearance. The Gijduvan masters Alisher and Abdulla Narzullayev are very skilled in ceramic arts, very careful about preserving the Gijduvan school tradition. At present masters are striving to establish a museum to exhibit Gijduvan ceramics from different centuries.
New words and expressions.
Pottery (ceramics) - kulolchilik
Ancient decorative art – qadimiy bezatish san’ati
From generation to generation – avloddan avlodgacha
Craftsmen – hunarmand ustalar
Cracking – yoriq, darz
To mix clay – loyni aralashtirish
Fuzz of reeds – maydalangan tosh
A lead glaze – qo’rg’oshinli yaltiroq loy qorishmasi
The range of ornamental forms – bezaydigan shakllarning xilma- xilligi
Composition of patterns – namunalar kompozitsiyasi
Punch lung – muhrlar
Pattern scratching – naqshni o’yish
Covered with a thick layer – qalin qoplash
Strive to establish – yaratishga intilmoq
Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What town is widely known as a ceramic production centre in Uzbekistan?

  2. Name masters of ancient Gijduvan’s School of ceramics.

  3. Who represents today Gijduvan ceramics?

  4. What is Gijduvan ceramic technology?

  5. What are the most frequently found elements in Gijduvan articles?

  6. Why do the brothers try to preserve the Gijduvan School tradition?

Exercise 2: Choose the right answer.

  1. What town is widely known as a ceramic production centre in Uzbekistan?

  1. The town of Khiva

  2. The town of Gijduvan

  1. From where did master craftsmen come in Gijduvan to learn the craft of pottery?

  1. Shakhrisabs and Samarkand

  2. Khiva, Urgench, Samarkand and Shakhrisabs

  1. What are the masters of ancient Gijduvan’s School of ceramic name?

  1. Akhunjan, Shakhalil

  2. Akhunjan, Bakinjon- Chinisoz, usta Abdukadr

  1. Who represents Gijduvan ceramics today?

  1. The Narzullayev brothers, Alisher and Abdulla

  2. Alisher Mirzayev

  1. What do Bukhara and Samarkand masters prefer to use and decorate the pottery?

  1. Fuzz of reeds

  2. A lead glaze

Exercise 3: Choose the right words.
Pottery (are, is, am) one Uzbekistan’s (modern, ancient) decorative and applied (art, opera) forms. Gijduvan is still (narrow, widely) known as a (ceramic, chest) production (centure, centre).
(Teacher, master) craftsmen (to, at, from) Shakhrisabs, Samarkand, Khiva and Urgench (came, come) in Gijduvan to (learn, teach) the craft of pottery. The names of ( much, many) Gijduvan’s school (on, of, to) ceramists such as Akhunjan, Bakinjon – Chinisoz, usta Abdukadr and other (have become, became) well- known through (a, the, - ) centuries.
The International exhibition of the construction industry has been held at the National Exhibition Centre of Uzbekistan for many years already. This is not coincidental. The production of construction materials is the most dynamically developing sector in the country’s economy materials a possibility to see the prospects of the industry.
The construction materials industry, key enterprises in which are a part of “ Uzpromstroimaterialy” Joint Stock Company, is undergoing an investment boom. The government approved a programme for the sector’s development for 2005- 2010. Within the framework of implementation of over 120 investment projects new technologies and more than 10 new products will be introduced both in the country’s capital and its provinces. Five joint ventures are currently operating in the construction materials industry.
By this Decree on Intensifying the Economic Reform and Accelerating the Development of the Construction Materials industry of March 24, 2005, the President of Uzbekistan granted customs privileges to construction enterprises for two years. The money saved in this way will be spent on modernization and technical reequipment. A special extra budgetary fund has been established for the centralized funding of applied research and engineering developments in the area of applied research and engineering developments in the area of new technologies and production of highly effective construction materials.
As Erkin Akramov , Chairman of the Board of “Uzpromstroimaterialy” J.S.C. said:
“The annual need for investment in the implementation of the Government Programme exceeds USD 100 million. The main stake is laid on the expansion cement production accounting for most of the output of marketable products and exports. Uzbekistan exports cement to all countries in the Central Asian region: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan as well as to neighbouring Afghanistan. Last year Uzbekistan’s largest cement –making enterprise Kyzylkumcement OJSC (OAO) received the ISO- 9001 International Quality Certificate, and this year the enterprises are expected them as well.
Another three cement – producing facilities will be built in Surkhandarya and Djizak provinces and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. This will provide Uzbekistan with a stable sales market for 15 years.
New words and expressions.
Prospects– kelajakdagi rejalar (loyihalar)
Exhibition – ko’rgazma
Construction materials – qurilish materiallari
Investment projects – investision proyektlar
To intensify economic reforms – iqtisodiy reformalarni mukammallashtirish
Modernization and technical reequipment - texnik qayta jihozlash va zamonaviylashtirish
Extra budgetary fund – byudjetdan tashqari fond
Centralized funding – mablag’ni (sarmoyani) markazlashtirish
The output of marketable products – tovar mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarish
Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What is the most dynamically developing sector in Uzbekistan’s economy?

  2. What programme did the government approve for the sector’s development for 2005- 2010?

  3. How many investment projects will be introduced into production?

  4. Where will the money saved be spent?

  5. To what countries does Uzbekistan export cement?

  6. Will this export provide Uzbekistan with a stable market for 15 years?

Exercise 2: Choose the right words.
The (national, international) exhibition of the construction (firm, factory, industry) has been held ( at, on, in ) the National Exhibition centre of Uzbekistan for (much, many, more ) years already.
The production of (textile, construction ) materials is the most developing sector ( on, at, in ) the country’s economy materials a possibility to see the prospects of the industry.
Uzbekistan (imports, exports) (cement, gaz, oil ) to all countries in the central Asian region. (Last, this) year Uzbekistan’s ( large, largest, larger) cement- making enterprise Kyzylkum cement received the ISO- 9001 International Quality (passport, certificate) .


Financial services in Uzbekistan are intermediated by financial institutions which include banks, micro finance non- government organizations ( MF. NYOs), credit unions (CUs), and government and private non- bank financial institutions ( NBFIs). Banks and CUs mobilize deposits from individuals and legal entities.
State – owned and controlled banks and NBFIs dominate the rural financial system. In terms of both resources and clients are also the main conduits for government directed credit programs. In addition, international donor agencies provide resources to rural financial markets through micro finance institutions (MFIs) and domestic banks.
There are three major institutions those are involved in regulating and supervising financial institutions. The Central Bank of Uzbekistan ( CBU) supervises and regulates banks and credit unions; the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, micro finance institutions ; and Ministry of Finance, other financial institutions such as leasing and insurance companies.
The banking system in Uzbekistan remains closely controlled by the state through a complex set of regulatory actions, decrees, proclamations and practices. The Banking Law defines banking operations, sets limits on the equity participation of every shareholder ( i.e, not more than 35 percent of chartered capital ), allows bank to determine their interest rates for loan and commission fees for services and bans anti- competitive behaviours by banks. Banks are conceived to be universal banks, which can undertake not only commercial banking functions but also investment and leasing functions as well. However, they are not allowed to engage directly in production, trade and insurance activities.

Article 8 of the Bank Law guarantees secrecy of operations, accounts and deposits of clients, except under certain circumstances, such as when clients are being investigated for criminal offences.
However the same article provides that banks upon the request of tax authorities, must present necessary information about operations of their clients for control and correctness of tax payments.
Banks are exhorted to adopt international accounting standards (IAS)
The latest information indicates that 20 banks have been audited by international accounting firms.
New words and expressions.
Financial services – moliyaviy xizmatlar
Rural financial system – qishloq moliya tizimi
Ministry of Finance – Moliya vazirligi
Non government organization – no hukumat tashkilotlar
Credit unions – kredit uyushmalari
Deposits – jamg’armalar
Legal entities – yuridik shaxslar
Leasing – lizing
Insurance companies – sug’urta kompaniyalar
Shareholders – aksiyadorlar
The chartered capital – belgilangan mablag’ (sarmoya)
Interest rates - foizli stavkalar
Loan – qarz, zayom
Tax authorities – soliq tashkilotlari
Criminal offences – jinoiy xatolar

Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What do financial institutions of Uzbekistan include?

  2. Where do banks and credit Unions mobilize their deposits?

  3. Name three major institutions that are involved in regulating and supervising financial institutions in Uzbekistan.

  4. Say a few words about Banking Law in Uzbekistan.

  5. What does article 8 of the Banking Law guarantee?

Exercise 2: Choose the right answer.

  1. What do financial institutions of Uzbekistan include?

  1. Banks and credit unions

  2. Banks, micro finance non- government organizations, credit unions, government and private non- bank.

  1. Where do banks and credit Unions mobilize their deposits?

  1. Teachers and doctors

  2. Individuals and legal entities

  1. How many major institutions are involved in regulating and supervising financial institutions in Uzbekistan?

  1. 3

  2. 4

  1. What Bank of Uzbekistan does banks and credit unions supervise and regulate?

  1. The National bank

  2. The Central bank

  1. By what is the banking system controlled?

  1. By the state

  2. By the city

Exercise 2: Choose the right words.
Financial services (at, in, to) Uzbekistan (are, is, am) intermediated (with, by, from) financial institutions which (include, included) banks, micro finance non- government organizations, credit unions.
State –owned and controlled banks and NBFIs (dominate, dominates) the (city, rural) financial system.
There (is, are, were) three major institutions those (is involved, are involved) in relating and supervising financial institutions.
The banking system in Uzbekistan remains closely ( controlles, controlled) (by, in, on) the state.
“ Library is a temple of books”, - somebody said. And I fully agree with these wise words. Every person in our country elder than 14 years old, I’m sure, was at least one time in the library. The majority of young people has subscriptions to the libraries they like. The libraries not only give us a vast choice of books, but also offers excellent opportunities of having rest. As you know, I study at the Institute, so after our studies began, we had heard for a course of lectures about the institute library. We were told about the rules of using books we take from the library and about its catalogues. Having listened to this course, we passed an examination that showed everything we have learnt. Soon I had to visit our library the first time as I needed a text book on economics, I went downstairs (as the library is situated in the ground floor) and found a room I was searching for. But I didn’t get the book immediately as it was many student there. So I waited for my turn. I asked to a librarian if I could get the book on economical theory. She answered affirmatively and soon brought me a book which name was. Than the librarian asked me if it was for the first time I used the library’s services.
I answered that it was true and she suggest me to receive reader’s ticket. I was interested to know what documents I had to provide for this. She told that she needed only my foto 3x4 sm and some money. Fortunately, I had picture with myself and two minutes later I was the owner of reader’s ticket, which proves that I’m a real member of the institute library. So, that is my story about our library.
New words and expressions.
A temple of books – kitoblar xazinasi
The majority – ko’pchilik
Subscriptions – a’zolik
A vast choice – keng miqiyosdagi tanlov
To search – izlamoq
Immediately – darhol, birdaniga
Exercise 1. Answer the question to the text.

  1. Have you ever visited to the library?

  2. What can you see there?

  3. What do the libraries give us?

  4. Did you get the book immediately?

  5. Do you have a reader’s ticket?

Exercise 2. Choose the right answer.

  1. Where is a temple of books situated?

  1. In the library

  2. At the University

  1. Have you ever visited to the library?

  1. Yes, I have

  2. No, I haven’t

  1. What can you see there?

  1. A lot of books

  2. A lot of clothes

  1. What do the libraries give us?

  1. Opportunities of having rest

  2. Vast choice of books and opportunities of having rest

  1. Do you have a reader’s ticket?

  1. No, I haven’t

  2. Yes, I have

Exercise 3. Tell me about your college’s (school’s) library.
Our library is situated in the (ground, first, second) floor. I (like, hate) to go to the library. It has a lot of (interesting, boring) books to read.


People all over the world are fond of sports and games.
Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It makes for a healthy mind in a healthy body. Sport unites people of different classes and nationalities.
Among the sports popular in Uzbekistan are football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, boxing, kurash, wrestling, swimming, etc. a person can choose sports and games for any season, for any taste.
All necessary facilities are provided for young people in Uzbekistan., stadiums, sport grounds, football fields, swimming pools. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Pupils and students have games in the open air.
The most capable sportsmen take part in Republican competitions, University Olympiads and Olympic Games. Many Uzbek athletes won medals and take prise place.
I like national kind of sport such as boxing, wrestling and kurash, kupkari but my favourite sport is boxing. As long as I can remember myself I was always keen on boxing. I love this sport with its traditions in Uzbekistan. The Uzbek boxing school is more than 80 years old. It was founded in 1920- 30 s by Sydney Jackson, an American, who prefered life in Uzbekistan. The Uzbek boxing school produced such outstanding athletes as Rufat Riskiyev, Nikolay Anfimov, Arthur Grigoryan and other brilliantmasters of the leather glove, in wrestling- Dilshod Mansurov, Arthur Taimazov and others.
At the Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia Muhammadkadyr Abdullayev from Andijan and Utkurbek Haydarov won titles of Olympic champions.
In 2006 athletes from Uzbekistan at the 15th Asian Games in Doha, the capital of Qatar won 39 medals. They will take part in Olympic Games in Beijing, China.
New words and expressions
To keep smb fit – yaxshi jismoniy holatda bo’lmoq
Facilities – inshootlar, qurilmalar
To provide – ta’minlamoq
Sport grounds – sport maydonlari
Swimming pools – suzish basseyni
Physical training - jismoniy tarbiya
To win medals (titles) – medal yutmoq (unvon)
To be keen on – ishqiboz bo’lmoq
Take part in – qatnashmoq
The number one tournament – birinchi o’rindagi turnir.
Exercise 1. Answer the question to the text.

  1. What makes people healthy more organized and disciplined?

  2. What are popular sports in Uzbekistan ?

  3. Is sport paid much attention to in educational establishments?

  4. What is your favourite sport?

  5. Name outstanding athletes in boxing, kurash, football, etc?

  6. Where will the Uzbek sportsmen go to take part in Olympic Games?

Exercise 2. Choose the right answer.

  1. What kind of popular sports are in Uzbekistan?

  1. Football, boxing, kurash, wrestling

  2. Hockey, tennis

  1. Is sport paid much attention to in our educational establishments?

  1. Yes, it is

  2. No, it is not

  1. What is your favourite sport?

  1. Boxing

  2. Football

  1. How old is the Uzbek boxing school?

  1. It is more than 80 years old

  2. It is 70 years old

  1. When was boxing school founded by Sydney Jackson?

  1. In 1940s

  2. In 1920- 30s

Exercise 3. Tell me about your favourite sport.
I like national kind of sport such as ………… ... ………………………………… .
But my favourite sport is ………………………….. . As long as I can remember myself I was always keen on ………………………………… . I love this sport with its traditions in Uzbekistan.
The 14th of January is the Day of Defenders of Motherland in Uzbekistan.
As you know, Uzbekistan is a sovereign, democratic republic. The state expresses the will of the people and serves their interests.
Uzbekistan is a peace- loving country. The Independence declared on the 1st of September in 1991 brought Uzbek people freedom and happiness.
No doubt that our economic and social development is possible in conditions of a stable peace.
Our state pays much attention to strengthening our country’s defence and rising the combat preparedness of our Armed Forces.
Article 125 of Constitution adopted on the 8th of December, says that the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan are formed to defend the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the peaceful life and security of its citizens.
The structure and organizations of the Armed Forces are specified by law.
Many young people after finishing school join the Uzbek Army. Uzbek soldiers are on guard of peace and security of our Motherland. It is the duty of every Uzbek soldier to do everything possible to maintain the country’s defence capacity at any adequate level. Defence of the Homeland and military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces are an honourable and sacred duty of Uzbek soldiers.
New words and expressions.
Defenders of Motherland – Vatan himoyachilari
Sovereign republic – Mustaqil Respublika
Strengthening defence – mudofani mustahkamlamoq
Combat preparedness - jangga tayyor bo’lish
Armed Forces – Qurolli Kuchlar
Territorial integrity – hududning yaxlitligi
Security – xavfsizlik
A soldier – askar
Military service – harbiy xizmat
An honourable and sacred duty – sharafli va muqaddas burch
Exercise 1. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What day do we celebrate the Day of Defenders of Motherland?

  2. Is Uzbekistan a peace – loving country?

  3. When was the Independence of Uzbekistan declared?

  4. Does our state pay much attention to strengthening country’s defence?

  5. When do young people join the Uzbek Army?

  6. What is the duty of every Uzbek soldier?

Exercise 2. Choose the right answer.

  1. What day do we celebrate the Day of Defenders of Motherland?

  1. On the 14th of January

  2. On the 21st of February

  1. What kind of republic is Uzbekistan?

  1. A sovereign, democratic

  2. A federal

  1. Uzbekistan is a peace – loving country, isn’t it?

  1. No, it isn’t

  2. Yes, it is

  1. When do young people join the Uzbek Army?

  1. After finishing school (graduating institute)

  2. Before to go to school

  1. Defence of the Homeland and military service are an honourable and sacred duty of Uzbek soldiers, aren’t they?

  1. Yes, they are

  2. No, they aren’t

  1. Have you been in the military service?

  1. Yes, I have been

  2. No, I haven’t been

Exercise 3. Choose the right words.

The 14th of January (are, is, am) the Day (of, in, on) Defenders of Motherland in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan is (an, a, the) (war- loving, peace- loving) country.
Many (old, young) people (after, before) finishing school (join, joined) the Uzbek Army. Uzbek (builders, soldiers) are on guard of peace and security of (your, our) Motherland. Defence of (a, the, -) Homeland and military service (on, in, at) ranks of the Armed Forces (is, am, are) an honourable and sacred (work, duty) of Uzbek soldiers.
English is the language of the people of English. At the same time is the language of the people of many other countries, called English speaking countries. About three hundred mln. people speak English as their mother tongue and hundreds of millions more speak English as their second language.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The U.K) has been the official name of the British Kingdom since 1922. It includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. A poetic name for Britain is Albion. It is an ancient name given to Britain by the Romans. It means the term albus – white and identified it with the Dover chalk cliffs.
The British Queen is proclaimed to be the head of state and is represented by a governor general.

The flag of Britain is called the Union Jack. It has the red cross of St.George of England, the white cross of St. Andrew of and the cross of St. Patrick of Ireland, all on a blue background.
“God save the Queen/King” is the British national anthem. The words and tune probably date to the 16th century. The tune has also been used for patriotic songs in the USA and Germany.
The British currency is the pound sterling. One pound consists of 100 pence.
The British Isles lie off the northwest coast of the continent of Europe. They include Great Britain ( England, Scotland and Wales) . Ireland and some 5000 smaller islands. Great Britain lies between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.
The chief rivers are the Thames, the Severn, the Clyde and Mersey . The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland.
The U.K can be divided into 4 large historical areas: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The climate is warm and cool in Great Britain.
The population of the United Kingdom is more then 58 mln people.
Great Britain is one of the most important industrial countries in the world. One of the extensive industries of Great Britain is the textile industry. Great Britain has also been noted for coal, iron and stell. Another leading industry in Great Britain has been ship- building and the automobile industry is highly developed. Major industrial and business centres of the country include Birmingham, Glasgow, Belfast and London.
Agriculture is one of the well- developed branches of the national economy. It produces meat, vegetables, fruit, grain and other types of agricultural products.
New words and expressions.
Mother tongue – ona tili
The United Kingdom- Birlashgan Qirollik
Include – o’z ichiga olmoq
Albion – Albion, Angliya
God save – Olloh asra
Patriotic song – vatanparvarlik qo’shig’i
Currency – pul, valuta
Pound sterling – funt sterling
Pence –pens,penni (chaqa)
Lie – joylashmoq
Climate – iqlim
Population – aholi
Exercise 1. Choose the right answer.

  1. How many people now speak English as their first language?

  1. About three hundred mln people

  2. About three hundred and forty five mln people.

  1. Why do so many people not from England speak English now?

  1. Because it is an official language

  2. Because it is true language

  1. What are some of the names for Great Britain?

  1. England, the United Kingdom

  2. The United Kingdom

  1. What regions comprise Great Britain?

  1. England and Northern Ireland

  2. England, Scotland, Wales

  1. What is the nickname for the British flag?

  1. St. of Andrew

  2. The Union Jack

  1. What is the money in Britain called?

  1. The pound sterling is

  2. The pence is

  1. What is the weather usually like in Britain?

  1. The climate is warm and cool

  2. The climate is mild

  1. What is the population of the United Kingdom?

  1. More than 58 mln. people are

  2. More than 56 mln. people are

  1. Is Great Britain a highly – developed industrial capitalist country?

  1. No, it isn’t

  2. Yes, it is

  1. What are the main branches of industry?

  1. The textile industry, ship- building, automobile industries are

  2. The textile industry is

Exercise 2. Choose the right words.
A poetic name for Britain is ( England, Ireland, Albion) .
The British ( king, queen, president) is proclaimed to be the head of state.
The flag of Britain is (named, called, known) the Union Jack.
The British currency is the ( sum, pound sterling, dollar) .
The British Isles lie off the ( eastwest, northwest, west) coast of Europe.
The U.K is divided into (three, four, two) large parts.
The population of the U.K is more than ( 56 mln, 57 mln, 58 mln) people.
Great Britain is one of the most (important, unpleasant, difficult) industrial countries in the world.

London is the capital of Great Britain, its economic, political and cultural centre. It is two thousand years old. It is also a huge port.

London is situated upon both banks of the Thames. There are 17 bridges across the river. The population of London is 11million people. London has got three parts: the City of London, the West End, the East End.
The City is the oldest part of London. You can see narrow streets and pavements there. There are many offices, firms and banks in this part of London (Sometimes the City is called the money of the United Kingdom) .
The West End is the centre of London.
There are many expensive shops, luxurious hotels, restaurants and cinemas there. There are also a lot of interesting places in the West End like Big Ben,
Trafalgar square, British Museum . Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and many others. It is interesting that the clock “ Big Ben” came into service in 1859. Big Ben is the biggest clock bell in Britain. It weighs 13,5 tons. The official London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. It was built in the 18th centure.
The East End of London is the district for the working people. There are many factories, workshops, docks there. It is an industrial part of London.
Besides, London is noted for its Underground, the oldest and longest in Europe. It has more than 500 stations. The first line was opened in 1870. It was like a tube, that’s why it was called the Tube. Londoners often call the old lines the Tube and the new lines – the Underground.
One can say that the City is the money of London, the West End is the goods of London, the East End is the hands of London.

Natural History Museum in London.
New words and expressions.
Economic , political and cultural centre – iqtisodiy, siyosiy, madaniy markaz
Both bank – ikkala qirg’oq
Narrow - tor
Huge - ulkan
Pavement – yo’lak
Expensive – qimmat
Clock – soat
Station –bekat
Tube – quvur
Underground – metro
Goods - tovarlar
Exercise 1. Choose the right answer.

  1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

  1. Paris

  2. London

  1. Is London a huge port?

  1. Yes, it is

  2. No, it isn’t

  1. How many bridges are there across the river?

  1. 17 bridges

  2. 13 bridges

  1. What is the financial part of London?

  1. The City is

  2. The West End is

  1. Where is the official residence of the Queen?

  1. In Westminster Abbey

  2. In Buckingham Palace

  1. When was the first line of London Underground opened ?

  1. In 1860

  2. In 1870

  1. How old is London?

  1. 2000 years old

  2. 2500 years old

  1. Are there many offices, firms and banks in the City?

  2. In what part is the clock “ Big Ben” ?

  1. In the West End

  2. In the East End

  1. Have you been to London?

  1. Yes, I have

  2. No, I have not

Exercise 2. Choose the right words.
London is the capital ( of, at ,in) Great Britain. There (is, are - ) 17 bridges (on, across, under) the river. London ( have got, has got, is) three part.
The City ( by, of, on ) London is ( old, older, the oldest) parts of London. There (is, are) many offices in the City. One can (speak, tell, say) that the City is the (time, money, hand) of London. The East End is the (financial, industrial, cultural) centre of London. It is the (town, district, village) for the working people.
The Romans
The Romans went to England many, many years ago. They built a town on the River Thames [temz]. The name of the town was Londinium . The Romans built Londinium near the river. The place for the town was very good. Soon the Romans built a bridge over the River Thames.
Londinium got bigger and bigger. The Romans built a lot of roads from Londinium to other parts of Britain.

By the year 400, there were fifty thousand people in Londinium. Soon after 400, the Romans left Britain. We do not know very much about Londinium between the years 400 and 1000.
The River Thames has always been part of London’s history. In Roman times Londinium was a small town with the Thames in its centre. Now London is a very large city (a very big town) but the River Thames is still in the centre of London.
Until 1749, there was only one bridge over the river: London Bridge. The old London Bridge looked very strange. There were houses and shops on the bridge. In the nineteenth centure there were already many new bridges in London. Now there are 27 bridges over the Thames in London and 8 tunnels under the river. Now London has got more than 7 million people and that’s 13% of Britain’s population.
Exercise 1: Write down true or false.

  1. There are many bridges over the Thames now.

  2. There were many bridges over the Thames in Roman times.

  3. The Romans came to England in the nineteenth centure.

  4. Londonium was a very beautiful town in old times.

  5. The Romans built few roads in England.

  6. Londinium is the old name of London.

The political centre of London is Westminster. It is that part of London where there are a lot of offices. If you go down Whitehall from Trafalgar Square on the right you will see a small street where the British Prime Minister lives. He lives at number 10 Downing Street. Whitehall is a wide street leading to Parliament Square. This square is very large. On the left you can see a long grey building with towers which are the Houses of Parliament.
The large clock in one of the towers is Big Ben. Big Ben is the name of the clock and the bell of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. You can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin Hall. He was a tall man, whose nickname was Big Ben. So people know the clock as Big Ben.

The Thames [temz] is behind the Houses of Parliament and the bridge across it is Westminster Bridge.

On the other side of Parliament Square is Westminster Abbey. It is one of the most famous and beautiful churches in London. It is very old too. It is more than nine hundred years old. There are so many monuments and statues there. Many English kings and queens are buried [berid] there. Westminster Abbey is famous for the Poet’s Corner too. Many great writers are buried there: for example Charles Dickens and Rudyard Kipling. The Abbey [ebi] with its two tall towers is really wonderful.

The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Place.

It is a wonderful building with a monument in front of it which is the Queen Victoria Memorial. It takes people ten or twenty minutes to get from Buckingham Palace to Trafalgar Square.

The centre of London is Trafalgar Square. Some people say it is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. There are two beautiful fountains in the square.

They are in front of the National Gallery which is one of the best picture galleries of the world. Every day many tourists visit this fine building with tall columns.
You can visit some interesting places in the City or near it. One of them is the Tower of London. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo.

Now it is the museum. You can see a lot of interesting things in the halls of the White Tower. Its square walls are white and very tall. William the Conqueror built it in the eleventh centure. There are always black ravens in the Tower of London. People keep them in the Tower of London and look after them very well as they believe that London will be rich while ravens live there.
One of the greatest English churches, St. Paul’s Cathedral, is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th centure after the Great Fire. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years. It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. In one of its towers there is one of the largest bells in the world.

There are so many other places to see and visit in London, but you can’t do all during one short trip.
New words and expressions
Political centre – siyosiy markaz Nickname – taxallus, laqab
Prime Minster – Bosh Vazir Whitehall – Vaythol ( Oq yo’lak )
Trafalgar Square - Trafalgar Maydoni Big Ben – Big Ben ( Katta Ben)
Downing Street – Dauning Strit (Bosh Vazir qarorgohidagi ko’cha)
The Houses of Parliament – Parlament uylari The Thames – Temza (daryo)
Westminster Abbey - Vestminstr Abbatligi Churches - cherkovlar
Are buried – kuydirilgan Buckingham Palace – Bakingem Saroyi
The Queen Victoria Memorial – Qirolicha Viktoriya Haykali.
Fortress – qo’rg’on , qal’a Prison – qamoqxona
Black raven – qora quzg’un Conqueror – g’olib, zabt etgan kishi
Column – ustun Monument – yodgorlik, haykal
National Gallery – Milliy Galereya
Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What is the political centre of London?

  2. Where does the British Prime Minister live?

  3. What is Whitehall?

  4. What is Big Ben?

  5. What bridge is near the Houses of Parliament?

  6. Where is Westminster Abbey?

  7. How old is Westminster Abbey?

  8. What is Westminster Abbey famous for?

  9. Where does the Queen of England live?

  10. What monument is in front of Buckingham Palace?

Exercise 2: Choose the right words.
The (cultural, political) centre (on, of,to) London is Westminster. It (are, am, is) that part of London where there (are, were, is) a lot of (firms, offices, theatres).
Parliament Square is very ( small, large). On the (left, right) you can see (an, a, the) long grey building with (towers, rooms) which are the Houses of Parliament.
The large (o’clock, clock) in one of (a, -, the) towers is Big Ben. The clock and bell ( get, got) their names after Sir Benjamen Hall. He (were, was, is) a (tall, small) man, whose nickname was Big Ben.
In Great Britain school begins at the age of five. Many boys and girls usually leave school at the age of sixteen.
In England the school year begins in September, but not always on the first day of the month, as school never begins on Monday. The English think that Monday is not good day to start school. So pupils usually begin their school year on the first Tuesday of September (not always on the 1st of September as we do).
English children have classes five days a week. They have classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Classes are usually begin at nine and over at four o’clock and then the pupils go home. They never have classes on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday and Sunday are their days off.
Schools in England have names, not numbers. They often get the names after the place where they are (Green Hill School, Cedar Grove School ) or after some famous or important people (St. Mary School).
At the age of five primary school children go to infant schools or infant classes where they spend two years till they are seven. In infant schools they spend much time outdoors. Little children don’t have any bags or books with them, as there is no need for these things on their first day at school. Pupils will get them later. They will get exercise – books, pencils, pens, rulers and rubbers too.
Classes usually begin at nine. Pupils have a glass of milk or a glass of orange juice at eleven. At half past twelve or at one o’clock they usually have lunch- meat, pudding, juice, an apple or a cake. Their classes are not formal. They often sit on the carpet on the floor and listen to their teacher. They draw or play games.
Teachers usually read fairy- tales and stories to them or sometimes they tell them something interesting.
Infant pupils learn how to use money in their classroom shop. They learn how to get on with other children and learn how to read, count and write a little too.
When children are seven they go to junior schools, where they spend four years till they are eleven. So in England children spend six years in primary school. When pupils are eleven or a little older primary school is over.
Junior schools are real schools. Pupils sit in rows and follow a regular timetable. Their subjects are: English, Maths, History, Nature Study, Geography, Art, Music. In junior schools swimming, P.E. and Religion are on the timetable too.
But children spend a lot of time outdoors. They visit different museums and other famous and interesting places. Sometimes their teachers take them to London and other big cities. They walk and play a lot. In some primary schools children wear uniforms but in many primary schools they don’t.
New words and expressions
Leave school – maktabni bitirmoq At the age of - … yoshda
Bag – sumka Exercise- book – mashq daftari
Ruler – chizg’ich Rubber – o’chirg’ich
A glass of milk – bir stakan sut Have lunch – tushlik qilmoq
Formal - rasmiy Carpet – gilam
Classes - darslar (mashg’ulotlar) Primary – boshlang’ich
Infant school - boshlang’ich maktab (5 yoshdan 7yoshgacha bo’lgan bolalarga)
Junior school – boshlang’ich maktab (7- 11yoshgacha bo’lgan bolalar uchun)
Spend – o’tkazmoq learn – o’rgatmoq
Real – haqiqiy Sit in rows – qatorda o’tirish
Follow a regular timetable – kundalik dars jadvaliga amal qilinadi
Wear uniform – forma kiymoq Visit – tashrif buyurmoq
Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text

  1. When does the English school year usually begin?

  2. Why don’t children have school-bags, books, pencils, rubbers, rulers on their first school day? When do they get them?

  3. What do children learn at school?

  4. Do little children usually sit in rows in infant schools?

  5. How do they spend time at school when they are five?

  6. How do they spend time at school when they are seven?

  7. Are Junior schools real schools?

  8. What subjects do English pupils have on the timetable?

Exercise 2: Write down true or false

  1. English pupils often leave school at the age of fourteen. - (false)

  2. The school year always begins on the first of September.

  3. English school never begins on Monday.

  4. There is no need for the children to take bags, pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers with them to school on the first school day.

  5. Classes in primary school usually begin at nine.

  6. Classes are usually over at three.

  7. At the age of 5 children go to infant school.

  8. Infant classes are very formal.

  9. Junior schools are real schools.

  10. When children are 10 they go to junior schools.


The United States of America is situated in the central part of the American continent. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west and by the Atlantic Ocean in the east.
The area of the USA is over 9 million square kilometres. The USA borders on Canada in the North and on Mexico in the South. The population of the USA is over 250 million people. The official language is English.
There are the Cordillera and the Rocky Mountains in the West and the Appalachian Mountains in the East. Between the USA and Canada there are five Great Lakes, Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
The longest river in the USA is Mississippi which flows into The Gulf of Mexico. The USA has different climatic regions. The coldest regions are in the north. The south has a subtropical climate.
The capital is Washington. There are other cities: New York is a financial and business centre, Boston with its three Universities, Chicago with its heavy industry, Philadelphia with its University and agricultural machines and locomotives. Detroit which an automobile industry, San Francisco which is a big port and has shipbuilding plants and at last Los Angeles in California with its modern industry. Not far from Los Angeles is Hollywood, the centre of film business. The USA produces more than 52% of world’s corn, wheat, cotton and tobacco. The USA is a federal republic consisting of 50 states.
The President is the head of the state.
The main political parties are the Republican and Democratic.
Congress is the American parliament.

New words and expressions.

Washed by – yuvib turadi
Corn – makkajo’xori
Border on – chegaradosh
Wheat – bug’doy
The Gulf of Mexico – Meksika qo’ltig’I
Federal state – federal davlat
Heavy industry – og’ir sanoat
Agricultural – qishloq xo’jaligiga oid
Exercise 1. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. Where is the USA situated?

  2. What is the area of the United States?

  3. How many Great Lakes are there in the USA?

  4. How many states are there in the USA?

  5. Say a few words about each city of the USA.

  6. Who is the head of the state?

Exercise 2. Choose the right answer.

  1. In what continent is the USA situated?

  1. In the American continent

  2. In the African continent

  1. What Oceans is the USA washed by?

  1. By the Atlantic and Indian Oceans

  2. By the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

  1. Does the USA border on Canada and Mexico?

  1. No, it doesn’t

  2. Yes, it does

  1. What is the longest river in the USA?

  1. The Missouri river is

  2. The Mississippi river is

  1. What is the official language of the USA?

  1. Russian

  2. English

  1. The capital of the country is Washington, isn’t it?

  1. No, it isn’t

  2. Yes, it is

  1. What does American agriculture produce?

  1. Cotton, corn, wheat

  2. Grain, fruit, vegetables

  1. How many states are there in the USA?

  1. Fifty states

  2. Fifty three states

  1. Who is the head of the state?

  1. The president

  2. The king

  1. What kind of republic is the USA?

  1. Monarchy

  2. Federal

Exercise 3. Choose the right words.

The USA is one of (the largest, larger, large) country in the (earth, world, planet). It is situated (in, on, at) the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The area (on, of, at) the USA is over (ten, nine, eight) million square kilometres.
The USA (have, has, had) one of the (biggest, widest, longest) rivers in the world is (Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio) River.
The capital is (London, Washington, New York). New York is a (film, financial, industry) centre.
Washington is the capital of the USA. It has been the seat of the American government since 1800. George Washington the first president, choose the place, where the city now stands. Its population is over 3 million people. There is not much industry. Washington is on both banks of the Potomac River, between two states, Maryland and Virginia. Washington was named in honour of the first president, George Washington. There are many places of interest. We can see the Lincoln memorial and the Washington Monument, the Library of Congress, The Capital, The White House which is the official residence of the President, the National Gallery and many others.
The Capital is the seat of American Congress and it has 540 rooms. Pennsylvania Avenue connect the White House with the Capitol. The White House has 132 rooms. The White House is the place where the president of the USA lives and works .

The National Gallery of Art is one of the finest picture galleries in America. It was opened in 1941 and has a large collection by the great masters from the 14th to the 19th centuries. Many tourists visit the National Gallery of Art, The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Washington City was founded 1791. Not far from the city there is Mount Vernon, the former home of George Washington.
Abraham Lincoln was the president during the time of Civil War (1861- 1865). This was the war between the Northern and Southern States. Lincoln became the leader of the North, but his life ended tragically. After the war two presidents’ birthdays have been combined into one President’s Day , which became a great holiday. It is celebrated on the third Monday in February.

New words and expressions.

Places of interest – diqqatga sazovor joylar Southern states – Janubiy shtatlar
White House – Oq Uy To celebrate - nishonlamoq
To connect – bog’lamoq Capital - poytaxt
Picture galleries – suratlar ko’rgazmasi Former- sobiq
Northern states – Shimoliy shtatlar Memorial – haykal
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier – noma’lum Askar qabri
Official residence – rasmiy qarorgoh
Exercise 1. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What is the capital of the USA?

  2. How many people live there?

  3. What places of interest are there in Washington?

  4. What is the seat of American Congress?

  5. The National Gallery is one of the finest picture galleries in America, isn’t it?

  6. Say a few words about two great presidents of America.

Exercise 2. Choose the right answer.

  1. What is the capital of the USA?

  1. Washington

  2. New York

  1. Where is Washington situated?

  1. On the banks of the Potomac River

  2. On the banks of the Thames River

  1. Who was the first President of the USA?

  1. Abraham Lincoln was

  2. George Washington

  1. How many rooms are there in the Capitol?

  1. 460 rooms

  2. 540 rooms

  1. What monuments can we see in Washington?

  1. The Lincoln and the Washington monuments

  2. The statue of Lord Nelson

  1. Where is the official residence of the President?

  1. In the Capitol

  2. In the White House

  1. When was the National Gallery of Art opened?

  1. In 1944

  2. In 1941

  1. How many rooms are there in the White House?

  1. 150 rooms

  2. 132 rooms

  1. When was Washington City founded?

  1. In 1791

  2. In 1800

  1. Have you ever been to Washington?

  1. Yes, I’ve

  2. No, I’ve not

Exercise 3. Choose the right words.
Washington (is situated, washed by, border on) both banks of the Potomac River. Washington was (called, named, told) in honour of the first (king, queen, president) George Washington. The (area, population) of the city is (about, over, more) three million people.
The White ( House, senate) is the (historical, political, official) residence of the USA.
The American flag is often called “The Stars and Stripes”. There are three colours on the flag of the United States – red, white, blue. As there are fifty states in the United States, there are fifty stars on the American flag: one star for each state.

The American flag has thirteen stripes. The stripes are red and white. The flag has seven red stripes and six white stripes. There is one stripe for each of the first thirteen colonies of the United States.
People must know many things about the flag, for example: you should display it only during the day and you should fold it in a special way. In some schools there is a flag in each classroom and children stand in front of the flag every day. You can see the American flag in shops and offices, in the streets and squares, in small towns and in big cities. You can see pictures of the American flag in newspapers and magazines. Americans are proud of their flag and display it in many places.
One of the most famous symbols of the USA is the Statue of Liberty.
France gave the statue to America in 1884 as a symbol of friendship. The Statue is in New York on Liberty Island. It is one of the first things people see when they arrive in New York by sea.
The eagle became the official national symbol of the country in 1782. It has an olive branch (a symbol of peace) and arrows ( symbol of strength). You can see the eagle on the back of a dollar bill.
The United States of America has an official song too. It is called “ the Stars- Spangled Banner”.
Every state in the USA has its own flag, its own symbol and its own song too.
New words and expressions
Symbol – ramz, timsol Flag – bayroq
Star – yulduz Stripes – yo’l-yo’l chiziqlar
Colony – mustamlaka Display – namoyish qilmoq
Fold – taxlamoq In front of – oldida
The Statue of Liberty – Ozodlik Haykali Friendship – do’stlik
Eagle – burgut An olive branch – zaytun shoxchasi
Arrows – kamon o’qlari Strength – kuch- qudrat
Bill – tumshuq Banner – bayroq
“The Star – Spangled Banner “- AQShning rasmiy madhiyasi (Yaltiroq yulduzchali bayroq)

Exercise 1: Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What do people often call the American flag?

  2. What are the colours of the American flag?

  3. How many states are there in the USA?

  4. How many stars are there on the American flag? Why?

  5. How many stripes has the flag got?

  6. What colours are the stripes?

  7. Why are there 13 stripes on the flag? What do they mean?

  8. What country gave the Statue of Liberty to America?

  9. What symbol is the statue?

  10. When did the eagle become the official national symbol of the country.

Exercise 2: Choose the right words.
The American flag is red, white and (blue, black, yellow) . There are 13 (stars, stripes, arrows) on the American flag. There are fifty ( stars, stripes, olives) on the American flag. There are fifty (cities, countries, states) in the USA.
One of ( a, the, an) most famous (symbol, star, actress) of the USA (are, is, am) the Statue (at, on, of) Liberty. France (give, gave, given) the statue to America in (1884, 1885, 1782) as a symbol of ( peace, friendship, strength).
Abraham Lincoln is the most famous example of the “ American dream”. Many Americans think in their country a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position in their land. That was exactly what Lincoln did.
He was born in 1809 in a small farm Kentucky. When Abraham was quite young, the family moved to Indiana. He hardly had any education he only learned to read and write and do simple arithmetic.
In 1830 Abraham went to Springfield, Illinois. There he became a clerk and
worked hard to improve his education. In 1836 he became a lawyer.
He entered politics, too and in 1834 became a candidate to the Parliament of Illinois. He became soon a force in the political life.
In 1847 he went as a Congressman to the National Assembly (National Parliament ).
Slavery was then a burning question in American Politics. Many people in the Northern States wanted to abolish it, the Southern States opposed the abolition. The Southern said that it would mean economic ruin for them. The reason was that the prosperity of the South was based on cotton – growing and only Negroes worked there.
The Southerners threatened that if the North didn’t cease the fight against slavery, the Southern states would leave the Union. They wanted to form an in depended “Confederacy”.
In 1860 Lincoln was elected President of the USA. In 1861 seven states left the Union and elected their own President, Jefferson Davis. The confederacy was formed.
Lincoln was strongly against slavery and more strongly against the break up of the Union. In 1862 the American Civil War between the North and The South began. At first war went badly for the North. But Lincoln did not lose courage.
On the 14th of April the President and his wife visited a theatre in Washington. During the performance Lincoln was shot.
People admire Lincoln because he tried to preserve the nation. He is a symbol of American democracy.
New words and expressions.
American dream - Amerika orzusi
To rise from the lowest – jamiyatning pastki tabaqasidan
To the highest position yuqori tabaqasiga ko’tarilish
To hardly have any education – deyarli hech qanday bilim olmaslik
To improve one’s education – o’qishni davom ettirmoq
The National Assembly – Milliy Assambleya
Slavery – qulchilik
Prosperity – gullab yashnash
To abolish slavery – qullikni bekor qilmoq
Civil War – Fuqarolik Urushi
Exercise 1. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. When was Abraham Lincoln born?

  2. What education did he have?

  3. When did he enter politics?

  4. What was becoming a burning question in American politics?

  5. What was Lincoln strongly against?

  6. Why is he called a symbol American democracy?

Exercise 2. Choose the right answer.

  1. When was Abraham Lincoln born?

  1. In 1809

  2. In 1812

  1. When did he become a candidate to the Parliament of Illinois?

  1. In 1850

  2. In 1834

  1. What states wanted to abolish slavery?

  1. Northern States

  2. Southern States

  1. What was the reason opposed the abolition?

  1. The prosperity of the South was based on cotton – growing and only Negroes worked there.

  2. They wanted to sell Negroes

  1. When was Lincoln elected president of the USA?

  1. In 1860

  2. In 1870

  1. For what was Lincoln strongly against?

  1. For slavery

  2. For war

  1. What was happened between the North and the South?

  1. World war 1

  2. The American Civil War

  1. Abraham Lincoln is a symbol of American democracy, isn’t he?

  1. Yes, he is

  2. No, he isn’t

Exercise 3. Choose the right words.
Abraham Lincoln (was, were, is) born in (1812, 1809) in a (big, small) farm Kentucky. When Abraham was quite (baby, young, younger) the family moved (to, in, at) Indiana.
In (1834, 1830) Abraham (went, left, gone) to Stringfield, Illinois. There he (become, became) a (doctor, clerk, ingeneer) and worked hard to improve (her, his, your) education.
In (1870, 1860, 1876) Abraham was elected (congressman, president, candidate)
Read the poems and learn them.
Welcome to school.
Dear boys and girls
Welcome to school again.
Let’s be happy and gay
On this wonderful day!

The schoolboy.

The schoolboy who loves to learn
And knowledge wants to have
Is always glad to go to school
In sunshine, snow and rain.

by A. Burlakova

  1. st Child: Books are full of many things (to’la)

That I would like to know.

  1. nd Child: Books are full of greatest men

That lived long, long ago.
3 – rd Child: Books are full of countries
That I would like to see.
4 – th Child: Books are full of nice people (yaxshi)
That I would like to be .
5 – th Child: Books are full of children
That I would like to meet.
6 – th Child: Books are full of sweet fruit (shirin)
That I would like to eat.
7 – th Child: Books are full of mountains
That can be high and low.
8 – th Child: Books are full of flowers
That I would like to grow.
9 – th Child: Books are full of some trips (sayohat)
That I would like to take.
10- th Child: Books are full of nice things
That I would like to make.
11 – th Child: Books are full of good songs
That I would like to sing.
12 – th Child: Books are full of green trees
That blossom every spring. (gullamoq)
13 – th Child: Books are full of letters
That I would like to write.
14 –th Child: Books are full of pen – friends
Both with black skin and white. (teri)
15 – th Child: Books are full of many games
That I would like to play.
All together: Books are our best friends
As people often say. (tez – tez)
My book
by Ginny Winter

I shall not spoil this little book, (shikast etkazmoq)

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