“Best Practices” for Systems and Devices
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What’s New in This Version
This version supersedes Version 1.1, which summarized the Logo Program requirements for PCs and peripherals for Windows 98/Me and Windows 2000.
Version 2.0 of this document adds the following new information:
New requirements in relation to Windows XP/Windows Whistler Server and advances in industry specifications, first presented in the "Future Requirements" sections of Version 1.1 of this document, or announced in the Windows Logo Program News and posted at http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/winlogo/.
Most of these requirements match design guidelines defined in PC 2001 System Design Guide.
New checklists provide detailed requirements for servers and 64-bit systems. Most of these requirements match design guidelines defined in Hardware Design Guide Version 3.0 for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server.
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