’ve got a terrible pain in my back. I have

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Card 15

Card 15
1. Grammar: The verb to have and have/ has got
Have got and have
Have got and have mean the same. Have got is more informal. We use have (got) here to refer to both verbs:
I’ve got a terrible pain in my back.
have a terrible pain in my back. (more formal)
They haven’t got a car.
They don’t have a car. (more formal)
We use have (got) to talk about possession, relationships, characteristics and illnesses. In these contexts, it is not used in the continuous form:
She’s got two cats and a dog.
She has two cats and a dog.
Not: She is having got two cats and a dog.
Have you got a drill?
Do you have a drill? (more formal)
How many brothers have you got?
How many brothers do you have? (more formal)
She’s got a new boyfriend.
She has a new boyfriend. (more formal)
She’s got a delightful voice.
She has a delightful voice. (more formal)
It’s got 153 calories and 45g of carbohydrates.
It has 153 calories and 45g of carbohydrates. (more formal)
have never had the measles.
She’s got a headache.
Not: She is having a headache.

2. Write about the text" Intemet"

The Internet was invented in the late 1960s by the US Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency. In 1969, there was a network of just four mainframe computers. A mainframe computer is a large, powerful computer, shared by many users. The idea of the electronic mailbox was born when users looked for a way to talk to each other electronically. By 1984,the Internet had begun to develop into the form we know today. Electronic mail is much faster than traditional mail, because once the message is typed out, it arrives in the electronic mail box of the recipient within minutes. It’s better to use e-mail to contact friends rather than phone them, because e-mail is cheaper for long distances than the phone. People can share their interests through the Internet and it makes it very easy to exchange ideas and information.
The fax machine is a very convenient aid to contact companies and friends because messages are transmitted immediately. Fax machines work like photocopiers. They make a copy of a document and then send it down a telephone line to another fax machine. In this way they can send and receive information from each other. You can send any kind of thigs by fax, but it is more expensive than e-mail.

3. Write questions.

a)(yor,/ a camera?). Have you got a camera ?
B) (you/a passport?). Have you a passport?
c) (your father / a car?). Has your father got a car?
d) (Carol/ many friends?) . Does Carol have many friends?

4.Read and translate the text

Founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Stanford Ph.D. candidates who developed a technologically advanced method for finding information on the Internet, its most famous product is a hybrid search engine that ranks the popularity of results that match your keyword search. Google focuses primarily on delivering the best search experience on the Web, by providing a search site and by licensing its search technology to commercial sites like many great Internet terms, Google has morphed into many usages, including:
- "Did you Google him" - meaning did you run a search on a potential blind date, for example, to find out more about him;
- "I got Googled" - meaning someone ran a search on you to find out more about you;
- "Have you Googled it" - meaning have you run a search on a product or item;
- "Google it" – meaning run a search on it.

1998 yilda Larri Peyj va Stenford doktori Sergey Brin tomonidan asos solingan. Internetda ma'lumot qidirishning texnologik jihatdan rivojlangan usulini ishlab chiqqan nomzodlar, uning eng mashhur mahsuloti sizning kalit so'z qidirishingizga mos keladigan natijalar mashhurligini egallaydigan gibrid qidiruv tizimidir. Google birinchi navbatda Internetda eng yaxshi qidiruv tajribasini etkazib berishga, qidiruv saytini taqdim etish va ko'plab ajoyib Internet atamalari singari tijorat saytlariga uning qidiruv texnologiyalarini litsenziyalash bilan shug'ullanib, Google ko'plab foydalanishga, shu jumladan:

- "Siz uni Google qildingizmi" - degani, ehtimol siz ko'r kuni to'g'risida qidiruvni amalga oshirgansiz, masalan, u haqida ko'proq ma'lumot olish uchun;
- "Men Googledni oldim" - degani, kimdir siz haqingizda ko'proq ma'lumot topish uchun sizni qidirib topdi;
- "Siz buni tekshirganmisiz" - degani, siz mahsulot yoki buyumda qidiruv o'tkazganingizni anglatadi;
- "Google it" - bu qidiruvni amalga oshirishni anglatadi.
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’ve got a terrible pain in my back. I have

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