• Unit 5. Ethical business. Answer the questions according to text
  • 3.To be honest, I love my field and I cant believe that there is anything wrong with it, because I believe that I can help society with my field. 00:01
  • 1. Yes, of course, because the purpose of every business is to help the society away from various problems

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    Homeworks (3)
    TEXNIK DIAGNOSTIKA VA TRANSPORT VOSITALARI, Taqdimot, Kasalliklar, Windows masalalari, Umumiy pedagogika Boshlang’ich ta’lim pedagogikasi va innovatsiy

    Unit 4. New Ideas
    One beneficial innovation that has greatly impacted human life the development of the. The Internet hasized the way people communicate access information, conduct business, and even receive healthcare. It has people from all corners the world, making communication and collaboration easier than ever before. Additionally, the Internet has paved the way for e-commerce, online education, telemedicine, and countless other services that have improved the quality of life for many people. Overall, the Internet has had a profound and lasting impact on human life, and continues to be a driving force behind innovation and progress in various fields.

    The meaning of the word discovery is to discover as you know. For example, when we say that Columbus discovered the American continent, it is understood that Columbus did not make the American continent by mixing one thing with another, but that he found it. Newton's law of universal gravitation and Einstein's theory of relativity are similar phenomena. Therefore, discovery is the discovery of the secret of a phenomenon that already exists in nature. A new thing created by the human mind is called an invention. For example, each of the materials available for making a computer can be a discovery, and the computer itself is a collection of those things and is a gift of human ingenuity.

    Unit 5. Ethical business.
    Answer the questions according to text

    1. Yes, of course, because the purpose of every business is to help the society away from various problems.
    2.for example, providing employment to society, providing them with quality products,
    3.To be honest, I love my field and I can't believe that there is anything wrong with it, because I believe that I can help society with my field. 00:01
    4.I think that everyone should have their own personal standards at work, because these things increase the level of performance and pave the way for success. Although it is difficult because it does not allow us to do many activities that we like, these constraints make the gland smarter and stronger

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    1. Yes, of course, because the purpose of every business is to help the society away from various problems

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