• Windows 2000 work around for Support_DLL
  • 2000 work around process disclaimer

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    • PENNDOT ECMS and Help Desk Units are offering a potential solution for those Business Partners whom have not migrated to Windows XP SP1 and are still running Windows 2000.

    • PENNDOT ECMS/PENNDOT Help Desk are not supporting solutions for the Windows 2000 system users.

    • PENNDOT is not responsible for any issues, damages and/or corruption that may be incurred by the using/installing this solution to the Business Partners systems or their data.

    Windows 2000 work around for Support_DLL

    The following documents are intended to help those running Windows 2000 and are having difficulty downloading/installing the Support_DLL. This documentation is designed to allow you to download the cab file in question, extract the cab file and then install the INF file in the extracted cab. It is expected that this be attempted by a knowledgeable IT staff personnel. It is still strongly recommended that Business Partners upgrade their systems to Windows XP (SP1 is necessary) as PENNDOT/PENNDOT Help Desk no longer supports Windows 2000.

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    2000 work around process disclaimer

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