• 10. мулоқот жараѐнида суҳбатдошнинг позициясидан, ҳолатидан туриб, ўзини тасаввур қилиши, бошқа одамнинг идрокига тааллуқли бўлиб ўзига бировнинг кўзи билан қарашга интилиш
  • 11. Oдамлар онгида мулоқотлар мобайнида шаклланиб ўрнашиб қолган кўникиб қолинган образлардан шаблон сифатида фойдаланиш
  • 12. Boshqalarning hissiy кечинмаларини тушуна олиш va g’amxo’rlik xislati – bu …
  • 14. «Одамларни ўзингиз тўғрингизда яхши фикрга эга бўлишларини хоҳласангиз, уларни тингланг» ushbu fikr qaysi psixolog olimga tegishli
  • 15. Muloqot jarayonidagi профессионал тинглаш техникасига qaysi qatorda to’g’ri ko’rsatilgan
  • .Kim maktabda o’quv yili va uni o’quv choraklariga bo’lish
  • Sуҳбатдошлар бир-бирларини тўғрироқ идрок қилиш учун ўзларини бир-бирларининг ўрнига қўйиб кўришга ҳаракат қилishi?

    Download 0,73 Mb.
    Hajmi0,73 Mb.
    1   ...   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   ...   145
    3D kitob yaratish imkonini beruvchi dasturni ko’rsating

    9. Sуҳбатдошлар бир-бирларини тўғрироқ идрок қилиш учун ўзларини бир-бирларининг ўрнига қўйиб кўришга ҳаракат қилishi?
    *a) идентификация
    b) рефлексия
    s) стереотипизация
    d) illyuziya
    10. мулоқот жараѐнида суҳбатдошнинг позициясидан, ҳолатидан туриб, ўзини тасаввур қилиши, бошқа одамнинг идрокига тааллуқли бўлиб ўзига бировнинг кўзи билан қарашга интилиш?
    *a) рефлексия
    b) идентификация
    s) стереотипизация
    d) illyuziya
    11. Oдамлар онгида мулоқотлар мобайнида шаклланиб ўрнашиб қолган кўникиб қолинган образлардан шаблон сифатида фойдаланиш?
    *a) стереотипизация
    b) идентификация
    s) рефлексия
    d) illyuziya
    12. Boshqalarning hissiy кечинмаларини тушуна олиш va g’amxo’rlik xislati – bu …?
    *a) Empatiya
    b) идентификация
    s) рефлексия
    d) стереотипизация
    13. «Яхши суҳбатдош - яхши гапиришни биладиган эмас, балки яхши тинглашни биладиган суҳбатдошдир» ushbu fikr qaysi psixolog olimga tegishli?
    *a) Deyl Karnegi
    b) А. Бодалев
    s) Г. М. Андреева
    d) А. Н. Леонтьев
    14. «Одамларни ўзингиз тўғрингизда яхши фикрга эга бўлишларини хоҳласангиз, уларни тингланг» ushbu fikr qaysi psixolog olimga tegishli?
    *a) А. Шопенгауэр
    b) А. Бодалев
    s) Г. М. Андреева
    d) А. Н. Леонтьев
    15. Muloqot jarayonidagi профессионал тинглаш техникасига qaysi qatorda to’g’ri ko’rsatilgan?
    *a) актив холат, суҳбатдошга самимий қизиқиш билдириш, ўйчан жимлик
    b) актив холат va passiv holat
    s) суҳбатдошга самимий қизиқиш билдириш
    d) ўйчан жимлик va faol munosabat
    1. Find out real-situations where people listen to other people in their native language
    * a)Radio news, telephone conversation, interviews
    b)Announcements in the train station, music, complete sentences
    c)Instructions, story-telling ,presenting active words of the new topic
    d)Repeating slowly, a background noise, receiving feedback

    2. Problems in using authentic listening materials

    *a)Usually long, background noise might interfere, unknown vocabulary
    b)Usually boring, learners might be deceived about the nature of the real life listening
    c)Fast speech, might find it difficult to communicate in real life
    d)Learners who are always exposed to non-authentic listening texts

    3.The examples of typical speaking activities are

    *a)Speak about…, describe the picture
    b)Answer the questions, work in pairs and read the conversation
    c)Make up sentence, listen and say

    4. Has a very basic range of simple expressions about personal details and needs of a concrete type.

    d) C1

    5.Can handle very short social exchanges even though they don’t understand enough to keep the conversation going themselves…… What level is it?


    6.Which speaking scale criteria can be used in the following situation.

    Has a good command of a board range of language
    7. Which speaking scale criteria can be used in the following situation.
    Can link groups of words with simple connectors like “and”, “but”, “because”

    8. Identify whether the given task in the list is designed for( –pre reading stage)

    *a)Before reading a teacher introduces some new words
    b)Learners can scan the text to find the name of the main character
    c)Learners read quickly in order to give answers to one or two general questions
    d)Learners write a paragraph, which could come immediately before the beginning of the story

    9. Identify whether the given task in the list is designed for( –post reading stage)

    *a)Learners discuss topics related to the content of the text
    b)Learners can scan the text to find the name of the main character
    c)Learners read quickly in order to give answers to one or two general questions
    d)Students complete a detailed True/False exercise

    10.Find out the objective of the while stage in reading

    *a)Practice reading for gist
    b)Introduce vocabulary with the help of peer teaching
    c)Establish rapport with the class
    d)Prepare learners for a personalized writing task

    11. What is the main aim of writing?


    12.Complete the sentence.

    A good … task should have … purpose, relevant and interesting to learners
    *a)Writing, communicative
    b)Writing, practicing
    c)Writing, producing
    d)Writing, retelling

    13.Match while-writing task with definition

    *a)draws on writing itself
    b)prepares for writing
    c)arouses learners` interest
    d)encourages learners to relate writing to their own

    14.Passive vocabulary is…

    *a)The number of words students can recognize, understand and remember
    b)The number of words students can confidently use in speaking and writing
    c)All answers are true
    d)All answers are false

    15.Active vocabulary is…

    *a)The number of words students can confidently use in speaking and writing
    b)The number of words students can recognize, understand and remember
    c)All answers are true
    d)All answers are false
    16. In traditional way of presenting grammar is called inductively when…
    *a)pupils work out grammar rules themselves with the help of teacher
    b)the teacher explains grammar rules herself
    c)the teacher uses only English language for explaining the rule
    d)the teacher uses only mother tongue language for explaining the rule

    17.One way of presenting grammar is called deductively when…

    *a)the teacher explains grammar rules herself
    b)the teacher uses only mother tongue language for explaining the rule
    c)pupils work out grammar rules themselves with the help of teacher
    d)the teacher uses only English language for explaining the rule

    18.What is different about teaching young learners?

    *a)They learn things slowly but forget easily.
    b)I believe that students show their capacities in different ways so no problem!
    c)I would not force them too much if they are trying their best to do otherwise
    d)They learn things easily

    19.Choose the inputs of auditory children

    *a)songs, chants, poems, stories read aloud, environment sounds (rains, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaners, computer’s printers, people walking)
    b)environment sounds (rains, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaners, computer’s printers, people walking)
    c)pictures such as drawings, sketches, photograph, paintings, posters, murals, diagrams
    d)real life objects that children touch

    20.Choose the inputs of visual children

    *a)pictures such as drawings, sketches, photograph, paintings, posters, murals, diagrams
    b)songs, chants, poems, stories read aloud, environment sounds (rains, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaners, computer’s printers, people walking)
    c)environment sounds (rains, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaners, computer’s printers, people walking)
    d)real life objects that children touch

    21.Choose the inputs of tactile children

    *a)real life objects that children touch can as well as toys and puppets (it is important to make sure that the child can actually touch the objects and not merely look at them
    b)songs, chants, poems, stories read aloud, environment sounds (rains, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaners, computer’s printers, people walking)
    c)environment sounds (rains, cars, trucks, animals, vacuum cleaners, computer’s printers, people walking)
    d)pictures such as drawings, sketches, photograph, paintings, posters, murals, diagrams

    22. Visual learners

    *a)those people who learn information best by seeing
    b)those people who learn information best by listening
    c)those people who learn information best by doing or moving
    d)mixed people

    23.Auditory learners

    *a)hose people who learn information best by listening
    b)those people who learn information best by doing or moving
    c)those people who learn information best by seeing
    d)mixed people

    24. Kinesthetic learners

    *a)those people who learn information best by doing or moving
    b)those people who learn information best by listening
    c)those people who learn information best by seeing
    d)mixed people

    25.What does grammar teach?

    *a)grammar system of a language
    b)phonetic units of a language
    c) working on words
    -d)meanings of a word

    26.The purpose of feedback is ……

    *a)to give professional support
    b)to criticize teacher
    c)to be judgmental
    d)no correct answer

    27.Below is the question taken from the conversation between Teacher and Observer. Decide which question belongs to teacher

    *a)what do you think I could change next time ?
    b)how did you feel while teaching ?
    c)what do you want me to focus in on your lessons ?
    d)what would you do to make the instructions clearer to your pupils

    28.Below is the question taken from the conversation between Teacher and Observer. Decide which question belongs to teacher

    *a)what do you want me to focus in on my lessons ?
    b)how did you feel while teaching ?
    c)what do you want me to focus in on your lessons ?
    d)what would you do to make the instructions clearer to your pupils

    29.Below is the question taken from the conversation between Teacher and Observer. Decide which question belongs to observer

    *a)what do you want me to focus in on your lessons ?
    b)what do you think I could change next time ?
    c)what do you want me to focus in on my lessons ?
    d)why couldn`t pupils understand your instructions

    30.What is a learner autonomy?

    *a)Learners who take an active role in their learning
    b)Students can learn from each other as well as the teacher
    c)Teachers should provide their learners with meaningful, challenging but doable tasks to keep them interested
    d)It is important for a teacher to use team building and cooperative activities to encourage mutual respect and cooperation rather than competition

    31What do you call a group of people living together?


    32)…enables the learners to interact in a better way when giving ideas

    *a)Communicative approach
    b)Audio lingual approach
    c)Constructive Approach
    d)Grammar Translation

    33.Which of these are some of the functions that are used in communicative approach?

    *a)Requesting, informing, expressing likes and dislikes
    b)Documenting, receiving, typing
    c)Writing, listening, reading
    d)Speaking, typing, reading
    34.What are some similarities of the Audiolingual Approach with the Direct Method in language teaching?
    *a)Both reject the use of the mother tongue and stress that speaking and listening competences preceded reading and writing competences
    b)Both highlight the teaching of vocabulary
    c)Both focus on grammar drills
    d)They focus mainly on the use of the mother tongue

    35.The objective of the audiolingual method are…

    *a)accurate pronunciation and grammar, the ability to respond quickly and accurately in speech situations and knowledge of sufficient vocabulary to use with grammar patterns
    b)locating a particular piece of reading information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage, enhance the writing skill
    c)Highlight punctuation, and vocabulary should be ignored
    d)Speaking is dominant skill in all cases

    36.Some of the activities that could be involved in constructive classroom while teaching language are…

    *a)role playing, theme and content based, oral presentations, discussions and debates and etc.
    b)Grammar exercises, drills, writing dictation
    c)Essay writing, dictation
    d)Discussions, essay writing, dictation

    37.What can be one of the challenges that teachers come across at a foreign language lesson with young learners?

    *a)They tend to rely on the patterns of their native tongue
    b)Lack of the advanced vocabulary
    c)Being short of time
    d)Their grammar competence
    38.Essential methods of teaching EFL to young learners are based on….
    *a)role plays; communicative methods; total physical involvement.
    b)pair work; writing tasks; total physical response
    c)role plays; total physical involvement; writing
    d)pair work; critical thinking; writing

    39. Physical activities and movement: role-play, games, making posters and doing projects define the characteristics of……

    *a)Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
    b)Interpersonal intelligence
    c)Musical-rhythmical intelligence
    d)Visual intelligence

    40.Simulation …

    *a)classroom or training activities which reproduce real situations and which often involve learners in playing roles and group discussion in order to solve a problem or complete a given task
    b)classroom activities in which students take the roles of different participants in a situation and act out what might typically happen in that situation
    c)an activity to make learners feel less nervous
    d)an activity used to orient learners to a new topic or area of focus
    41. Role play -
    *a)classroom activities in which students take the roles of different participants in a situation and act out what might typically happen in that situation
    b)an activity to make learners feel less nervous
    c)an activity where participants move and talk to each other
    d)classroom or training activities which reproduce real situations and which often involve learners in playing roles and group discussion in order to solve a problem or complete a given task

    42.An activity in which a pair or two groups of students hold different cards, where one partner knows something that the other doesn’t

    *a)nformation gap

    43.One of the ways of developing vocabulary through the use of ICT is…

    *a)encouraging pupils to compose and edit on screen, using word processing
    tools such as dictionary and thesaurus
    b)promoting the use of dictionaries, thesauruses and spelling investigations to
    extend the range of words used.
    c)establishing a role play/drama area to develop confidence and functional
    language skills
    d)all answers are right

    44.A typical feature of association methods in vocabulary instruction is…

    *a)encouraging learners to draw connections between what they do know and unfamiliar words
    b)going beyond the text to include other medias such as visual stimulus, the use of the computer or sign language
    c)focusing on making reading an automatic activity
    d)focusing on structure of a language

    45.A teacher uses talk to support vocabulary development by:

    *a)Establishing a role play/drama area, developing Stop Rewind activities, asking pupils to provide verbal feedback to written pieces and etc.
    b)Displaying whole class vocabulary choices, for example by using images of
    the pupils, with speech bubbles showing good examples, providing a range of quality texts and text types that link to and extend the pupils‘ interests
    c)Showing a short film, showing a scene from a film without sound and asking pupils to use the facial expression to determine emotion
    d)Promoting online book communities to establish the top ten reads as
    recommendations for the class or school

    46.Approach is …..

    *a)Theoretical positions and beliefs about the nature of the language, the nature of language learning, and the applicability of both pedagogical settings
    b)The study of pedagogical practices in general, including theoretical underpinnings and related research., whatever considerations are involved in “how to teach” are methodological
    c)It is language learning to subject matter and language is seen as a tool or medium for acquiring knowledge about other things, instantly proving its usefulness and the content itself determines what language items need to be mastered
    d)A common way of language teaching

    47.The study and practice of teaching methods appropriate to working with young learners.

    48.Which of the basic approaches to vocabulary instruction is described?
    Going beyond the text to include other medias such as visual stimulus, the use of the computer or sign language
    *a)multimedia methods
    b)indirect instruction
    c)capacity methods
    d)association methods

    49. Characteristics of teaching grammar through songs and rhymes

    *a)Since they provide authentic texts, they are motivating and they can also be used to teach a variety of language items such as sentence patterns, vocabulary, pronunciation, rhythm, adjectives, and adverbs.
    b)flexible technique for teaching any phase of a grammar lesson. It provides a realistic context for presenting grammar points and holds and focuses students‘ attention by using authentic prose
    c)It serves as a means of contextualising the language and this helps clarify its meaning.
    d)It helps students strengthen their writing skills

    50.What is feedback?

    *a)Comments or information learners receive on the success of a learning task, either from the teacher or from other learners
    b)Systematic gathering of information for purposes of decision making
    c)The measurement of the ability of a person or the quality or success of a teaching
    d)Study and practice of teaching methods appropriate to working with adults

    51.One of the main characteristics of feedback is it….

    *a)Should be constructive
    b)Should be destructive
    c)Should have general comments
    d)Should be critical

    52.What is an assessment?

    *a)It is the process of gathering and evaluating information on what students know, understand, and can do in order to make an informed decision about next steps in the educational process
    b)It is a distance learning
    c)It is that educational information and instruction is taught to learners who are physically distant from the source of that information and instruction
    d)educational process

    53.What skills are there in a language learning?

    *a)All variants are right
    d) Listening and speaking

    54.What stages are there in the listening lessons?

    *a)pre-, while- and post listening
    b)post listening

    55.What is an activity?

    *a)A short task which is a part of a lesson
    b)The routine language that is used on a regular basis in classroom like giving instructions of praise, for example ‗take out your books‘, ‗please sit down‘
    c)The goal of this teaching method is communication, both in the classroom and in real life. It generally encourages more learner talk for real communicative purposes and a facilitative role for the teacher.
    d)A country where English is the first language/ mother tongue

    56.What is a communicative language teaching?

    *a)The goal of this teaching method is communication, both in the classroom and in real life. It generally encourages more learner talk for real communicative purposes and a facilitative role for the teacher.
    b)The routine language that is used on a regular basis in classroom like giving instructions of praise, for example ‗take out your books‘, ‗please sit down‘
    c)A short task which is a part of a lesson
    d)A country where English is the first language/ mother tongue

    57.What is an English-speaking country?

    *a)A country where English is the first language/ mother tongue
    b)The goal of this teaching method is communication, both in the classroom and in real life. It generally encourages more learner talk for real communicative purposes and a facilitative role for the teacher.
    c)The routine language that is used on a regular basis in classroom like giving instructions of praise, for example ‗take out your books‘, ‗please sit down‘
    d)A short task which is a part of a lesson

    58.What is extracurricular activity?

    *a)Educational activities not falling within the scope of the regular curriculum
    b)The routine language that is used on a regular basis in classroom like giving instructions of praise, for example ‗take out your books‘, ‗please sit down‘
    c)A short task which is a part of a lesson
    d)A country where English is the first language/ mother tongue

    59.What is a genre?

    *a)Type of a text
    b)Educational activities not falling within the scope of the regular curriculum
    c)A short task which is a part of a lesson
    d)A country where English is the first language/ mother tongue

    60.What is a Integrated skill?

    *a)All of the language skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing) together. Integrated skills activities bring together different language skills (e.g. Learners discuss a writing assignment, thus practicing listening, speaking and writing).
    b)Educational activities not falling within the scope of the regular curriculum
    c)A short task which is a part of a lesson
    d)A country where English is the first language/ mother tongue

    61.What is a method?

    *a)The procedures and techniques characteristic of teaching
    b)Educational activities not falling within the scope of the regular curriculum
    c)A short task which is a part of a lesson
    d)A country where English is the first language/ mother tongue

    62.What is a mind map?

    *a)A diagram which supposedly represents the brain or the mind: topics are clustered on the page together as they are believed to be collected in the brain.
    b)The procedures and techniques characteristic of teaching
    c)Educational activities not falling within the scope of the regular curriculum
    d)A short task which is a part of a lesson

    63.What is a pronunciation?

    *a)The act or result of producing the sounds of speech, including articulation, stress, and intonation, often with reference to some standard of correctness or acceptability
    b)The procedures and techniques characteristic of teaching
    c)Educational activities not falling within the scope of the regular curriculum
    d)A short task which is a part of a lesson

    64.Choose the genre of literature

    *a)horror, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, romance, adventure story.
    b)Romance, adventure story.

    65.Find the name of the story.

    This is a story of a long fight between an old, experienced fisherman and the best fish he ever caught. Santiago has returned to the village without any fish for 84 days. The young boy who helps Santiago is told by his parents to join another boat. But the young boy continues to help the fisherman at night…
    *a)The Old Man and the Sea
    b)Great Gatsby
    c)Gone with wind

    66.Find the name of the story.

    Once upon a time there was a young prince, who believed in all things but three. He didn`t belive in princess, he didn`t belive in islands, he didn`t belive in God….
    *a)The prince and the magician
    b)The Old Man and the Sea
    c)Great Gatsby
    d)Gone with wind

    67.Who is the author of the story “The Old Man and the Sea”?

    *a)Ernest Hemingway
    b)William Shakespeare
    c)Rhonda Byrne
    d)Jack London

    68.What is TPR?

    *a)Total Physical Response
    b)Typical Physical Response
    c)Total Physical Requests
    d)Total Physical Responsibility

    69. The word dictation comes from the…

    b) English
    70. … is a related activity, requires the pupils to only take notes of the key words used as they listen and then later reconstruct the text so that it has the same meaning as the original text although perhaps not exactly the same form
    *a) Dictogloss dictation
    b)Knocking dictation
    c) Silent picture dictation
    d) Picture dictation
    71. What is the main feature of Receptive bilinguals?
    *a)they understand the spoken or written forms of two languages but do not necessarily use both languages themselves
    b) they understand, speak and write both languages
    c) they comprehend only speaking skills
    d) they deny the spoken or written forms of two languages and do not use both languages themselves

    72. EFL stands for ….

    *a) English as a Foreign Language
    b) English as a First Language
    c) English as a Formal Language
    d) ) English as a Foreign Learner

    73. Acquired language is called …

    *a) L2
    b) L1
    c) mother tongue
    d) first language

    74. The dimensions of CLIL are:

    *a) culture, environment, language, content and learning
    b) culture, motivation, lesson activities
    c) language, environment, motivation, skills
    d) content, textbooks, skills

    75. What does Grammatical competence include?

    *a) vocabulary, word formation, syntax, spelling, and pronunciation
    b) coherence and cohesion of the language.
    c) the language in different social contexts, such as form and function, registers and roles
    d) efficient communication strategies

    76. The knowledge required to use the language appropriately in different social contexts, such as form and function, registers and roles is….

    *a) Sociolinguistic competence
    b) Grammatical competence
    c) Strategic competence
    d) Discourse competence

    77. What does Discourse competence include?

    *a) knowledge of the conventions, coherence and cohesion of the language
    b) vocabulary, word formation, syntax, spelling, and pronunciation
    c) the language in different social contexts, such as form and function, registers and roles
    d) efficient communication strategies

    78. What does CALL stand for?

    *a) Computer Assisted Language Learning
    b) Cooperation Assisted Language Learning
    c) Cambridge Advanced Language Learning
    d) Computer Adoption in Literature Learning

    79. Identify one of the roles of language lab in learning English

    *a) helps pupils develop proficiency in learning by using audio visual aids
    b) provides learners with textbooks
    c) helps learners to get knowledge through grammar only
    d) it relies only on teacher

    80. What is WELL Project?

    *a) Web Enhanced Language Learning
    b) World English Learning Lab
    c) World English Language Learning
    d) World English Language Listening

    81. Find out the characteristic feature of Wild dictation

    *a) refers teacher to learner independent type
    b)to divide pupils in pairs “A”, “B”
    c)Imagine I am a tape recorder
    d)Get a pair, in each pair should be one reader and one writer
    82. What is feedback?
    *a)Comments or information learners receive on the success of a learning task, either from the teacher or from other learners
    b)Systematic gathering of information for purposes of decision making
    c)The measurement of the ability of a person or the quality or success of a teaching
    d) Study and practice of teaching methods appropriate to working with adults

    83.One of the main characteristics of feedback is it….

    *a)Should be constructive
    b)Should be destructive
    c)Should have general comments
    d) Should be critical

    84.What is the feature of directive feedback ?

    *a) Teachers should be informed about their mistakes and told what to do. Teachers should be challenged in problematic areas of their teaching.
    b)Teachers should be asked questions that would make them consider alternative practices.
    c)Teachers should be invited to open up their feelings about their teaching. Teachers are invited to analyse and conceptualise their own teaching beliefs and practices and the supervisor‘s role is to facilitate this process. Teachers themselves decide what to do in their next lessons.
    d) Teachers should be informed about their mistakes before the teaching process

    85.What is typical for storytelling technique?

    *a)It provides a realistic context for presenting grammar points and holds and focuses students‘ attention, convenient and flexible technique for teaching any phase of a grammar lesson
    b)Encourages pupils to compose and edit on screen, using word processing
    tools such as dictionary and thesaurus
    c)It is the sole technique of enhancing listening
    d)It helps students strengthen their writing skills

    86.Notions in language teaching are…

    *a)Vocabulary, clauses, tense patterns and so on
    b)Communicative act, non verbal communication
    c)Interaction, action
    d)Clauses, communicative act

    87.This situation serves as a means of contextualising the language and helps clarify its meaning. What is it?

    *a)generative situation in teaching
    b)Non-functional situation
    d)Mind mapping

    88. What is a game?

    *a) a filler of the lesson
    b) an approach of the lesson
    c) a technique of the lesson
    d) a procedure of the lesson
    89.Promoting the use of dictionaries, Giving pupils a vocabulary notebook, playing word games to extend and challenge understanding of vocabulary, for example exploring words in other curriculum areas (e.g. a foul in sport and other meanings and usages), or identifying and focusing on words which act as more than one part of speech can encourage….
    *a)pupils to develop vocabulary during independent tasks
    b)pupils to extend grammar through whole class and guided group work
    c)pupils to develop vocabulary through the use of ICT
    d)pupils to develop only free writing during independent tasks

    90.One of the ways of developing vocabulary through the use of ICT is…

    *a)encouraging pupils to compose and edit on screen, using word processing
    tools such as dictionary and thesaurus
    b)promoting the use of dictionaries, thesauruses and spelling investigations to
    extend the range of words used.
    c)establishing a role play/drama area to develop confidence and functional
    language skills

    91.A typical feature of association methods in vocabulary instruction is…

    *a)encouraging learners to draw connections between what they do know and unfamiliar words
    b)going beyond the text to include other medias such as visual stimulus, the use of the computer or sign language
    c)focusing on making reading an automatic activity
    d)focusing on structure of a language

    92.A teacher uses talk to support vocabulary development by:

    Establishing a role play/drama area, developing Stop Rewind activities, asking pupils to provide verbal feedback to written pieces and etc.
    *a)Displaying whole class vocabulary choices, for example by using images of
    the pupils, with speech bubbles showing good examples, providing a range of quality texts and text types that link to and extend the pupils‘ interests
    b)Showing a short film, showing a scene from a film without sound and asking pupils to use the facial expression to determine emotion
    c)Promoting online book communities to establish the top ten reads as
    recommendations for the class or school

    93.The language used to analyze or describe a language.

    c)Native language
    d)target language

    94.What task is it?

    You could have your minimal pairs on flashcards or you could simply write two (or more) words at a time on the board. Create two teams and then pair pupils up with a member of the opposite team. In turn, each pair goes to stand at the back of the room, looking down an aisle at the board. When you call one of the minimal pairs out, the pair races to the front to touch the correct word (the odd word out) on the board or grab the appropriate flashcard. Pupils from the winning team could have a turn at calling the words for others to run to.
    *a)Run and Grab
    b)Minimal Pairs Bingo
    c)Odd One Out
    d)Sound TPR (Total Physical Response)

    95.What task is it?

    This is one of the easiest ways to focus on particular pairs of sounds. A Bingo card commonly has 5 x 5 squares, so you can use 25 words (12 minimal pairs, or more than two words for some sounds). One or more spaces on each card could be a ―free‖ spot, or you could change the size, maybe to 4 x 4. (I have found that 25 words works well for a full lesson and everyone will be able to learn them all by the end.)
    *a)Minimal Pairs Bingo
    b)Run and Grab
    c)Odd One Out
    d)Sound TPR (Total Physical Response)
    96.What task is it?
    Put similar words into groups of three—two with one sound, and one with a different (although similar) sound. Or you could have groups of four or five which contain the same sound, but only one that‘s different. For example: meet, seat, sit (for vowels), plays, pace, space (for consonants).
    *a)Odd One Out
    b)Minimal Pairs Bingo
    c)Run and Grab
    d)Sound TPR (Total Physical Response)
    97.What task is it?
    Younger pupils especially enjoy any activity that involves movement. Designate particular movements to particular sounds, as lively or as gentle as you like. For instance, they could be sitting at their desks and raise a hand, clap or stand up when they hear a particular sound, or they could be standing in a space and jump or run in response to sounds.
    *a)Sound TPR (Total Physical Response)
    b)Odd One Out
    c)Minimal Pairs Bingo
    d)Run and Grab
    98.What task is it? When someone is genuinely whispering, and therefore not using their voice, it‘s nearly impossible to hear the difference between some words. For example: ―bit‖ and ―pit.‖ In a social situation where whispering is used we rely on context to fill out the meaning.
    *a)Chinese Whispers
    b)Odd One Out
    c)Minimal Pairs Bingo
    d)Run and Grab
    99.What is logical-mathematical intelligence based on?
    *a)solving problems and puzzles, counting, analyzing elements of the whole, doing ―odd one out‖ tasks.
    b)silent individual work and self-reflection.
    c)physical activities and movement: role-play, games, making posters and doing projects
    d)pair and group work, games and team activities
    100.Physical activities and movement: role-play, games, making posters and doing projects define the characteristics of……
    *a)Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
    b)Interpersonal intelligence
    c)Musical-rhythmical intelligence
    d)Visual intelligence
    1.Kim maktabda o’quv yili va uni o’quv choraklariga bo’lish

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