• Gulzoda Bobonazar qizi Jo ʻrayeva has successfully completed the online, non-credit Specialization Python 3 Programming
  • 5 Courses Python Basics Python Functions, Files, and Dictionaries Data Collection and Processing with Python Python Classes and Inheritance Python Project: pillow, tesseract, and opencv

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    Coursera CBR4QS3RC9XJ
    BIOS XAQIA TO\'LIQ MA\'LUMOT, 1а. сўровнома - Анкета (3), 393b13405c1bb04a077fd5ca175c04df, Kompton effekti. , Testlar, 6b253833-930e-490a-bfc9-44e6168ee635, Shoxsanam Kamarova, test 150, 33-mavzu., Mustaqil ta\'lim Hayot Faoliyati Xavfsizligi fani Moliya, NeoSpy Pro

    5 Courses
    Python Basics
    Python Functions, Files, and
    Data Collection and
    Processing with Python
    Python Classes and
    Python Project: pillow,
    tesseract, and opencv
    Paul Resnick 
    Michael D. Cohen
    Collegiate Professor 
    School of Information
    Steve Oney 
    Assistant Professor 
    School of Information
    Christopher Brooks 
    Research Assistant
    School of Information
    Jan 24, 2024
    Gulzoda Bobonazar qizi Joʻrayeva
    has successfully completed the online, non-credit Specialization
    Python 3 Programming
    This specialization teaches the fundamentals of programming in
    Python 3. We will begin at the beginning, with variables, conditionals,
    and loops, and get to some intermediate material like keyword
    parameters, list comprehensions, lambda expressions, and class
    inheritance. You will have lots of opportunities to practice. You will also
    learn ways to reason about program execution, so that it is no longer
    mysterious and you are able to debug programs when they don’t
    work. By the end of the specialization, you’ll be writing programs that
    query Internet APIs for data and extract useful information from
    them. And you’ll be able to learn to use new modules and APIs on
    your own by reading the documentation. That will give you a great
    launch toward being an independent Python programmer.
    The online specialization named in this certificate may draw on material from courses taught on-campus, but the included
    courses are not equivalent to on-campus courses. Participation in this online specialization does not constitute enrollment
    at this university. This certificate does not confer a University grade, course credit or degree, and it does not verify the
    identity of the learner.
    Verify this certificate at: 

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    Bosh sahifa

        Bosh sahifa

    5 Courses Python Basics Python Functions, Files, and Dictionaries Data Collection and Processing with Python Python Classes and Inheritance Python Project: pillow, tesseract, and opencv

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