As explained in the chapter 3 this thesis work was conducted as a project, first gathering
the requirements, then developing the automations and last introducing them to the stu-
dents and gathering the feedback.
The entire process was successful as it was
proven to be reliable, it had a strict timeline
to follow and in multiple instances the feedback from the IoT course lecturer helped to
steer it. Dividing the thesis work into phases also helped to track down
properly the pro-
gress while making sure to respect the needed deadline.
It is advisable, for future studies with a similar research questions, to utilize the same
Regarding the implementation phase, when exercises were introduced to the students,
a more careful planning should be done in future implementations of the IoT courses. As
largely explained in the previous chapter 5 the conclusion was that not enough time in
the course was reserved for the practical section, making it hard for the students to really
spent time on familiarizing with the IoT components.
To be mentioned also is that a direct contact with the students was beneficial for them in
order to have a person to help them during the exercises. It was also beneficial for the
thesis prospective as a direct work in the class and the
feedback gathering was very
helpful for drawing the conclusion of the thesis work.
Future studies could also help to re-structure the IoT course, synchronizing exercise per-
haps in different phases of the course and having them
going hand-to-hand with the
theoretical part and not only in a concentrated manner.
Concluding, as also reflected in the students feedback, the thesis work was successful
by supporting the practical classes of the Internet of Thing course. For future implemen-
tations of the course changes in the agenda are advised, along with studies to explore
different IoT simulator technologies and feasibility to utilize real IoT hardware.