Architecture web hosting and ASP(email, CRM and HR)
Please I need your validation for this architecture
I Setup a new company in ASP(application service provider) : email service, CRM, HR and web hosting.
I have tree subjects:
The servers
The networking(connectivity to internet, DMZ, security and LAN)
The servers and SAN will be in a Datacenter. For the connectivity we discuss this later.
I start with servers:
2 servers for DNS
2 servers for email server
1 server for Linux web hosting
1 server for windows web hosting
1 LDAP server
1mySQL server
1 server for hosting this applications : CRM and HR.
1 server for the networking admin, and Plesk application
-Important : could you validate that all the services/servers are included in this specification for this business?
For the SAN solution we use :SAN FC / iSCSI
The network: I have 5 points to clarifier :
Connectivity to internet
DMZ Architecture
LAN Architecture (routers, firewall, switch, servers, SAN )
A Security
OS: (Linux, windows, ..) for network
1.) Connectivity to internet
a) Which solution I need to chose:
implement a BGP? Or rent bandwidth from an ISP?
b) Suppose that I would like to implement my own BGP: which architecture is the best? which router/firewall/switch I need to buy ?
b.)In fact I would to be independent from any ISP(resellers of Bandwidth), so I would like to start with a small network and then develop this network in function of business.
2.) DMZ :
Which architecture for DMZ ?
3.) LAN Architecture
Architecture for : servers, SAN, DMZ and connectivity to Internet ?
4.) Security
which firewall ?
5. ) which Op for network
linux distribution: RedHat, SUSE LINUX, FreeBSD, …? Which OS for this network?
Thanks lot.