Creating a Virtual Document
bet | 10/19 | Sana | 21.03.2017 | Hajmi | 52,46 Kb. | | #816 |
To configure NetWare Enterprise Web Server to use a virtual directory named Engineering, perform the steps on page 442 of the textbook Configuring Document
Preferences When NetWare Enterprise Web Server receives a request from a browser that does not specify the name of a page file, it uses a default index filename specified in the Document Preferences window After Enterprise Web Server is installed, anyone accessing the server from a Web browser can open document files in the SYS:Novonyx\SuiteSpot\Docs directory or any of its subdirectories If you change the primary document directory, create additional document directories, or want to restrict access to documents, you need to click the Restrict Access link under Server Preferences, and then scroll down to the Public Directory Designations list box
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