During a large rollout of Windows 98 each machine needs its own computer name and in cases where static IP addresses are in use, a unique IP address. This may become time-consuming to specify each user within General Setup Options\User Info and save each inf manually. However, with Batch 98, the “Multiple Machine-Name Save” option from the File menu may be used to create many custom inf files at once.
To begin, create a Machine Name file. This is merely a text file with each computer name entered on its own line, and terminated with a carriage return/line feed (press ENTER after typing each name). To include an IP address for a given computer, put a single comma after the computer name and then type the IP address. Subnet mask, and other IP options are not configurable here because they are not specific to just one machine. A single blank line signifies the end of the machine-name file. No error checking of these values is performed by the batch-mode save process. The “Save Files” button saves files with the file name Bstpxxxx.inf (where xxxx is the line number the machine name was entered on in the Machine Name file). On Microsoft networks, computer names may contain only alphanumeric characters and these characters:
! @$ % ^ ( ) { } _ ~
Note: some of these characters may cause problems with some programs. For example, the @ symbol causes problems with some MAPI applications so it is recommended to use just standard ASCII characters.
The following shows an example of a text file for multiple machine-name save:
Note: Another workaround is to leave the Computer name and workgroup name blank during the install and after setup is completed Windows 98 will instruct you to enter the name. However, this alternative does not provide a static IP address.