• Task 2. Match the first half of the sentences 1-6 to the second half a-f.
  • Task 4. Complete the text with the present simple form of the verbs.
  • Task 6. Complete the following present tense sentences with the correct form of the verb, either simple or continuous
  • Task 8. Write questions with the past simple.
  • Task 9. Do the tests according to the information according to the text.
  • Nanometer to micrometer
  • Fergana branch of tashkent university of information technologies named after al-khwarizmi

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    ingliz tili 2-topshiriq


    GROUP: 640-23


    Current Assessment 2

    Task 1. Test yourself.

    1. It makes us feel quite home.

    A) on B) in
    C) at D) near

    1. He had been five hours the water.

    A) near B) in
    C) at D) on

    1. My office is located Albert Street.

    A) in B) at
    C) near D) on

    1. We will meet your delegation the airport at 8:00 pm.

    A) on B) at
    C) near D) in

    1. I'm taking several courses the university this summer.

    A) at B) in
    C) near D) on

    1. Write your name … the top of the page

    A) near B) in
    C) on D) at

    1. I installed new software … my computer but I don’t know how to use it properly.

    A) in B) at
    C) near D) on

    1. You can find this e-book …. Internet.

    A) on B) at
    C) near D) in

    1. I read the paper … the taxi … the way.

    A) on/in B) in/at
    C) near /on D) in/on

    1. I can't sleep … the bus.

    A) on B) in
    C) near D) at

    Task 2. Match the first half of the sentences 1-6 to the second half a-f.

    1c 2b 3d 4a 5e 6f
    Task 3. Choose and, but, or, so, because to complete each sentence.

    1. I called Nozima ,but she didn't answer.

    2. I'm tired because I went to bed very late.

    3. It was very late, so we took a taxi.

    4. You can go by bus or by train.

    5. Would you like to do it now or later.

    6. I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat.

    Task 4. Complete the text with the present simple form of the verbs.

    Task 5. Look at the following websites and write them into the correct category below.

    Informational websites: Answers.com BBC.co.uk Wikipedia.org

    Social networking websites: Facebook.com Instagram.com Linkedln.com Twitter.com
    E-commerce websites: Alibaba.com Amazon.com eBay.com News websites: CNN.com BBC.co.uk
    Search engines: Bing.com Google.com Yahoo.com Photo sharing websites: Flikr.com

    Task 6. Complete the following present tense sentences with the correct form of the verb, either simple or continuous:

    1. The flowers in the garden smell (smell) wonderful. simple

    2. She is having (have) lunch with her friend. continuous

    3. I think (think) he's right. sipmle

    4. They are looking (look) for their lost keys. continuous

    5. She tastes (taste) the soup to check the seasoning. simple

    6. They are (be) intelligent. simple

    7. The dessert tastes (taste) delicious. simple

    8. He is smelling (smell) different perfumes to find the perfect one. continuous

    9. He has (have) a car.simple

    10. I am thinking (think) about your suggestion. continuous

    Task 7. Use the prompts to write sentences with while, before or after
    Eg: Install the software/do a full backup
    Before installing the software, do a full back up.
    1 After install an operating system,the computer may reboot several times 2 Before deploying major software upgrades,train the users
    3 Before replacing the hard drive,ensure that everything will go smoothly 4 If you forget a password,reset it

    1. After checking the logs,finish work for the day

    2. Before checking out the database problem,start work tomorrow 7 While being in the server room,check the network cables

    8 After the new designer arrives,set permissions on his computer

    Task 8. Write questions with the past simple.

    1. When did you buy that tablet ?

    2. How much did your new computer cost ? 3 What did you do after school yesterday ? 4 Why did you not call me last night ?

    5 Where did Dad save the photos on the computer ? 6 Which files did you delete ?
    7 How many copies did Gary print yesterday ? 8 Which company did Svete Jobs help to satrt ?

    Task 9. Do the tests according to the information according to the text.

    1. What is the size range of devices in nanotechnology?

    1. Millimeter to centimeter

    2. Micrometer to millimeter
    3. Nanometer to micrometer

    4. Centimeter to meter

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    Fergana branch of tashkent university of information technologies named after al-khwarizmi

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