The pie chart sh o w s the main careers of m illionaires
in the United States in percentages. We can see that
the majority of m illionaires are businesspeople,
while other jobs such as in the entertainm ent or
tfre politics only represent
a sm a ll proportion of the
total. However, it could be said that m illionaires are
m ostly people in the b u sin e ss and entertainm ent
In the USA, people who w ork in §; business account
for just under two thirds of millionaires.
The next
largest group of millionaires on the chart is people who
w ork in film and television. They account for 15 % of
the total. This group is closely followed by people who
work in music. This sector accounts for
a tenth of all
millionaires in the USA.
The sm aller groups all make up fewer than 10%
of millionaires when combined. These people are
sportspeople, politicians and people in other careers.
The sm allest group is
the 'other' group with two per