Grammar for ielts fiona Aish & Jo Tomlinson ■L&Bog'liq Grammar for IELTS parts of the w orld, such as Spain or Thailand, to u rism (8 )___________ [bring] economic
development and [9 ]___________ (create] a range of new em ploym ent possibilities for
local people. On the other hand, the results of this increase in tourism som etim es produce
negative effects fo r populations. Often a new hotel o r resort (10)_____________ (destroy]
tra d itio n a l jobs such as a g riculture, fishing and crafts.
Read the fo llo w ing dialogue and com plete the te xt w ith the co rrect fo rm of the present
sim ple, past sim ple o r present perfect sim ple. Use the verbs in the brackets.
E xam iner: Where (1 )________ [live]?
N ikolas: I (2 )________ [come] from Moscow. I (3 )_________ [live] there fo r 6 years. My
fam ily (4 )________ [move] from the countryside when I was 12 years old.
E xam iner: (5 )________ s till (6 )_________ [live] w ith your family?
Nikolas: Yes, I (7)-------------- [do], I (8)_________ [live] w ith my parents and (9)
a room with my brother. My brother still (10)________ [go] to school. He is only 8 years old.
E xam iner: (11)________ [like] Moscow?
Nikolas: Yes, I (12)________ [love] Moscow. When I firs t (13)_________ [arrive], I (14)_________
(not like) it much because it was so different, but I (15)_________ [grow] accustomed to it. Now, I
(16)-------------- [know] my way around and (17)_________ [have] lots of friends.
E xam iner: How (18)________ [Moscow/change] recently?
N ikolas: It (19)-------------- [become] more international, and more exciting. In the last few
years, about ten new international restaurants (20)________ [open] in my area alone
and I often (21)_(eaf) in them now w ith my friends. I (22)___________________ [have] lots of
inte rna tio n al friends who (23)________ [come] to study at the University in Moscow, and
we often (24)___________ [meet] in the evenings.
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