B11.2.3.1, Pass WHQL tests - See B1.3, B4.1.4.11.
See “DVD Playback” in the HCT documentation.
B11.2.3.2 - See B11.1.4.2 B11.2.4 DVD Playback - Windows Experience
Design Guideline References:
"DVD Technology" web site at http://www.microsoft.com/hwdev/tech/stream/DVD/
B11.2.4.1 DELETED B11.2.4.2 Multiple aspect ratio content is displayed correctly, with the default being the information in the MPEG header
TV-style video source video aspect ratios are preserved and displayed correctly.
See B11.1.4.4
See B11.1.4.4
If DVD-Video playback is implemented, the following requirements apply.
B11. DVD decoder driver correctly handles media types, time discontinuity, and decode-rate adjustment.
Vendor-supplied minidrivers for DVD, MPEG-2, and AC-3 decoders must:
Use the correct media types, including validation of all format block fields on connection and on every IPin::QueryAccept message.
Query for IMediaSample2 on every received media sample to test for a time discontinuity bit.
It is also acceptable to query on every A/V frame to reduce CPU overhead.
Adjust the decode rate in response to IPin::NewSegment () calls for video and subpicture.
B11. DVD video decoder must output Line21 closed-caption data.
All DVD-Video decoders must output Line21 closed-captioned data output compatible for use with the DirectShow Line21 decoder filter. In addition to ensuring closed-captioned output for the hearing impaired, it enables applications that use the Line21 channel on DVD as a data channel for non-Line21 data.
B11.2.4.4 DVD-Video player navigates chapter breaks seamlessly
All DVD-Video players must navigate chapter breaks seamlessly. This requirement applies even if the underlying elementary streams were created as separate program chain (PGC) objects. If the navigation calls for a seamless transition, the player must deliver for any legal group of pictures structure, bit rate, or both.
This requirement allows independent placement of the layer break position, without regard to chapter navigation. Classically, the layer break is acceptable only during nonseamless transitions.
Although not explicitly allowed in the formal DVD-Video specification, seamless chapter-break transitions span the layer break on some popular DVD features. Therefore, the DVD PC must be able to flawlessly reproducing seamless chapter breaks that are collocated with layer transitions, just as if the layer break weren’t there.
B11.2.4.5 - See B11.1.4.2