B4.1.2 Display Adapters/Chipsets - Industry Standards
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Note: This list provides complete titles and web locations for references cited. The listing of a reference here does not imply that complete compliance with that reference is a Windows Logo Program requirement.
AGP 2.0: http://developer.intel.com/technology/agp/agp_index.htm.
B4.1.2.2 Digital Video Interface (DVI) Revision 1.0
Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) BIOS Extension Standard/Core Functions 2.0 (VBE/Core 2.0) at http://www.vesa.org/standards.html
B4.1.2.5 VESA standards for ergonomic timings
VESA Computer Display Monitor Timing Specification Version 1.0, Revision 0.8.
VESA Generalized Timing Formula Standard, Version 1.1.
Or DVI 1.0 (if DVI is implemented).
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