In recent years, the issue of using new modern technologies in teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions has been raised more and more

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In recent years

In recent years, the issue of using new modern technologies in teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions has been raised more and more. It is not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, that is, a new approach to the educational process.
Keyingi yillarda oliy ta’lim muassasalarida xorijiy tillarni o‘qitishda yangi zamonaviy texnologiyalardan foydalanish masalasi ko‘proq ko‘tarilmoqda. Bu nafaqat yangi texnik vositalar, balki o'qitishning yangi shakl va usullari, ya'ni ta'lim jarayoniga yangicha yondashuvdir.

The use of information technology elements in classes helps to form the ability of school children to work with various information, critical attitude towards it, develops logical thinking, provides information and emotional saturation of lessons, promotes interest of students to the subject, and activates their creative potential with the surrounding life

Darslarda axborot texnologiyalari elementlaridan foydalanish maktab o‘quvchilarining turli ma’lumotlar bilan ishlash qobiliyatini, unga nisbatan tanqidiy munosabatni shakllantirishga yordam beradi, mantiqiy fikrlashni rivojlantiradi, darslarni axborot va hissiy jihatdan to‘yintirishni ta’minlaydi, o‘quvchilarning fanga bo‘lgan qiziqishini oshiradi, ularning bilimlarini faollashtiradi. atrofdagi hayot bilan ijodiy salohiyat

The use of computer and information technologies in the second and third levels of training allows students to prepare better for the final certification in English in accordance with the requirements of the state standard. In the process of training: students not only improve the knowledge they acquired during the previous period of training, but also expand their vocabulary taking into account the practical knowledge of a foreign language in the standard situations. At present, various forms of organization of the educational process are used. Since information technologies are both a means of supplying material and a controlling agent — such technologies provide high quality of the material supply and use various communication channels (text, sound, graphic, and touch). All this allows increasing students' motivation and forming their communicative competence.

O‘qitishning ikkinchi va uchinchi bosqichlarida kompyuter va axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanish talabalarga davlat standarti talablari asosida ingliz tilidan yakuniy attestatsiyaga puxta tayyorgarlik ko‘rish imkonini beradi. O`qitish jarayonida: talabalar nafaqat oldingi o`quv davrida olgan bilimlarini takomillashtiribgina qolmay, balki standart vaziyatlarda chet tilidan amaliy bilimlarni hisobga olgan holda so`z boyligini kengaytiradilar. Hozirgi vaqtda o'quv jarayonini tashkil etishning turli shakllari qo'llaniladi. Axborot texnologiyalari ham material yetkazib berish vositasi, ham nazorat qiluvchi vosita bo'lganligi sababli, bunday texnologiyalar materiallar ta'minotining yuqori sifatini ta'minlaydi va turli xil aloqa kanallaridan (matn, ovoz, grafik va teginish) foydalanadi. Bularning barchasi talabalarning motivatsiyasini oshirish va ularning kommunikativ kompetentsiyasini shakllantirish imkonini beradi.
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Bosh sahifa

    Bosh sahifa

In recent years, the issue of using new modern technologies in teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions has been raised more and more

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