• ) On cloud nine
  • To break down
  • Book worm
  • To play truant/ to skive off
  • In seventh heaven

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    Vocabulary day 1
    Илмий тўгарак йиллик иш режаси, ИТИ билан шугул. иқт. тал. ҳақида маълумот.2015 AT, 122222, 4-amaliy Akustik aloqa kameralari va ularning konstruksiyalari. Reverb ka, 12 талик рўйхат , amaliy, 2eee2, Стартап АРИЗА OXIRGI last, 20-ish. О‘tkаzgichning qаrshiligini о‘zgаrmаs tok kо‘prigi yordаmidа аniqlаsh., Axborot xavfsiziligi, himoyalash usullari, 3-маъруза, Algoritm va algoritlash tushunchalari, Amaliy mashg‘ulot Bulutli texnologiyalar. Google asbob uskun (1), algoritm va uning turlari, аралаштиргич амалий

    1. Idioms—describe happiness-

    A) In seventh heaven-extremely happy and joyful- I felt myself in seventh heaven when I found my successful admission to one of the prestigious universities.
    B) Over the moon- extremely delighted or thrilled- I was over the moon when I took my son in my hand for the first time.
    C) On cloud nine- a state of compete happiness or euphoria (ko’tarinki kayfiyat)
    D) On top of the world- feeling extremely successful and, confident and happy.
    I was on top of the world when I got my IELTS certificate.

    1. Phrasal verbs

    1. To break down- To stop functioning or fail suddenly- my car broke down while I was going to the party.

    2. Get off and Get out- To leave or exit from a vehicle or transportation

    3. Get on well with sth or smb- ( yaxshi chiqishmoq)- I get on well with all of my course mates

    1. Learning environment (noun)- the whole range of conditions and activities in which learning happens.

    The trust and bond between a teacher and a student create a perfect learning environment.

    1. Book worm (noun)- someone who spends tons of time reading

    My brother is a real bookworm.

    1. Enroll in(verb)-

    1. Distance learning (noun)-a system of education in which teachers and students do not meet in a classroom but use the Internet or TV programs and e-mail to have classes.

    It is possible for pupils in rural communities to take advantage of distance learning educational programs.

    1. To play truant/ to skive off –Purposefully not attend a class without permission. – I used to play truant a lot from school.

    2. Do an exam/ sit an exam/ take an exam-to do a test. I took my IELTS exam on the 16th of December.

    3. To drop out of college-to leave college or university before you have finished your studies- I dropped out of college when I was a sophomore year student.

    4. Productive(adj)/ Productivity (n)- producing or achieving a lot of results- In order to increase my productivity, I always find a quiet place to study.

    5. Attentive (adj)- paying close attention to something. With his attentive personality John has gained my respect. Attentive employees are well-appreciated by many employers.

    6. To master something (skill, language, art, subject….)- to learn or understand smth completely. If you want master the IELTS, you should listen to your teacher Bahodir. It takes years of training and discipline to master the art of playing a musical instrument. To master a subject of physics in school, you should focus on practice.

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