• Do Not Archive Files
  • To install Service Pack 4 from the CD
  • Install Service Pack 4 . If a Web page does not automatically appear, perform the following procedure: Click Start
  • Run this program from its current location
  • Installing the Windows 2000 Service Pack

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    Installing the Windows 2000 Service Pack

    SP4 is a collection of updates for Windows 2000. You can install SP4 either from the Service Pack 4 CD or from the Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Web site. SP4 contains updates for the following areas of Windows 2000 functionality:

    • Security

    • Operating system reliability

    • Application compatibility

    • Windows 2000 Setup

    SP4 also includes:

    • The updates contained in Service Pack 1, Service Pack 2, and Service Pack 3 for Windows 2000

    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 4

    • Microsoft Outlook® Express 5.5 with Service Pack 2

    You can install SP4 while Windows is running. If you install SP4 over Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or an earlier release of Windows 2000, your computer will automatically be upgraded to 128-bit encryption to provide better online and local security and to bring your computer up to the current worldwide encryption standard. Beginning with Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2), 128-bit encryption is supported as the default, so if you previously installed SP2 or Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3), your computer has already been upgraded to this level of encryption. Furthermore, your computer retains 128-bit encryption even if you revert to Windows 2000 or SP1 unless you reformat your hard drive and complete a new installation of Windows 2000 or Windows 2000 with SP1.

    You can install SP4 from the Service Pack 4 CD, from a network drive, or from the Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Web site.

    During the installation, backup files are created by default so that you can remove SP4 later if you want to do so. If you do not want to create backup files, you can click Do Not Archive Files in the Setup Wizard. This option is not recommended, however. If you do not have enough hard disk space to store backup files on your computer, you can move them to a shared network folder and delete them from your computer. For more information about this option, see article 290402, "HOW TO: Remove the Service Pack Restore Files and Folders in Windows," in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. Although this article was written for SP3, it applies to SP4 as well.


    If you choose not to create backup files, you will be unable to remove SP4.

    To install SP4, you must be logged on to your computer as a member of the Administrators group.

    To install Service Pack 4 from the CD

    1. Before you begin the installation, stop any real-time virus checkers that you have running.

    This is important because if real-time virus checkers are running, they can cause problems with the installation.

    1. Insert the Service Pack 4 CD into your CD-ROM drive. Wait a few moments for a Web page to appear.

    2. If a Web page automatically appears when you insert the CD, click the link under Install Service Pack 4.

    If a Web page does not automatically appear, perform the following procedure:

      1. Click Start, click Run and then type the following:


    (Drive represents the drive letter associated with your CD-ROM drive)

      1. Press ENTER.

    1. If Setup prompts you to run W2ksp4.exe or to save it to disk, click Run this program from its current location, and then click OK.

    2. Follow the instructions that appear in the Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Setup Wizard.

    3. If you do not want to create backup files, select the Do Not Archive Files option when the Setup Wizard displays it.


    If you select Do Not Archive Files, you will not be able to remove SP4 later. We recommend that you create backup files.

    1. Restart your computer, and then restart the virus checkers.

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    Installing the Windows 2000 Service Pack

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