4.3.4 Advantages
This model is the most efficient model compared to other two models discussed above. Linear scans of the files are completely avoided and memory efficient functions like memcpy are used to increase the performance of the software. As all databases are kept on the disc, this model gives an upper bound on the performance. No efficient performance that always access disc rather than main memory cannot take time less than this implementation. No file operations are used in this implementation and therefore this is a robust implementation.
4.3.5 Drawbacks
This model also has the following drawbacks:
The tokens database is saved on disc rather than in main memory. So both in Hindianalyser and Hindiengine modules, to write the tokens and then again to read the tokens disc access is needed which takes more time compared to RAM access. A solution to this problem is to maintain the list of tokens in main memory rather writing it in database in disc. Another solution will be to maintain the tokens database in a Flash RAM rather than on the secondary storage which is the disc. Flash RAM access time is much less compared to disc access time.
Whenever a sound file is retrieved from the database disc is accessed since the voice database is saved on disc. This will take more time and affect the performance of the software.
These drawbacks lead to the development of Model 4 in which both these problems are addressed and possible solutions are suggested. The next section will explain the solutions that will increase the efficiency by removing the drawbacks of Model 3.