ISSN (E): 2181-4570 ResearchBib Impact Factor: 6,4 / 2023 SJIF 2024 = 5.073/Volume-2, Issue-5
- *: p < 0.05 - **: p < 0.01 - ***: p < 0.001
In this provided correlation matrix (Table2), it can
be identified the Pearson
correlation coefficient (r). Here is an interpretation of some of the correlations based
on the coefficients:
Interpreting the entire correlation matrix involves looking
at the relationships
between each pair of variables. Here are some key interpretations based on the provided
correlation coefficients:
1. “Role”:
- Strong positive correlation with FDIs (0.4660).
- Weak negative correlations between opportunities and role with (-0.1148) ,as
well as, with rights (-0.1850).
2. “Opportunities”:
- There is a weak negative correlation with role (-0.1148).
- And there is a strong positive correlation with transparency (0.9257).