• 186 | Chapter 6: Owning Metasploit
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    User Information
    After exploiting a system, assuming you have run an exploit and not just gotten in
    through stolen, acquired, or guessed passwords, you may want to start gathering cre‐
    dentials. This includes gathering usernames and password hashes. Keep in mind that
    passwords are not stored in plain text. Instead, they are hashed, and the hash value is
    stored. Authentication modules on the operating system will understand how to hash
    any passwords provided with login attempts in the same way as the passwords are
    stored. The hashes can then be compared to see whether they match. If they match,
    the assumption is the password has been provided.
    186 | Chapter 6: Owning Metasploit

    The assumption of the matching password hashes is based on the
    idea that no two pieces of data will ever generate the same hash
    value. If two pieces of data do generate the same hash value, called

    , elements of information security start to be exposed to
    compromise. The problem of collisions is considered through a
    mathematical/statistical problem called the Birthday Paradox.
    One function of Meterpreter is 
    . This function provides a list of the users
    and password hashes from the system. In the case of Linux, these details are stored in
    file. In the case of Windows, the details are stored in the Security
    Account Manager (SAM), an element of the Windows Registry. In either operating
    system, you will get the username, user ID, and the password hash just for a start.
    Example 6-9
    shows running 
    against the Metasploitable 3 system after it
    had been compromised with the EternalBlue exploit. You will see the username in the
    first field, followed by the user ID, and then the password hash. To get the password
    back from the hash, you need to run a password cracker. Hashes are one-way func‐
    tions, meaning the hash can’t be reversed to regenerate the data that created the hash.
    Instead, you can generate hashes from potential passwords and compare the resulting
    hash with what you know. When you get a match, you will have the password, or at
    least a password that will work to get you access as that user.
    Example 6-9. Grabbing password hashes
    meterpreter > hashdump
    Getting password hashes is not the only thing we can do with Meterpreter when it
    comes to users. You may need to figure out who you are after you have compromised
    a system. Knowing who you are will tell you what permissions you have. It will also
    tell you whether you need to escalate your privileges to get administrative rights to be
    able to do more interesting things, which may include maintaining access to the sys‐
    tem post-exploitation. To get the ID of the user you are, you use 
    . This tells you
    the user that Meterpreter is running as on your target host.
    Another technique that can be used to gather credentials is the post-exploitation
    . This not only acquires password hashes but also acquires
    tokens on the system. A 
    on a Windows system is an object that contains infor‐

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