Macroeconomics Assignment (for Lecture lessons) Topic: Foreign Economic Policy and Trade Balance of a Country Objective
Sana | 13.01.2024 | Hajmi | 14,48 Kb. | | #136336 |
Subject: Macroeconomics
Assignment (for Lecture lessons)
Topic: Foreign Economic Policy and Trade Balance of a Country
Objective: The aim of this assignment is to analyze the foreign economic policy and trade balance of a chosen country.
1. Choose a country from the list below.
Germany, France, Great Britain, United States, Japan, India, United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Brazil, Argentine, Canada, China, Turkiye, Iran, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Finland, Spain, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Uzbekistan, Poland, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Italy, Qatar, Greece, Moldova, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Oman, Portugal, Hungary, Czech Republic,
2. Research the foreign economic policy and trade balance of the country.
3. Write a 5–6-page paper on the following topics:
a. Overview of the foreign economic policy and the analysis of the trade balance of the country. (7 points)
b. Factors influencing the country's foreign economic policy and trade balance. Impact of the foreign economic policy and trade balance on the country's economy. (7 points)
c. Recommendations for improving the foreign economic policy and trade balance. Conclusions. References (7 points)
4. Your paper should include at least three sources – which can include scholarly articles, news articles, government reports, and statistics.
5. You shouldn’t copy from the Internet articles. Try to use your own words. Papers with high rate of plagiarism will not be accepted and/or be given low mark.
Note: The assignment is due to 21.05.2023. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Iqtisodiy prognozlar (2022 yil noyabr)
Prognozlar 2022-yilda yalpi ichki mahsulotning real o‘sishi 5,4 foizni, 2023-yilda esa 1,7 foizgacha sekinlashishini ko‘rsatmoqda.. YeI mablagʻlari hisobiga kuchli davlat investitsiyalari va turizm eksportining koʻtarilishi tiklanishni qoʻllab-quvvatlashi kutilmoqda. Biroq, Ukrainadagi urush, ta'minot zanjiri muammolari va energiya va xom ashyo narxlarining oshishi faollikka ta'sir qiladi, ishonch va xarid qobiliyatini pasaytiradi. Hali foydalanilmagan ishlab chiqarish quvvatlari mavjud bo'lsa-da, energiya va oziq-ovqat narxlarining oshishi inflyatsiyani 2022 yilda 6,3% va 2023 yilda 4% gacha oshirishi kutilmoqda. Ish soatlari soni pandemiyadan oldingi darajaga qaytishi sababli ish haqining tezlashishi kuzatiladi, ammo Bu inflyatsiyaning o'sishi sharoitida uy xo'jaliklarining xarid qobiliyatini himoya qilish uchun etarli bo'lmaydi.
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Macroeconomics Assignment (for Lecture lessons) Topic: Foreign Economic Policy and Trade Balance of a Country Objective