3.4Apache Setup
Before it is possible to use Matlab Web Server with Apache some smaller changes are needed to the Apache configuration file called httpd.conf. The location of the file is in the conf folder under the path selected for installation.
Open the file in a text editor and make the following changes in the file.
Change the “DocumentRoot” directory to your Matlab Web Server directory
DocumentRoot “/toolbox/webserver/wsdemos”
Change the “Directory” to whatever the “DocumentRoot” is set to:
The Matlab Web Server examples that follow the product will try to show all images in the /toolbox/webserver/wsdemos directory. The examples html-files calls the alias /icons/ directory. To be able to see the images in the web browser, an alias for the /icons/ directory is needed. Change that line to:
Alias /icons/ “/toolbox/webserver/wsdemos”
Also change the directory to:
Finally, change the script alias directory. This controls which directories that contain server scripts. Change the line:
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ “/toolbox/webserver/wsdemos”
Also change the directory to:
Now it is necessary to restart the Apache Web Server.