Melbourne Library Service Policy
Public Internet and Wi-Fi Policy
Policy Owner
Technology and Innovation Coordinator
Issue Date
December 2007
Last Revised Date
October 2018
Next Review Date
October 2019
The City of Melbourne Library Service (Library Service) offers public internet and wi-fi access for use by its customers.
This policy has been developed in support of the Australian Library & Information Association Statement on Online Content and Regulation as amended from time to time and with regard to the Internet Industry Association Code of Conduct as amended from time to time.
This policy applies to all customers using the Library Service’s public internet and wi-fi.
Customers using the Library Service’s public internet and wi-fi agree to and must comply with the following terms and conditions of access (including agreeing upon access if required together with any additional terms and conditons listed as part of the access process), noting that this policy can be amended from time to time at the absolute discretion of the Library Service without notice:
PC bookings and fees
The Library Service requires customers to book time on Library Service PCs. This requires a current, valid membership to the Library Service. In certain instances a visitor’s computer pass may be obtained from the Library Service customer service desk upon application.
There is no charge for use of Library Service PCs. Customers are, however, charged for printing. Please refer to Library Fees & Charges for more information.
PCs that are sign-posted Express Computer do not require a booking but are limited to the session time listed.
PCs designated as Library Catalogues, OPACs and Membership PCs are provided so that library customers can access the catalogue or join online and are not available for Internet use.
Information literacy, content and quality – the role of library staff
The Internet is a valuable information resource, and Library Services staff will provide reasonable assistance to clients in locating information on the Internet. The provision of expert and professional assistance to customers seeking information on the Internet distinguishes the library from other services providing Internet access.
To facilitate in the development of information and computer literacy skills and to promote the internet as an information and research tool, the Library Service will assist customers to develop their internet skills through the provision of targeted and programmed classes when available as well as reasonable individual assistance to library customers.
The Library Service has no control over information gathered on the internet, and cannot be held responsible of liable for accuracy, authoritativeness or timeliness of any information accessed on the internet..
The Library Service is committed to the development of resources that meet the varied information needs of its customers, and to utilising the latest technology in providing access to these resources.
The development of online resources using internet technology allows the Library Service to expand resources beyond library walls, providing library users with access to global sources and resources.
The Library Service provides public access PCs which have access to the internet and the Microsoft Office suite.
This policy affirms that the role of the Library Service is not to censor the use of resources, regardless of format.
That being said, customers must be respectful of others and the Library Service internet network is set up to reasonably block access to or target websites that are pornographic in nature. When using the internet, you may also be warned of websites that are potentially offensive.
Filtering technologies cannot guarantee that all objectionable material will be blocked, in addition, filtering technology can unwittingly block access to materials or websites that are not pornographic in nature and this is an unintended consequence that the Library Service cannot be held liable or responsible for.
If there are problems with pages being blocked unreasonably please see staff and we will endeavour to resolve the issue. If you witness inappropriate material being viewed in our libraries please alert our library staff immediately.
Parental permission and supervision
Although each customer is responsible for their access, internet use by customers under the age of 18 must be supervised and is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian. Children under the age of 18 require an internet library membership that has been approved by the parent/legal guardian.
Parents/guardians must sign the library membership form which acknowledges that they have read and understood the "Terms and Conditions of Use" for computer equipment available in the Library.
Legal responsibilities
The customer along with any required supervisor accepts full responsibility and liability for their actions while using the internet including complaints and claims made by others.
Internet users are responsible for complying with all applicable international, federal and state laws, including censorship, copyright, and software licensing laws.
Inappropriate use
Customers using the internet at the Library Service must be considerate and sensitive to others including assuming children can view the relevant PC, screen or device when accessing, viewing or displaying potentially controversial or offensive material.
What constitutes inappropriate use is at the absolute discretion of the Library Service and might include but is not limited to any of the following:
The display/downloading of pornographic/offensive material
Modification of library hardware, settings, or software
Illegal, criminal or anti-social Internet use
Damage/theft of library resources
Refusal to vacate an Internet PC when a booking has expired and access is required by another user.
Obscene or harassing language or images;
Racial, ethnic, sexual, erotic or gender specific comments or images.
Comments or images that would offend someone on the basis of their religious or political beliefs, sexual orientation, physical features, race, national origin, age or any other ground of discrimination.
City of Melbourne is committed to being a child safe organisation and has zero tolerance for child abuse – this includes accessing any material that is illegal or offends or exploits children.
Breach of policy
The Library Service reserves the right to block, suspend, restrict, withdraw or terminate access to internet services immediately and without notice if a customer is in breach of these terms and conditions at the Library Service’s absolute discretion without recourse. The Library Service may also choose to, in the alternative, issue a verbal warning and explanation of the policy, or a written warning, referring to the following as a non-binding guide only noting that the severity of the breach or repeated nature of the breach of other circumstances may be taken into consideration:
In the first instance, a verbal explanation of the policy, its rationale and the procedures to be undertaken when it is breached.
In the second instance, a written warning, detailing the nature of the breach, the time it occurred and procedures to be undertaken.
In the third instance, written notification of withdrawal of access to the Internet service for a defined time.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Library Service may report the breach or any suspected or actual unlawful activity to the police
Monitoring and Privacy
The Library Service may monitor any activity by you on its public wi-fi or equipment for statistical reports. This will not involve the collection and storage of personal information and activity is monitored in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
Customers of the Library Service PCs may have their sessions monitored if a report is received that inappropriate or offensive content is being accessed.
Doc # 9611927 MLS Internet Policy
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