• Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Accessibility Features Overview 2
  • Select text and move around a webpage with the keyboard Zoom in on a webpage Change text size on webpages
  • Format webpages using a custom style sheet Choose advanced settings Find text on a webpage Simplify common tasks
  • Step by Step Tutorials for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8

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    Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Accessibility Options © 2009 Microsoft Corporation

    Step by Step Tutorials for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Accessibility Options

    Table of Contents

    Step by Step Tutorials for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Accessibility Options 1

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Accessibility Features Overview 2

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 Accessibility Features Overview

    Make computers easier and more comfortable to use with accessibility features and utilities built right into Internet Explorer 8.

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    Step by Step Tutorials for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8

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