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Google saytida bir-biriga o'xshash, lekin aslida bir-biridan mustaqil bo'lgan uchta qism mavjud: sayt hujjati nomi,

sayt nomi va sahifa nomi.

To add pages click the Pages in the top right navigation and then the New page icon (it looks like a piece of paper with a plus sign) found below the Home page in the top- right corner of your newly created site.

Sahifalar qo'shish uchun yuqori o'ng navigatsiyadagi Sahifalar tugmasini bosing va yangi yaratilgan saytingizning yuqori o'ng burchagidagi Bosh sahifa ostida joylashgan Yangi sahifa belgisini (bu ortiqcha belgisi bo'lgan qog'ozga

o'xshaydi) bosing.

Insert Docs, Sheets and Slides

To insert Google Docs, Sheets (including live charts within Sheets), Slides, and Forms, click the INSERT tab, then select the intended item menu.

Hujjatlar, varaqlar va slaydlarni joylashtiring

Google Docs, Sheets (jumladan, Sheets ichidagi jonli diagrammalar), Slaydlar va Shakllarni kiritish uchun INSERT yorlig'ini bosing,

1. Maintaining a Google Site as a class site is valuable because you can communicate easily with a large audience.

True False

1. Google saytini sinf sayti sifatida saqlash qimmatlidir, chunki siz katta auditoriya bilan osongina muloqot qilishingiz mumkin.

To'g'ri Yolg'on

2. Users cannot set unique page-level permissions for different pages within a site.

True False

2. Foydalanuvchilar saytdagi turli sahifalar uchun sahifa darajasidagi noyob ruxsatlarni o'rnata olmaydi.

To'g'ri Yolg'on

3. Where can you find any Google Sites you are either an owner or editor? (Select all that apply)

Google Drive

Share settings of Google Drive

3. Siz egasi yoki muharriri bo'lgan har qanday Google saytlarini qayerdan topishingiz mumkin? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang)

Google Drive

Google Drive sozlamalarini ulashish

4. Which of the following features can you customize in your Google Site? (Select all that apply.)

Header type Footers

URL address


4. Quyidagi funksiyalardan qaysi birini Google saytida sozlashingiz mumkin? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)

Sarlavha turi Altbilgilar URL manzili


What are some of the benefits of leveraging Google Groups to communicate?

A unique email address unifies all members of the group Groups is built for large group communication

Member permissions can be adjusted

Interact via web or email

Muloqot uchun Google Guruhlaridan foydalanishning qanday afzalliklari bor?

Noyob elektron pochta manzili guruhning barcha a'zolarini birlashtiradiGuruhlar katta guruh muloqoti uchun yaratilgan A'zo ruxsatlari sozlanishi mumkin

Veb yoki elektron pochta orqali muloqot qiling

If you have a student who is a second language learner - whose parents only speak their primary language at home

- and needs special interventions because they are struggling in your class, you will want to use in
to communicate the necessary intervention steps with their parents.
the Translation feature; Google Sites the Translation feature; Chat

the Translation feature; Gmail

the Translation feature; Google Groups

Agar sizning ota-onasi uyda faqat asosiy tilda gaplashadigan ikkinchi tilni o'rganayotgan o'quvchingiz bo'lsa va ular sizning sinfingizda qiynalayotgani uchun maxsus aralashuvga muhtoj bo'lsangiz, ular bilan zarur aralashuv bosqichlarini bildirish uchun da

dan foydalanmoqchisiz. ota-onalar. Tarjima funksiyasi; Google saytlari
Tarjima funksiyasi; Chat Tarjima funksiyasi; Gmail
Tarjima funksiyasi; Google guruhlari

3. You are expecting an important email from a guest speaker who is considering doing an instant messaging

‘Ask Me Anything’ Chat with your students tomorrow, but you have to leave your classroom to fulfill your extracurricular duties on the tennis courts. What is the most efficient action you can take in order to receive the email and confirm the guest speaker’s participation in the next day’s event, despite being away from your desk?
Set an “away message” to notify your guest speaker you are away

Bring your laptop onto the courts with you Have someone else cover your tennis practice

Download and/or activate the Gmail mobile app on your smartphone

3. Siz ertaga o'quvchilaringiz bilan "Mendan biror narsa so'rang" chatida tezkor xabar almashishni o'ylayotgan mehmon ma'ruzachidan muhim elektron pochta xabarini kutmoqdasiz, ammo tennis kortlarida darsdan tashqari vazifalarni bajarish uchun sinfingizdan chiqib ketishingiz kerak. Sizning stolingizdan uzoqda bo'lishingizga qaramay, elektron pochta xabarini qabul qilish va mehmonning keyingi kungi tadbirda ishtirok etishini tasdiqlash uchun qanday eng samarali harakat qilishingiz mumkin?

Mehmon ma'ruzachiga siz uzoqda ekanligingiz haqida xabar berish uchun "uzoqdagi xabar" ni o'rnating

Noutbukingizni sudga o'zingiz bilan olib keling Tennis mashg'ulotingizni boshqa birovga ko'rsating

Smartfoningizga Gmail mobil ilovasini yuklab oling va/yoki

Your student, Mary H., is working on overcoming behavior issues in order to be more successful in your classroom.

You consistently receive emails from your school’s intervention specialist, from the student’s parents, from the student’s other teachers, and from the school’s Psychologist about upcoming meetings and action steps needed to help Mary H. meet your learning goals. What
label titles can you make and apply to the Gmail filter you created for incoming messages about this student so that you can remain organized and find important messages quickly? (Select all that apply.)
Fundraising Mary H. Parents Mary H. Psychologist

Sizning talabangiz Meri X. sinfingizda muvaffaqiyat qozonish uchun xulq-atvor muammolarini bartaraf etish ustida ishlamoqda. Siz doimiy ravishda maktabingizning aralashuv bo‘yicha mutaxassisidan, o‘quvchining ota- onasidan, o‘quvchining boshqa o‘qituvchilaridan va maktab psixologidan Meri ta’lim maqsadlaringizga erishishda yordam berish uchun bo‘lajak uchrashuvlar va harakatlar qadamlari haqida elektron xatlar olasiz. Bu talaba haqidagi kiruvchi xabarlar uchun yaratgan Gmail filtriga qanday yorliq sarlavhalarini qo‘yishingiz va

qo‘llashingiz mumkin, shunda siz tartibli bo‘lib qolasiz va muhim xabarlarni tezda topishingiz mumkin? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)
Mablag' yig'ish Meri H. Ota-onalar Meri H.


Thursday at 5:35 PM, Marcia D. sent you an attached

Agenda for tomorrow’s upcoming “Technology Integration Meeting,” and you want to view it before the meeting so

Payshanba kuni soat 17:35 da Marsiya D. sizga ertangi kun bo'lib o'tadigan "Texnologiyalar integratsiyasi yig'ilishi"uchun ilova qilingan kun tartibini yubordi va siz uni

that you have ideas and questions ready for the group. To effectively search and find Marcia’s original email, you can search by using which of the following identifiers? (Select all that apply.)

Filter Sender Time


yig'ilishdan oldin ko'rishni xohlaysiz, shunda sizda g'oyalar va savollaringiz guruhga tayyor bo'ladi. Marsiyaning asl elektron pochta manzilini samarali qidirish va topish uchun quyidagi identifikatorlardan qaysi biri yordamida qidirishingiz mumkin? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)

Filtr Yuboruvchi Vaqt


You have not seen the bottom of your email in weeks because students are constantly reaching out to you for help on projects they are working on outside of the classroom. While you are excited the students are engaged, and you don’t mind answering students’ questions, you also have other work that requires your attention. In order to share the responsibility of supporting students in their success within your classroom, which of the following actions would you take to increase effective communication?

Put four students in a “study group” and have them share phone numbers

Collect students’ email addresses and share them with other students

Create a student group in Chat so that students can help other students even when they are not in the classroom

Have each student create a Google Site that share their tips for success

Siz e-pochtangizning pastki qismini bir necha hafta davomida ko'rmadingiz, chunki talabalar sinfdan tashqarida ishlayotgan loyihalar bo'yicha yordam so'rab doimo sizga murojaat qilishadi. Talabalar mashg‘ul

ekanidan hayajonlanayotgan bo‘lsangiz va siz talabalarning savollariga javob berishga qarshi bo‘lmasangiz, sizning
e’tiboringizni talab qiladigan boshqa ishlaringiz ham bor. Talabalarni sinfingizdagi muvaffaqiyatlarida qo'llab- quvvatlash mas'uliyatini baham ko'rish uchun samarali muloqotni oshirish uchun quyidagi harakatlardan qaysi birini qilasiz?
To‘rt nafar talabani “o‘quv guruhi”ga qo‘ying va ularga telefon raqamlarini ulashing

Talabalarning elektron pochta manzillarini to'plang va ularni boshqa talabalar bilan baham ko'ring

Chatda talabalar guruhini yarating, shunda talabalar sinfda bo'lmaganlarida ham boshqa talabalarga yordam berishlari mumkin

Har bir talabadan muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun o'z maslahatlari bilan o'rtoqlashadigan Google saytini yarating

What are some features available in Google Sites (New) to help customize the site?

Page Navigation Image uploads

Embedded YouTube videos

Saytni moslashtirishga yordam beradigan Google Sites (Yangi) da qanday funksiyalar mavjud?

Sahifa navigatsiyasi Rasm yuklash

O'rnatilgan YouTube videolari

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