Settings > Inbox (Default, Important First, Unread, Starred, and Priority Inbox)

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Settings > Inbox (Default, Important First, Unread, Starred, and Priority Inbox)

Gmail-da Sozlamalar > Kiruvchi xabarlar qutisi (Birlamchi, birinchi muhim, o‘qilmagan, yulduzchali va ustuvor kirish
qutilari) ostidagi beshta kirish qutisi turi mavjud.

1. You can search Gmail using the following criteria: (Select all that apply.)

Sender Subject


1. Siz Gmail-da quyidagi mezonlardan foydalanib qidirishingiz mumkin: (Qo'llaniladigan barcha narsani tanlang.)
Yuboruvchi MavzuTarkib



2. When creating a filter in Gmail, one action you can apply to incoming messages is to attach a label.

True False

2. Gmail-da filtr yaratishda siz kiruvchi xabarlarga qo'llashingiz mumkin bo'lgan amallardan biri yorliq qo'shishdir.

To'g'ri Yolg'on

3. A benefit to using labels in Gmail is: (Select all that apply.)

You can apply more than one to any message You can search messages by label

You can label messages and add them to specific folders You can color code labels to find messages more efficiently

3. Gmail-da teglardan foydalanishning afzalliklari quyidagilardan iborat: (Qo'llaniladigan barcha narsani tanlang.)

Har qanday xabarga bir nechta murojaat qilishingiz mumkin

Siz xabarlarni yorliq bo'yicha qidirishingiz mumkin

Siz xabarlarni belgilashingiz va ularni ma'lum papkalarga qo'shishingiz mumkin

Xabarlarni yanada samaraliroq topish uchun kod yorliqlarini ranglashingiz mumkin

4. Which title below is one of the default section titles given in a ‘priority inbox.’

From contacts
Starred Unread

4. Quyidagi qaysi sarlavha “birinchi navbatdagi kirish

qutisi”da berilgan standart bo‘lim sarlavhalaridan biridir. Asosiy
Kontaktlardan Yulduzli

1. What are the benefits to using Google Chat with your students? (Select all that apply.)

Students are able to find answers from other students before relying on the teacher for an answer

Students receive real-time feedback even when they are away from the classroom

You can monitor the conversations of many groups from your one device

You can share announcements and important information with your students even after they have left the classroom

1. Talabalaringiz bilan Google Chatdan foydalanishning qanday afzalliklari bor? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)

Talabalar javob uchun o'qituvchiga tayanishdan oldin boshqa talabalardan javob topishlari mumkin

Talabalar sinfdan uzoqda bo'lganlarida ham real vaqt rejimida fikr-mulohaza oladilar

Siz bitta qurilmangizdan ko'plab guruhlarning suhbatlarini kuzatishingiz mumkin

Siz o'quvchilaringiz sinfdan chiqqandan keyin ham e'lonlar va muhim ma'lumotlarni baham ko'rishingiz mumkin

2. The mobile Chat app gives you the opportunity to mute conversations so that you are not constantly receiving notifications.

True False

2. Mobil Chat ilovasi sizga doimiy ravishda bildirishnomalarni olmasligingiz uchun suhbatlarni o'chirish imkoniyatini beradi.

To'g'ri Yolg'on

3. Google Chat can be accessed in all of the following ways EXCEPT:


3. Google Chat-ga quyidagi usullardan tashqari kirish mumkin:


Google Groups Chrome extension A Mobile Device

Google guruhlari Chrome kengaytmasi Mobil qurilma

4. When you delete a conversation in your Google Chat list, the conversation is still visible for any other person involved in the conversation until they also delete the conversation from their Chat list.

True False

4. Google Chat roʻyxatidagi suhbatni oʻchirib tashlaganingizda, suhbat suhbatda ishtirok etayotgan boshqa har qanday shaxs suhbatni oʻzining Chat

roʻyxatidan oʻchirib tashlamaguncha, suhbat hali ham koʻrinadi.
To'g'ri Yolg'on

1. Why is creating a Google Group a more effective means of communication than creating a contacts group inside Gmail?

A Google Group has one custom email address, allowing you to bypass Gmail’s five hundred email send limit

Contact Groups are only for people in your school domain Members in your Google Group can stay anonymous Contact Groups are only for people in your Google+ circles

1. Nima uchun Google guruhini yaratish Gmail ichida kontaktlar guruhini yaratishdan ko'ra samaraliroq aloqa vositasidir?

Google guruhida bitta maxsus elektron pochta manzili mavjud boʻlib, bu sizga Gmail’ning besh yuzta elektron pochta joʻnatish chegarasini chetlab oʻtish imkonini beradi

Kontakt guruhlari faqat maktab domenidagi odamlar uchun

Google guruhingiz aʼzolari anonim qolishi mumkin

Kontakt guruhlari faqat Google+ davralaringizdagi odamlar uchun

2. What are the three levels of Basic Permission settings in a Group? (Select all that apply.)

“Anyone can ask” “Only invited users” “Private”


2. Guruhdagi asosiy ruxsat sozlamalarining uchta darajasi qanday? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)

"Har kim so'rashi mumkin"

"Faqat taklif qilingan foydalanuvchilar" "Shaxsiy"


3. When creating a Google Group, selecting the ‘Email list’ group type allows users to interact with the group in which of the following ways?

Web interface
Group’s mobile app SMS messaging

3. Google guruhini yaratishda “Elektron pochta roʻyxati” guruh turini tanlash foydalanuvchilarga quyidagi usullardan qaysi biri bilan guruh bilan muloqot qilish imkonini beradi?

Elektron pochta Veb-interfeys

Guruhning mobil ilovasi

SMS xabarlar

4. One way to share your group and increase participation is by inviting members directly through email.

True False

4. Guruhingizni baham ko'rish va ishtirokni oshirishning bir usuli a'zolarni elektron pochta orqali to'g'ridan-to'g'ri taklif qilishdir.



There are three parts of your Google Site that resemble each other but are actually independent of each other:

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Settings > Inbox (Default, Important First, Unread, Starred, and Priority Inbox)

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