IF funktsiyasi yordamida javobning to'g'ri yoki yo'qligini aniqlash

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IF funktsiyasi yordamida javobning to'g'ri yoki yo'qligini aniqlash.

1. Which Google tool creates a digital survey to collect user input?

Google search Google News Gmail

Google Forms

1. Qaysi Google vositasi foydalanuvchilarning yozuvlarini to'plash uchun raqamli so'rovnomani yaratadi?

Google qidiruv Google News Gmail

Google shakllari

2. Which function ignores duplicates in a list and returns a

2. Qaysi funksiya ro‘yxatdagi dublikatlarga e’tibor

single copy of each element? Sorting

Unique Average

bermaydi va har bir elementning bitta nusxasini qaytaradi? Saralash

Noyob O'rtacha
Transpoze qilish

3. Which of the following types of data can you store in a Google Sheet? (Select all that apply.)

Videos Numbers Text


3. Quyidagi ma'lumotlarning qaysi turlarini Google Sheetda saqlashingiz mumkin? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)
Videolar Raqamlar Matn


4. Users can use Google Sheets only on Chromebook.
True False

4. Foydalanuvchilar Google Sheets’dan faqat Chromebook’da foydalanishlari mumkin.

To'g'ri Yolg'on

1. Charts created in Google Sheets can be added to a Google Site

True False

1. Google Sheets-da yaratilgan diagrammalar Google saytiga qo'shilishi mumkin

To'g'ri Yolg'on

2. Which chart can be used to represent trends over time Bar chart

Pie chart Scatterplot
Line chart

2. Vaqt o'tishi bilan tendentsiyalarni ifodalash uchun qaysi jadvaldan foydalanish mumkin

Shtrixli diagramma Pirog diagrammasi Tarqalish chizmasi

Chiziqli diagramma

3. Which type of graphs represent values as percentages of a whole?

Bar chart Pie chart Scatterplot

Line chart

3. Qaysi turdagi grafiklar qiymatlarni butunning foiz nisbatida ifodalaydi?

Shtrixli diagramma Pirog diagrammasi Tarqalish chizmasi

Chiziqli diagramma

4. Google Sheets can be used to share student performance data with others.

True False

4. Google Sheets’dan o‘quvchilar faoliyati ma’lumotlarini boshqalar bilan bo‘lishish uchun foydalanish mumkin.


Throughout the school year Mrs. Michaud has her

Butun o'quv yili davomida Michaud xonim o'z shogirdlariga

students create many science projects and would like to track the progress of her students. She creates a Google Sheet that contains her students’ names with each assignment, date, score, and standard addressed. The columns are:

A: Name

B: Assignment C: Date

D: Score
E: Standard Addressed
What tool can Mrs. Michaud use to add data to her Google Sheet more easily?
Google Slides Google Draw Google Docs
Google Forms

ko'plab ilmiy loyihalarni yaratishga majbur qiladi va o'quvchilarining taraqqiyotini kuzatishni xohlaydi. U har bir topshiriq, sana, ball va standart manzili bilan o‘z

talabalarining ismlarini o‘z ichiga olgan Google Sheet yaratadi. Ustunlar quyidagilar:
A: Ism

B: topshiriq C: Sana

D: ball
E: Standart manzilli
Michaud xonim o'zining Google Sheet-ga ma'lumotlarni osonroq qo'shish uchun qanday vositadan foydalanishi mumkin?
Google Slaydlar Google Draw Google Docs

Google shakllari

Which formula would be used to calculate the average scores in column D?



D ustunidagi o'rtacha ballarni hisoblash uchun qaysi formuladan foydalaniladi?




Mrs. Michaud wants to share the results with another teacher, but not allow the teacher to alter the data. Which of these choices allow this? (Select all that apply.)

Protected Slide Protected Sheet Protected Range

Protected Menu

Michaud xonim natijalarni boshqa o'qituvchi bilan bo'lishishni xohlaydi, lekin o'qituvchiga ma'lumotlarni o'zgartirishga ruxsat bermaydi. Ushbu tanlovlarning qaysi biri bunga imkon beradi? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)

Himoyalangan slayd Himoyalangan varaq Himoyalangan diapazon

Himoyalangan menyu

Google Forms are most helpful in which types of tasks? Drafting responses to email

Classroom quick checks
Measure student progress over time Communicating to large groups of educators

Google Forms qaysi turdagi vazifalarda eng foydali? Elektron pochtaga javoblarni tayyorlash

Sinfni tezkor tekshirish
Vaqt o'tishi bilan talabalarning rivojlanishini o'lchash O'qituvchilarning katta guruhlari bilan muloqot qilish

Which function would provide Mrs. Michaud a compressed list of the standards she has assessed?


Qaysi funktsiya Michaud xonimga o'zi baholagan standartlarning siqilgan ro'yxatini beradi?

\=o'rtacha (E:E)



\=hisob (E:E)

\=noyob (E:E)

Comparing the line graph and pie chart feature set, which of the following is accurate for both? (Select all that apply.)

Both can pull data from multiple sources.

Both are designed to display information over a period of time.

Both can be customized. Both can be shared publicly.

Chiziqli grafik va doiraviy diagramma xususiyatlari

to‘plamini solishtirsak, quyidagilardan qaysi biri ikkalasi uchun ham to‘g‘ri? (Barcha tegishlilarini tanlang.)
Ikkalasi ham bir nechta manbalardan ma'lumotlarni olishi mumkin.

Ikkalasi ham ma'lum vaqt davomida ma'lumotlarni ko'rsatish uchun mo'ljallangan.

Ikkalasini ham moslashtirish mumkin.

Ikkalasi ham hammaga ochiq bo'lishi mumkin.

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IF funktsiyasi yordamida javobning to'g'ri yoki yo'qligini aniqlash

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