“Fizika va texnologik ta’lim” jurnali | Журнал “Физико-технологического“Fizika va texnologik ta’lim” jurnali | Журнал “Физико-технологического
образование” | “Journal of Physics and Technology Education” 2021, № 4 (Online)
Journal of Physics and Technology Education | https//phys-tech.jspi.uz/
where P
is the power loss in resistance R
. The last expression describes a
parabola rotated 90
in the coordinate system. As in the previous case with the
simulation results, the graph has two branches, that is, the values of η
correspond to one Po value. The upper branch of the graph that interests us is
decreasing, that is, the efficiency decreases with increasing output power.
Similarly to previous calculations, you can substitute the threshold efficiency to
obtain the power value Pmax, at which the efficiency is 80%
However, often there is no need to perform mathematical calculations to
determine the range of effective operation of the solar cell in the field of high
power, because the solar cell in this situation is quite effective. In many cases, the
efficiency of the photocell is determined by the rated power. And it is not capable
of working for a long time at a power of more than the rated photocell, therefore
the indicated efficiency at the rated power will be minimal, especially in the field
of high power. Therefore, if the specified efficiency is greater than the threshold,
then the photocell is obviously effective. Based on the analysis for these two
boundary modes, an analytical graph of the dependence of the efficiency on the
output power is constructed, shown in Fig. 2.
The solid line in the graph shows the upper branch of the dependence of
the efficiency on the output power for the model shown in Fig. 2. The dashed lines
show simplified dependences for regions of low and high power. It can be noted
that just in these areas the dashed and solid lines converge, that is, simplified
models accurately reflect the original one.
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