Good morning to all teachers!
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Bog'liq English-in-our-school-life- (1)KKGood morning to all teachers!
(“Good morning” qo’shig’i)
Good morning, good morning,
The best to you this morning
How are you, how are you
I hope, you’re feeling fine,
And happy all the time!
Boshlovchi: Ie kichkintoy o’quvchilar ABCni kuylashyaptimi? Xaa, ularda hozir ingliz tili darsi ekan…
Those little pupils are singing ABC. Ooh, they have English lesson now.
(2-sinf ABC qo’shig’i)
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P
Q, R, S, T, U, V
W, X, Y and Z
Now I never will forget
How to say my alphabet!
Boshlovchi: Keling, boshlang’ich sinfdagi darslarni kuzatishda davom etamiz. 3-sinfdagi “Tabiatshunoslik” darsiga kiraqolaylik…
Let’s continue to observe the lessons at beginner classes. Now come in “Nature” lesson of the form 3.
3 sinfda “Tabiatshunoslik” darsi. Ikki o’quvchining suhbati.
1-o’quvchi: Soliha, do you know, spring is coming. I lik spring very much. Because the sun shines and it often rains in it. Ooh, Soliha, look it is raining now. Let’s take an umbrella!
2-o’quvchi: Menga ham bahor fasi juda yoqadi. Ayniqsa, men yomg’irni juda-juda yaxshi ko’raman. Voy, ana yomg’ir yog’yapti. Yur, soyabonlarimiz ostiga berkinib olamiz!
(3 sinf) “Rain, rain” qo’shig’i
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day,
Little Johnny wats to play…
Boshlovchi: Qoyil! Bu bolalarni ko’rib, xuddi yomg’ir ostida qolganday his qildim o’zimni…
Great! I feel myself as a person who stayed under the rain after I saw these children…
Ie kimdir soat minutlari haqida gaplashyaptimi? Xaa, 4 sinf o’quvchilari matematika darsida “Soat” mavzusini o’tishyapti.
So, we’ll observe mathematics lesson in form 4. The pupils of this grade are learning about Clock with English song.
4 sinf o’quvchilari soat haqida ingliz tilida suhbatlashishadi.
What’s the time?
It is ten o’clock.
What’s the time?
It is six o’clock
What’s the time?
It’ is twelve o’clock.
Shundan so’ng o’quvchilar “What’s the time” qo’shig’ini kuylashadi.
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