(Dr. Nánai László)
Tudományos közlemények
Scientific papers
Magyar kiadású szakmai folyóiratban idegen nyelven
Papers in journal issued in Hungary
1. Nánai L., Hevesi I., Ketskeméty I.:
Damages in V2O5 Single Crystals Due to Laser Light
Acta Phys. et Chem., 21(3-4), 109-118 (1975)
IF.: 0,136
2. Nánai L., Szil E., Hevesi I.:
O Prirode Razrusheniya Lazernim Lutshem Monokristalla Pyatiokisi Vanadiya.
(Laser Induced Damage of V2O5 Single Crystals.)
Acta Phys. et Chem., 24(3), 405-406 (1978)
IF.: 0,148
Elektronnaya Tech. 6, 35 (1982)
3. Papp K., Nánai L., Szil E., Hevesi I.:
Ob Opticheshkoi Procnosti Schelochno-haloidnih Kristallov.
(On Laser Induced Damage of Some Alkali-halide Crystals)
Acta Phys. et Chem., 24(3), 407-413 (1978)
IF.: 148
Crystal Res. Techn. 25(4), 451 (1990)
4. Datiev K.M., Nánai L., Szil E., Török M., Hevesi I.:
O Prirode Photoprovodimosti pSi-nV2O5 Heterostructur.
(On Nature of Photoconductivity of pSi-nV2O5 Heterostructure)
Acta Phys. et Chem., 24(3), 415-421 (1978)
IF.: 0,148
5. Nánai L., Yushin Yu. K., Szil E., Hevesi I.:
O Kinetike Photoprovodimosti V2O5 pod Vliyaniem Lazernovo Izlutseniya.
(Kinetical Investigations of Laser-induced Photoconduction of V2O5 Single Crystals.)
Acta Phys. et Chem., 25(3-4), 109-112 (1979)
IF.: 0,197
6. Bunkin F.V., Kirichenko N.A., Luk’yanchuk B.S., Simakhin A.V., Shafeev G.A., Nánai L., Hevesi I.:
On the Characteristics of the Oxidation of Vanadium Effected by a Continuous Beam of Laser Light
Acta Physica Hungarica, 54(1-2), 111-118 (1983)
IF.: 0,130
„Poristie Katalizatori” red. cit
PROIRODA 10, 106 (1983) „New results in science”
Appl. Phys. A. 35, 103 (1984)
P. Soc. Photo 473, 31-37 (1984)
Ursu., I.N. Mihailescu, A.M. Prokhorov, V.I. Konov
Interactiunea radiatiei laser cu metalele., ed. Academiei RSR, Bucharest (R) (1986)
IOFAN Preprint 268, Moscow (SU) (1986)
Szörényi T., Baufay L., Joliet M.C.
Appl. Phys. A. 39(4), 251-5 (1986)
-Alimov DT., Bobyrev VA, Bunkin FV, Lukyanchuk BS, Ubaideullaev SA
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya Fizicehskaya 51:(6) pp. 1144-1153 (1987)
Arnold N.D.Sovet sotsialistik respublikalari ittifoqi, SSSR, Sovet Ittifoqi - sobiq Rossiya imperiyasi hududining katta qismida 1922-91 yillarda mavjud boʻlgan musta bid davlat. SSSR ni tashkil etish toʻgʻrisida deb atalgan Shartnoma (1922)ga muvofiq, uning tarkibiga xalqlarning xohishirodasiga zid ravishda Rossiya (RSFSR), Ukraina (USSR), Belorussiya (BSSR), Zakavkazye respublikalari [ZSFSR; 1936 yildan ittifokdosh respublikalar - Ozarbayjon (Ozarbayjon SSR), Armaniston (Armaniston SSR), Gurjiston (Gurjiston CCP)J, keyinchalik - 1925 y. Oʻzbekiston (Oʻzbekiston SSR), Turkmaniston (Turkmaniston SSR), 1929 y. Tojikiston (Tojikiston SSR), 1936 y. Qozogʻiston (Qozogʻiston SSR), Qirgʻiziston (Qirgʻiziston SSR), 1940 y. Moldaviya (Moldaviya SSR), Latviya (Latviya SSR), Litva (Litva SSR) va Estoniya (Estoniya SSR) kiritilgan.
IOFAN Preprint 16, Moscow (SU) (1990)
Siska A., Kónya Z., Hernádi K.
J. Mater. Res. 15(10), 2087-2090 (2000)
B.Q. Wei, R. Vajtai, Z.J. Zhang, J.W. Ward, T.F. George, G. Ramanath, P.M. Ajayan
Modern Topics in Chemical Physics, 125-147 (2002) ed. T.F. George, Xin Sun, G. Zhang
7. Nánai L., Hevesi I., Luk’yanchuk B.S., Rogachev A.S., Simakhin A.V., Sukhonkina N.M., Shafeev G.A.:
Characterisation of Laser Heated Titanium in a Nitrogen Atmosphere.
Acta Phys. Hungarica, 65(4), 405-409 (1989)
IF.: 0,130
Laser Processing and Chemistry, Springer Verlag (2000), ISBN 3-540-66891-8
8. Sós K., Nánai L.:
Laser based fabrication of oxide, nitride nanostructures and their characterisation
GAMF közleményei pp.77-84 (2008)
Idegen kiadású szakmai folyóiratban idegen nyelven
Papers in journals issued abroad
1. Gaisin V. A., Nánai L., Nedzvetsky D.S.:
Spektri Poglosheniya i Luminescencii Krasnoi Monookisi Svinca
(Absorption Spectra of Red Lead Oxide)
FTT, 14, 2752-4 (1972)
FTT 21, 2490 (1979)
Sol. Stat. Comm. 38, 393 (1983)
‒ ed. Madelung o, M.V. Rössler, M. Schmitcz
The Landolt Börnstein database DOI: 10.1007.10681727-868 vol 41 “Semiconductors” II. Condensed Matter
‒Alimov D.T.
FTT, 14, 2378 (1973)
Sov Phys Solid State et al
2. Bunkin F.V., Ketskeméty I., Kovács J., Nánai L., Szil E.:
Issledovanie Svetcheniya Plazmi na Poverhnosti Monokristallov V2O5 Lazernim Izlucheniem.
(Investigations Plasma Brightness Created on the Surface of V2O5 Single Crystals by Laser Beam.)
Kratkie Soobsheniya po Fizike, 5, 14-18 (1981)
High Temp. 27, 220 (1989)
3. Bunkin F.V., Kecskemety I., Kovacs I., Nánai L., Szill E., Hevesi I.
Emission by plasma produced by a laser beam on the surface of v//2o//5 single crystals
Soviet Physics - Lebedev Institute Reports (English Translation of Sbornik Kratkie Soobshcheniya p (5) pp. 11-15. (1981)
4. Boyko V.I., Kirichenko N.A., Konov V.I., Luk’yanchuk B.S., Nánai L., Simakhin A.V., Hevesi I., Shafeev G.A.:
Plazmenno-chmicheshkiye Yavleniya pri Okisleniya Vanadiya v Vozduhe Neprerivnim Izlutcheniem CO2 Lazera.
(Plasma-chemical Events Appeared at CW-CO2 Laser Induced Oxidation of Vanadium.)
Kratkie Soobsheniya po Fizike, 9, 49-55 (1982)
Trends in Quantum Electronics p.343, Bucharest (R) (1983) Trends in Quantum Electronics p.313, Bucharest (R) (1985)
Interactiunea radiatieti laser cu metalele. ed. Academiei RSR, Bucharest (R) (1986)
Fukushima N., Yoshiko H., Sakasaki M., Komatsu S.
US Patent 4757492, Dec. 12 1988
5. Boiko V.I., Kirichenko N.A., Konov V.I., Lukyanchuk B.S., Nánai L., Simakin A.V., Tokarev V.N., Shafeev G.A.
Plasma-chemical phenomea int the oxidation of vanadium in air by continous radiation of CO//2 laser
Soviet Physics-Lebedev Institute Reports (9) pp.39-44. (1982)
6. Bobyrev V.A., Bunkin F.V., Deli E., Kirichenko N.A., Luk’yanchuk B.S., Nánai L., Simakhin A.V., Hevesi I., Shafeev G.A.:
Lazerniz Sinthez Kristallov V2O5 Razvitoi Poverhnosti
(Laser Synthesis of V2O5 Crystals with the Developed Surfaces)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9(10), 1943-1944 (1982)
IF.: 0,706
„Poristie Katalizatori” red. cit
PROIRODA 10, 106 (1983) „New results in science”
Uglov A.A., Kulbatski E.B.
Pisma Zh Tekh Fiz 10(11), 658-662 (1984)
Interactiunea radiatiei laser cu metalele., ed. Academiei RSR, Bucharest (R) (1986) Lasers and applications Sunny Beach (BG), Sept 29-Oct 4, p.440 (1986)
IOFAN Preprint 286, Moscow (SU) (1986)
IOFAN Preprint N218 (1988)
Libenson M.N., Minaev S.M.
The laser stimulation of heterogeneous reactions SPIE Vol. 1352, pp.149 (1989)
Appl. Phys. A. 50, 131 (1990)
J. Phys. D. 24, 827 (1991)
Mirzoev F.K., Panchenko V.Y., Sheleyin
UFN 166(1), 3-32 (1996)
Siska A., Kónya Z., Hernádi K.
J. Mater. Res. 15(10), 2087-2090 (2000)
7. Bobyrev V.A., Bunkin F.V., Deli E., Kirichenko N.a., Lukanchuk B.S., Nánai L., Simakin A.V., Hevesi L., Shafeev G.A.
Laser synthesis of V//20//5 crystals with highly developed surfaces
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics 12 (10) pp. 1267-1268
Voronov V.V., Dolgaev S.I., Lavrishchev S.V., Simakin A.V., Shafeev G.A.
Quantum Electronics 30 (8) pp. 710-714 (2000)
Mirzoev F.Kh, Panchenko V.Ya., Shelepin L.A.
Physics Uspekhi 39(1)pp. 1-29 ( 1996)
8. Kiss J.G., Nánai L., Hevesi I., Farkas Z.:
Scanning Electron-Microscopy Examinations of Laser Stimulated Oxidation of Vanadium Plates.
Mikroskopie, 40(5-6), 150 (1983)
IF.: 0,430
Siska A., Kónya Z., Hernádi K.
J. Mater. Res. 15(10), 2087-2090 (2000)
9. Nánai L., Hevesi I., Michaliovits L., Apostol J., Dinescu M., Mihailescu I.N., Sidorin A.V.:
Damage of V2O5 Single Crystals by Powerful Pulsed CO2 Laser Irradiation
Phys. Stat. Solidi (a), 77(2), 679-684 (1983)
IF.: 0,796
Bunkin N.F., Kirichenko N.A., Luk’yanchuk B.S.
Izv. AN SSSR 48(8), 1485 (1984)
Uglov A.A., Kulbatski E.B.
Pisma V. Zh. Techn. Fiz. 10(11), 658 (1984)
Cryst. Res. Techn. 25, 451-456 (1990)
Shadrin E.I., Chudovszky F.A., Tsibadze K.S., Khakhaer I.A.
Techn. Phys. 42(4), 403-405 (1997)
10. Hevesi I., Kiss L.B., Török M., Nánai L.:
Electron Concentration in V2O5 Single Crystals as Determined by 1/f Noise Measurements
Phys. Stat. Solidi (a), 81, K-67-70 (1984)
IF.: 0,796
J. Physique 48, 431 (1987)
Phys. Rev. B. 45, 1627 (1992)
Sahana M.B., Shivashankar S.A.
J. of Mat. Res. 19(10), 2859-2870 (2004)
11. Kiss L.B., Török M., Nánai L., Hevesi I.:
The 1/f Noise of Point Contact between Substances of Anisotropic Conductivity
Phys. Stat. Solidi (a), 84(2), 639-643 (1984)
IF.: 0,796
Sensors and Transducers 149 (2) pp. 174-178 (2013)
12. Ursu I., Nanu L., Dinescu M., Hening A., Mihailescu I.N., Nistor L.C., Szil E., Kovács J., Hevesi I., Nánai L.:
Vanadium Oxidation as a Result of CW-CO2 Laser Irradiation in Atmsopheric Air
Appl. Phys. A., 35(2), 103-108 (1984)
IF.: 1,717
A.M. Prokhorov, V.I. Konov
„New Results in Laser Nitridation of Metals (Zr and Ti)” in „Laser-Assisted Modification and Synthesis of Materials” ed. S. Metev, p.191, Sofia (1985)
Tutunaru M., Tatar L., Hihailescu IN.
Optica Acta 33: (3) pp.339-345 (1986)
„Chemical Processes with Lasers”, Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York (1986)
Appl. Phys. A. 39, 251- 255(1986)
Birjega MI, Nanu L., Mihailescu IN., Dinescu M., Popescupogrion N., Sarbu C.
Optica Acta 33: (8) pp.1073-1082 (1986)
Laser processing of thin films and microstructure: oxidation, deposition and etching of insulator. Springer series in Mat. Science IV., p.296 (1988)