Red Hat Linux System Administration for Microsoft Administrators
bet | 8/14 | Sana | 21.03.2017 | Hajmi | 80,76 Kb. | | #563 |
Standard I/O and Pipes
Redirecting Input and Output
Overwriting and Appending
Redirecting Standard Error
Redirecting Both Standard Output and Error
Sending Unwanted Output to /dev/null
Using Pipes to Connect Processes
Create a text based contact name and phone number list
Creating Text Files From Command Outputs
Adding System Information to Text Files
Discard File System Errors From The List Command
Introduction to String Processing Tools
Counting Words, Lines and Characters Using wc
Sorting Rows of Records by Any Field Using sort
Printing Specific Strings Within Files Using grep
Printing Selected Columns and Fields Using cut
Rearranging Columns and Fields Using cut
Other String Processing Tools Using join, tee
Determining Differences Between Files Using diff,cmp
Spell-checking Files Using spell
Formatting Text Using pr
Count how many user accounts there are other than root
Count the number of errors generated from a command
Save the error information separately from the saved output information
Add your name, blank lines and the current date in mm/dd/yy
Re-arrange the output from a list command so only file name, size and
permissions are displayed.
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