• In your opinion, what are the negative aspects of crowded cities Disadvantages of living in a city
  • Advantages of living in a city

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    Multi-level speaking

    Advantages of living in a city

    • Access to culture

    • High level of convenience

    • Reliable public transport

    • Variety of shopping outlets

    • Entertainment facilities

    • Better job opportunities

    • Higher quality education

    • Better standard of living

    In your opinion, what are the negative aspects of crowded cities?
    Disadvantages of living in a city

    • Traffic congestion

    • Pollution

    • Air pollution / noise pollution / traffic pollution / water pollution 

    • Overcrowding

    • Dense population

    • Growth of slums 

    • High rate of unemployment

    • High cost of living

    • Wealth inequality

    • Growing gap/disparity between the rich and poor

    • High levels of stress 

    • You get stuck in the rat race  (=working 9 to 5 every day and stuck in a boring routine)

    Why do some companies ask their staff to wear uniforms?
    Answer: Companies generally ask their staffs to wear uniforms mainly because they want to ensure “uniformity” across all levels of their “staffs”. This is done either to help employees identify with their companies or to boost morale at all levels of their staffs.
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of having uniforms at work?
    Answer: The main advantage is that it helps reduce the “psychological and ego” gap between the high-level employees and those of the lower levels because they all wear the same kind of “dress”. Secondly, it helps promote the company “brand”, especially, when wearing the uniforms outside of the work. Thirdly, the uniform helps identify and separate the employees from the customers, when working in an environment that involves serving customers by remaining physically present with them.
    The disadvantage, of course, of wearing uniforms at work is that it limits “self-expression” of the employees as they can’t seem to “wear” what they like. Besides, some uniforms may also be considered as “objectionable” to some employees on religious and cultural grounds.

    Do you think people are treated differently when they are in uniform?

    When a group of people are in a unified dress code, that means there is barely any distinctions in their clothes. Therefore, I am of the opinion that there is a low chance that people would be mistreated when they all wear the same garments. That explains why nowadays, a myriad of companies are encouraging or ordering their staff to wear uniform in order to enhance their productivity.
    Agar bir guruh odamlar yagona kiyim kodida bo'lsa, bu ularning kiyimlarida deyarli farq yo'qligini anglatadi. Shuning uchun, men odamlarning barchasi bir xil kiyim kiyganda, ularga nisbatan yomon munosabatda bo'lish ehtimoli kam, degan fikrdaman. Bu nima uchun bugungi kunda ko'plab kompaniyalar o'z mahsuldorligini oshirish uchun o'z xodimlarini forma kiyishni rag'batlantirmoqda yoki buyurmoqda.

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