Scientific Bulletin of Namsu-научный вестник Намгу-namdu ilmiy axborotnomasi–2022-yil 10-sоn

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1. Aizencon A.E. Ob integrativnyh vozmozhnostiah kursa fiziki v vysshem tehnicheskom 
uchebnom zavedenii [On the integrative opportunities of the course of physics in high technical 
educational institutions]. Prepodavatel' XXI vek [Teacher XXI century], 2015, no. 2 (1), pp. 152

2. Apolov O.G. Kurs lekcii “Teoriia sistem i sistemnyi analiz” [Lecture course “Theory of systems 
and systems analysis”]. Ufa, 2012. 274 p. 
3. Babanskii Iu.K. Optimizaciia processa obucheniia [Optimization of the learning process]. 
Moscow, 1997. 256 p.
4. Bakulina M.S. Sistemnyi i kompleksnyi podhody: shodstvo i razlichie [System and complex 
approaches: similarities and distinctions]. Vestnik Krasnoiarskogo gosudarstvennogo 
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5. Betuganova M.B. Formirovanie professional'noi kompetentnosti budushhih inzhenerov v srede 
informacionnyh tehnologii [Formation of professional competence of future engineers in the 
environment of information technology. Dr. dis.]. Karachaevsk, 2006. 156 p.
6. Birkun N.I. Realizaciia mezhpredmetnyh sviazei pri izuchenii obshheprofessional'nyh disciplin 
v voennom vuze [Realization of intersubject relationship at studying of disciplines in the military 
college]. Orel, 2007. 23 p.
7. Vdovichenko O.V. Formirovanie intellektual'noi kompetentnosti budushhih voennyh 
aviacionnyh inzhenerov v processe professional'no napravlennogo izucheniia fiziki [Formation of 
intellectual competence of future aviation engineers during the process of professionally directed 
study physics. Dr. dis.]. Moscow, 2014. 251 p.

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Scientific Bulletin of Namsu-научный вестник Намгу-namdu ilmiy axborotnomasi–2022-yil 10-sоn

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