• What is the internet
  • Advantages of living without internet
  • Disadvantages of living without internet
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    Living without internet


    What is the internet ?
    Can we live without internet ?
    Advantages and disadvantages

    What is the internet ?

    The internet plays an important role in everyone’s life. All the people in the world use the internet every day. You can use the internet to chat with friends, watch videos and movies, find everything you need. even some people can’t imagine life without the internet

    What is the internet

    • We chat with our friends from different apps every day over the internet. For example: Telegram, Instagram, Discord, Facebook, WhatsApp. The internet is essential to each of these. So some people can’t live without internet.

    Can we live without internet ?

    It may seem like an impossible feat but here's the truth: living without Wi-Fi at home is doable and not a prison sentence of any kind. In fact- it can actually improve your life! Without Wi-Fi, you will have a lot of time to do other things. You can read a book, hang out with friends, do different hobbies.

    Advantages of living without internet

    • More family time: this may be a nice way to spend time with family
    • Better sleep: According to WebMD, “teenagers who use their phones more than 15 times a day have more trouble falling asleep and staying asleep than those who use their phones sparingly”.
    • Living without internet give us a sharper mind

    Disadvantages of living without internet

    • Less information: Today, Google saves our lives many times a day. But imagine a world where Google didn’t exist to immediately answer all our questions.
    • No GPS: Without GPS, it becomes difficult to get to the places we want to go but don’t know how to go. Because GPS helps us a lot in such work

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