Ruci Meiyanti
be concluded that smart tourism is a tourism
digitization concept that makes it easier for
visitors to get
information and internet
connectivity related to tourism activities.
However, in terms of information
technology, there are still obstacles that often
occur in tourist destination locations, one of
them is the use of wireless networks which
are very simple and have not been integrated
with tourist destinations. This is the basis for
conducting a structured and precise study on
wireless network technology that can be used
as smart wifi to support smart tourism. With
user devices as the Internet of Things (IoT)
in the future that will never stop efforts to
optimize the network [6]. IoT is important in
the use of smart tourism [7]. The use of
Wireless Local Area Network
(WLAN) in
wireless technology
is needed in this study
because basically WLAN is designed for
wireless networks [8]
One of the methods used for network
development is the Network Development
Life Cycle (NDLC). NDLC is an analytical
technique used to plan and manage network
development. NDLC has elements that
define phases, stages, and steps or specific
process mechanisms [9]. The NDLC method
not only can
be used in developing the
existing network infrastructure to be better
and in accordance with user needs but also
monitor network infrastructure to find out
network activity. It can be used as a business
infrastructure design [10].
A network administrator must have
competence in performing NDLC analysis
methods to produce an optimal network. The
use of NDLC by network administrators
serves as an infrastructure setting to mitigate
risks. Therefore,
the NDLC method can be
used as a basis for developing the network
contained in the smart tourism application.
Smart tourist destinations must be able to
use smart technology. The development of
an integrated wireless network architecture
in several tourist destinations will create
smart innovations that can be used for the
next generation in smart tourism [11]. The
competitiveness of smart tourism among
travel agents in tourism services is the
development of
new innovation advantages
and strengthening existing competitiveness
by using Information Technology (IT) [12].
Thus, the main key to smart tourism is the
use of ICT technology. The existence of an
integrated wireless network in tourist
destinations will support the sustainability of
tourist destination technology in terms of
data integration.
In a previous study [13] stated that by
using a captive portal visitors do not require
software installation on a mobile device.
Visitors only scan the barcode on the mobile
device and it will
automatically lead to the
captive portal without having a login first.
The purpose of using barcodes is to provide
benefits for customers [14]. The novelty of
this study to be lies in the development of a
wireless network using a captive portal and
barcode scan to provide a better experience
for tourist visitors who use it. Smart wifi was
built to support digitization in accessing data
at different tourist attractions by utilizing the
captive portal.
To authenticate and validate visitor
accounts, a radius server is used on the proxy
router that is connected to the User Manager.
Radius is widely used as security on hotspot
networks [15]. The function of User
Manager is integrating
data from different
routers at each tourist location publicly. This
shows that the concept of smart tourism can
adapt to technology [16].